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Which do you prefer...BAMSR and Camelot

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    Which do you prefer...BAMSR and Camelot

    The space battle in BAMSR or the space battle in Camelot?

    Here is the one from BAMSR for comparison....

    And Camelot, just for reference,

    Tough choice ! BAMSR by an edge for me .
    The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


      I must say that i think that the Camalot battle.
      BAMSR is on the offencive and is really cool.
      But in Camalot when the ori ships come through the Super Gate the first thourgh through my head was "oh that's big" and as you see them cuting through this giant fleet you really biging to trully question if we're going to get through this. All other dooms day situations you're thinking, i wonder how ther'll get out, this was completly different.
      Nothing is permanent in this wicked world. Not even our troubles.

      Originally posted by ebethman
      Look to the last page to find one of those strange little posts that no one sees at the end of a page. They are a strange creature. Denied attention from other posts they banned together. By day they are simple, unassuming posts. By night, they solve crime. One of them is called frank. He likes marbles. He has twelve of them. Each has it's own unique binary code which is related to several characteristics. Size. Colour. Public speaking ability....
      Originally posted by Bray
      *Bray wins*

      Sorry RM....Game OVER!

      And're weird


        I think Camelot's worked best dramatically, because it had a real sense of hoeplessness about it that I haven't seen since best of both worlds in TNG. It was really a surprise to see a joint fleet of the galaxies major players just wiped out like that.

        BAMSR's was more fun, though, and just awesome in terms of explodey goodness.


          BASMR it was optomistic while camelot was more sobering showing that we are no longer the top dog.
          Their white flags are no match to our guns!!


            For me Camelot by a long shot. IMO BAMSR had no drama to it, it was just like 'oh btw our shields can't take much more'. Camelot you had people flying all over the bridge, sparks, fires, ships blowing up all around you, it was brilliant. There's also the fact that BAMSR went too well for us, it was all according to plan, no surprises, no twists, it was very straight forward. With Camelot you have the alliance going in there thinking 'Yeah come on guys lets kick some Ori butt' then had their butts handed to them. I think we all pretty much knew the Ori were going to come out as victors but I don't think anyone anticipated how easily they'd do it, I don't think anyone was expecting the slaughter it was. I also think the slow motions and music in Camelot made it superior. I'd only change 2 things about that battle, one, the scalings would be correct, the battle gets bashed alot because of them and two, more alliance ships for the Ori to tear through .


              Originally posted by kirmit View Post
              For me Camelot by a long shot. IMO BAMSR had no drama to it, it was just like 'oh btw our shields can't take much more'. Camelot you had people flying all over the bridge, sparks, fires, ships blowing up all around you, it was brilliant. There's also the fact that BAMSR went too well for us, it was all according to plan, no surprises, no twists, it was very straight forward. With Camelot you have the alliance going in there thinking 'Yeah come on guys lets kick some Ori butt' then had their butts handed to them. I think we all pretty much knew the Ori were going to come out as victors but I don't think anyone anticipated how easily they'd do it, I don't think anyone was expecting the slaughter it was. I also think the slow motions and music in Camelot made it superior. I'd only change 2 things about that battle, one, the scalings would be correct, the battle gets bashed alot because of them and two, more alliance ships for the Ori to tear through .
              Good points, I do want to respectfully disagree with you on one point though, everything did not go quite as planned a BAMSR, there was one or two twists that kept it going, and actually, come to think of it right now, there was a lot of planning that went into it. Most pre gate mission planning is easy. Ethon, go attack the thing, blow it up, leave, should not have good tecnology. Camelot: Hit them with everything we got, dial out before they can dial in. Both battles went badly for us, while BAMSR had forethought, and plenty of it, and that is ultimatly why it worked out.
              (I now like the episode better then I did)


                Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                Good points, I do want to respectfully disagree with you on one point though, everything did not go quite as planned a BAMSR, there was one or two twists that kept it going, and actually, come to think of it right now, there was a lot of planning that went into it. Most pre gate mission planning is easy. Ethon, go attack the thing, blow it up, leave, should not have good tecnology. Camelot: Hit them with everything we got, dial out before they can dial in. Both battles went badly for us, while BAMSR had forethought, and plenty of it, and that is ultimatly why it worked out.
                (I now like the episode better then I did)
                I'm talking about the actual battle, there were no twists. The allianced ships went in there and blew up the Asuran ships, that's just what happened, no surprises about it, no drama to it, it went to plan. On the planet yes things don't go exactly to plan but I thought this was to discuss the space battles. One thing to add, just because we don't see the planning to a mission doesn't mean there isn't any, it's just done offscreen. You have to also remember with the camelot battle they were on a clock, the ori could come through at any moment, so if there was no long plannning into it I think it's excusable .


                  Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                  I'm talking about the actual battle, there were no twists. The allianced ships went in there and blew up the Asuran ships, that's just what happened, no surprises about it, no drama to it, it went to plan. On the planet yes things don't go exactly to plan but I thought this was to discuss the space battles. One thing to add, just because we don't see the planning to a mission doesn't mean there isn't any, it's just done offscreen. You have to also remember with the camelot battle they were on a clock, the ori could come through at any moment, so if there was no long plannning into it I think it's excusable .
                  dang you beat me, in my own thread, especially with the "focusing on batlle" comment. great post


                    Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                    dang you beat me, in my own thread, especially with the "focusing on batlle" comment. great post
                    Lol thanks. I know alot of people loved the BAMSR battle and I did like it but imo it was by no means the best battle in the stargate universe, for me lots of ships on screen isn't what makes a battle great, it's the drama and twists, the music, the editing, something BAMSR didn't fully forefil, for me anyway .


                      Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                      Lol thanks. I know alot of people loved the BAMSR battle and I did like it but imo it was by no means the best battle in the stargate universe, for me lots of ships on screen isn't what makes a battle great, it's the drama and twists, the music, the editing, something BAMSR didn't fully forefil, for me anyway .
                      Don't get me wrong, I prefer the Camelot battle as well, just making points, and thanks for your responses. I will post my eact reasons I prefer Camelot, later.


                        BAMSR hands down. Camelot was a bit too predictable for me - and also a bit doom and gloom. BAMSR was just amazing though - probably the best battle in SG history.

                        (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                          BAMSR hands down, the camelot fight was impressive but it was abit stand there and shoot

                          bamsr was just brilliant, close up on ships being destroyes with a variety of cool camera angles, cgi at its best


                            BAMSR wins for me, just the fact that both sides ships were getting destroyed, lots of manouvering and firing, the camalot one was more of a slaughter than a battle. Both are cool though.
                            Best quotes ever:
                            O’NEILL: I hope you like Guinness, Sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for food.
                            Jack O'neill: I hope you diplomatically told him where to shove it.
                            Teal'c:If you once again try to harm me or one of my companions, my patience with you will expire.
                            Carter: You know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water.
                            Thor:I like the yellow ones
                            O´Neill:Hey, if you had been listening, you´d know that Nintendos pass through everything.


                              BAMSR it was really cool to see the Replicator ships disintegrating in mid air

