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Which was first?

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    Which was first?

    Hey guys, which do you think the Ancients built first?
    The Stargate

    I would proberbly say Atlantis, but maybe not an advanced Atlantis maybe a small one and they added to it as they went on and eventually built the gate.
    What are your views?
    daedalus 15

    I think they built the Stargates first
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      the egg




          I think it's pretty obvious they built the Stargates first.

          1) It's of the same 'first-generation' tactile interface style technology as much of the Milky Way Ancient technolgy, like the Dakara device, the WoO device, the button at Heliopolis, etc. Lantian technology seems to have embraced a more intuitive mental interface technology a la the chair, the PJs, etc.

          2) The Ori galaxy clearly uses Stargates as well, suggesting that the gates were designed before the split, long before they came to the Milky Way.
          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
            2) The Ori galaxy clearly uses Stargates as well, suggesting that the gates were designed before the split, long before they came to the Milky Way.
            The idea of the stargate wasn't developed until just before the Alterans left the Ori galaxy so, before the Ori ascended, they wouldn't have known of them.

            Spoiler for Ark of Truth.


              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
              2) The Ori galaxy clearly uses Stargates as well, suggesting that the gates were designed before the split, long before they came to the Milky Way.
              I am not in anyway disagreeing, but has a stargate ever been seen in the Ori Galaxy??? I'm just wondering if they look the same as the MW gates???

              <<<I have watched you play with those who would play GOD<<<

              A Random but Cool Quote:
              If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.
              - Bertrand Russell


                Disclaimer: didn't read Jeffala's AoT spoiler.

                Originally posted by WereWraith06 View Post
                I am not in anyway disagreeing, but has a stargate ever been seen in the Ori Galaxy??? I'm just wondering if they look the same as the MW gates???
                They've never actually shown one, no. But we've seen numerous Priors appear in the MW galaxy via Stargate and the supergate wasn't constructed till 'Camelot' so it stands to reason that they do have Stargate technology in the Ori galaxy.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                  the egg

                  The Stargate
                  Knowledge is power, but how do you use that power defines whether you are good or evil


                    Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
                    The idea of the stargate wasn't developed until just before the Alterans left the Ori galaxy so, before the Ori ascended, they wouldn't have known of them.

                    Spoiler for Ark of Truth.
                    Spoiler for Ark of Truth
                    The writers are twats. It's impossible for the Ori to even know and send people through the stargates, to the Milky Way, since they were created after the Alterans left the galaxy, and the Ori knew jack about the Milky Way and where their brethen ended.
                    Besides, all stargates need to be standard as long as you send matter through.
                    The Al'kesh is not a warship - Info on Naqahdah & Naqahdria - Firepower of Goa'uld staff weapons - Everything about Hiveships and the Wraith - An idea about what powers Destiny...


                      Originally posted by dedalus15 View Post
                      Hey guys, which do you think the Ancients built first?
                      The Stargate

                      I would proberbly say Atlantis, but maybe not an advanced Atlantis maybe a small one and they added to it as they went on and eventually built the gate.
                      What are your views?
                      Oo interesting question..
                      I'd probably say Atlantis..

                      =] x


                        Originally posted by Mister Oragahn View Post
                        Spoiler for Ark of Truth
                        The writers are twats. It's impossible for the Ori to even know and send people through the stargates, to the Milky Way, since they were created after the Alterans left the galaxy, and the Ori knew jack about the Milky Way and where their brethen ended.
                        Besides, all stargates need to be standard as long as you send matter through.
                        Being ascended beings, after learning of the existence of stargates from Daniel and that "they're built from naqahdah and form wormholes between two points in space" it's probably not hard for them to extrapolate the technology and replicate it with just a wave of a flame or tell the Priors how to build them.


                          I'm a little surprised that anyone is saying Atlantis really...

                          Take colours, we know the Ancients were in the MW first, and all the Ancient technology we've come across here has that orange glow theme to it. Atlantis (and Pegasus) have the blue glow theme to it, suggestion a later stylistic change in their technology.

                          Not to mention architectural styles. Everything we've seen in the MW seems monolithic and monumental in design. Things are made of stone, or they move manually; point being--they look old, and like they were built to last. Atlantis by contrast, and subsequent Pegasus Ancient technology all looks like they've incorporated plastics rather than stone, the equipment looks more fragile than the MW tech somehow, it's got that crystalline pointy jagged appearance to it (a la the Atlantis towers, Atlantis 4.14 spoiler: the things in the ground in 'Harmony', etc).

                          I realize these were stylistic choices to differentiate SGA from SG-1, but since we're to take what we see on-screen as canonical fact of the SG-verse, I think my reasoning is quite solid. If Atlantis was built first, why does all the Ancient stuff in MW look different in design? And why, if Atlantis went to Pegasus abandoning MW after countless millions of years, does Pegasus technology look the same in design as Atlantis'? It just doesn't add up. The gates have to have come before Atlantis.
                          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                            I'm a little surprised that anyone is saying Atlantis really...

                            Take colours, we know the Ancients were in the MW first, and all the Ancient technology we've come across here has that orange glow theme to it. Atlantis (and Pegasus) have the blue glow theme to it, suggestion a later stylistic change in their technology.

                            Not to mention architectural styles. Everything we've seen in the MW seems monolithic and monumental in design. Things are made of stone, or they move manually; point being--they look old, and like they were built to last. Atlantis by contrast, and subsequent Pegasus Ancient technology all looks like they've incorporated plastics rather than stone, the equipment looks more fragile than the MW tech somehow, it's got that crystalline pointy jagged appearance to it (a la the Atlantis towers, Atlantis 4.14 spoiler: the things in the ground in 'Harmony', etc).

                            I realize these were stylistic choices to differentiate SGA from SG-1, but since we're to take what we see on-screen as canonical fact of the SG-verse, I think my reasoning is quite solid. If Atlantis was built first, why does all the Ancient stuff in MW look different in design? And why, if Atlantis went to Pegasus abandoning MW after countless millions of years, does Pegasus technology look the same in design as Atlantis'? It just doesn't add up. The gates have to have come before Atlantis.
                            Well said.

                            Obviously we're looking at three generations of technology based on stylistic choices. First, you've got the monolithic and stone (or some similar material) based architecture and technology. During this period the first generation of Stargates, the Dakara device, and the Heliopolis device were created. Since the Window of Opportunity 'temporal bubble' device looks to have been designed in this period, we can assume that the plague hit during this time.

                            Subsequently, Ancient technology underwent an overhaul and started looking a lot more jagged and far more "modern", in terms of colours, architecture, and all the pretties on Atlantis and sites of Ancient technology seen around Pegasus. While still based on push-button technology, Atlantis represents a move towards more advanced, "digital" designs over the older "analogue" systems of the earlier Milky Way constructs.

                            Finally, Ancient technology began to take on a far more organic and streamlined approach, like something out of an H. R. Giger work. A transition of sorts can be seen with the Atlantis-style 'jagged' architecture used in the drone testing ground from 'Harmony', with the drones possibly representing the Ancient's first foray into organic-styled designs. This period would see the design of the Control Chair mind-machine interface, not to mention the Ancient repositories. Since the Ancients evacuate Pegasus to the Antarctic outpost 10,000 years ago, it's safe to say that they simply retrofitted the outpost - constructed far earlier prior to Atlantis' departure - with the control chair and drones developed in Pegasus.

                            Clearly, the Stargate came first. Not very polite of it, but i'm sure Atlantis doesn't mind.
                            Jayne - Ain't logical. Cuttin' on his own face, rapin' and murdering - Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid. But these Reavers... last ten years they show up like the bogeyman from stories. Eating people alive? Where's that get fun?
                            Kaylee - Shepherd Book said they was men who just reached the edge of space, saw a vasty nothingness, and went bibbledy over it.
                            Jayne - Oh, hell, i've been to the edge. Just looked like... more space.
                            - Serenity


                              In Ark of Truth we see that
                              the concept of the stargate was around before the Ancients left their home galaxy. Daniel said that it took the Ancients thousands of years of travelling before they came across Earth. Surely the guy that came up with the idea of the stargate would have done some experiments or at least given it some thought during that time. Im sure he would have found it a damn sight more interesting than sitting on his backside in a ship for a few thousand years anyway.
                              I reckon the stargate would definitly have been around before Atlantis was.

