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    i knews it...
    Last edited by KEK; 18 August 2010, 10:00 AM.


      Originally posted by Petra View Post
      I didn't watch The X-Files when it originally aired and I started catching up on it quite recently. So far I've seen the first 4 seasons and I must say I don't understand what the fuss was all about. I just don't care that much about M/S...personally I don't see their relationship - bar an odd scene here and there - as something more than beautiful friendship but ultimately knowing they'll end up together doesn't bother me in the slightest. So far I like how they are written, but from what I've heard it won't continue for much longer, will it?
      Well let's just say you're in for a bit of a surprise, or shock. Depending on how you look at it

      about the discussion about Bones/DS9/White Collar/Castle/whatever...I haven't seen any of these shows and have no idea what you guys are talking about...
      You should try watching those shows All good shows, apart from possibly some of the second half of the last season of Bones.

      Psst, I'll let in on a secret...Sam and Jack have been together since Threads. Neither of them has retired - thankfully, b/c I enjoy them too much on SGU - but they haven't been in the direct chain of command since Jack's move to Washington and therefore were free to pursue a romantic relationship...which they did
      Cool Now if only we could see it on screen

      I think I get where are you coming from with this, but I also have to disagree. I too liked Aeryn/John but Vala/Cam are nothing like them. Plus I think judging Cam and Vala based on previous characters played by their actors is not fair to CB & BB. I don't mean to tell you you are wrong and I apologise if it came out this way, I know that sometimes we just can't help what we feel, but the above can be seen as implying that the actors aren't good enough to differentiate their roles... Ok, I can't seem to be able to properly articulate what I mean, so I'll shut up now. I meant no offence.
      I think I understand what you are trying to say. But I myself can't seem to see past Aeryn/Crichton when I see them Maybe if more time had passed between when Farscape ended and them appearing in Stargate, maybe that would have helped, I dunno

      Now I'm not making a whole heck of sense


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        Oh please stop, you're killing me So are you volunteering
        Not volunteering. But you can do it.

        Originally posted by Petra View Post

        I think I get where are you coming from with this, but I also have to disagree. I too liked Aeryn/John but Vala/Cam are nothing like them. Plus I think judging Cam and Vala based on previous characters played by their actors is not fair to CB & BB. I don't mean to tell you you are wrong and I apologise if it came out this way, I know that sometimes we just can't help what we feel, but the above can be seen as implying that the actors aren't good enough to differentiate their roles... Ok, I can't seem to be able to properly articulate what I mean, so I'll shut up now. I meant no offence.
        Oh, no no. I think you misunderstood me or probably I didn't make myself clear. Cam and Vala were nothing like John and Aeryn. But when I look at Ben and Claudia I will always see John and Aeryn and it won't matter what characters they play. I think they did a great job in SG-1 and all the negativity directed towards them made me quite angry.

        I fear it's going to be the same with Joe Flanigan. I will forever be looking for bits of John Sheppard no matter who he plays.
        Originally posted by KEK View Post


        i knews it...
        That settles it. I'm changing my mind.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Not volunteering. But you can do it.
          I would if I could write I can't even put a coherent sentence together half the time


            Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
            I loved Daniel/Sha're too (mostly film Sha're). I would have loved to see them save Sha're, though I don't think they would have lasted. I think Sha're already knew it was over by Secrets, which is why she didn't have her father contact the SGC immediately. It's why she referred to the child as "hers." I think she knew from the moment that Jack sent tissues through the Stargate that she was going to lose Daniel.

            I always thought, no matter how much Daniel loved Sha're, he never would have been completely happy on Abydos, and I definitely couldn't imagine him willingly giving up the universe now that he knows what's out there. I would have liked to see it play out on screen though, Sha're choosing Abydos and Daniel choosing the Stargate and the heartbreak of knowing that no matter how you may have wanted things to work out they just couldn't anymore. Mostly, I just wanted a (moderately) happy ending for Sha're. Alas...
            I don't think they would have lasted too, had Sha're been saved. Daniel changed a lot during the show (IMO, he's the one who changed the most). I won't repeat Ashizuri's post, but let's just say the bolded part is exactly what I think. ; )

            Except, I'm don't mind not seing it on screen. I liked what they did with the Sha're arc enough. I never felt like they killed her simply to have someone killed. They did it with respect and it wasn't rushed. (IMO, of course!) But again, had they choose to do it differently (e.g. the way Ashizuri proposed), I think it would have been great as well.
            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


              Sorry, double-post... Forgot to quote that one! ^^

              Originally posted by KEK View Post



              i knews it...
              That's why I understand why people liked Sam with Cam. They had wonderful chemistry together.
              For myself, I only see that ship had season 9 and 10 been a completly different shoe, for the reasons Petra layed out in her post. (I again forgot to quote it --what's wrong with me?--, but I don't want to go back for it. ;P)

              But, my interpretation stands on friendship only for those two. ; )
              Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
              My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
              Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                I loved Daniel/Sha're too (mostly film Sha're). I would have loved to see them save Sha're, though I don't think they would have lasted. I think Sha're already knew it was over by Secrets, which is why she didn't have her father contact the SGC immediately. It's why she referred to the child as "hers." I think she knew from the moment that Jack sent tissues through the Stargate that she was going to lose Daniel.

                I always thought, no matter how much Daniel loved Sha're, he never would have been completely happy on Abydos, and I definitely couldn't imagine him willingly giving up the universe now that he knows what's out there. I would have liked to see it play out on screen though, Sha're choosing Abydos and Daniel choosing the Stargate and the heartbreak of knowing that no matter how you may have wanted things to work out they just couldn't anymore. Mostly, I just wanted a (moderately) happy ending for Sha're. Alas...
                That basically how I saw Daniel/Sha're. Though I probably wouldn't have wanted to see Daniel/Sha're play a break-up out on screen. I don't know I guess the way things worked out were ok for me, even though it was very sad.

                Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                I didn't either. But then, I was too busy shipping Jack/Janet to notice any chemistry between them.
                I could've seen Jack/Janet as well as Daniel/Janet. Janet's personality worked well for me regarding both men.
                For me it's more about how I see the characters personalities more than what I actually see on screen; because I usually prefer not to see romantic relationships on screen. I prefer friendships, and sometimes subtle hints that there can be something more but thats really about it as far as I like on-screen romance to go for me.
                I actually prefer to use my imagination. lol

                Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                Yeah, I could see that too. I wish we would have gotten more information on Daniel's past with Sarah and Steven. There was a lot of potential there I think.
                I didn't really like Daniel/Sarah; I don't really know why; but I also would've liked to see more Daniel's past with Sarah and Steven.

                Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                Me too, although, I can easily picture Jack happy with his cabin, his fish, and his team.

                No pitchfork from me. Hey, I'm a slasher, I can't judge anyone.

                Really? They were thinking of doing Jack/Janet?! Don't kill me S/J friends, but man, I definitely think they missed the mark here in deciding to go with S/J instead. I think TR and RDA had loads of chemistry and I, as a team-over-ship type person, would have greatly preferred the romance to stay off the team. They still could have played with the rules and regs but maybe it wouldn't have been as offputting at times if it was between a main cast member and a supporting cast member. MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!!!

                I wasn't really feeling Kerry. Mostly because I was completely over the romance plotlines by that point and she was just another part of the drama. She was very pretty though. And she got to roll around in bed with RDA. Lucky girl.

                This is so spot on. With Daniel, Vala was given every opportunity to become a better person, but TPTB squandered the potential with pigtails and playground schoolkid antics. With Tomin, who I sometimes feel they set up to be the obvious loser in the love triangle, she blossomed. She matured. She showed wisdom and strength and had a gravity that gave the character depth and genuinely made me care what happened to opposed to when she was with Daniel when I wanted them both to fall in a snake pit.

                I definitely think Vala is out making the universe a better place with Tomin. And it made me smile to see so many people like them together.

                I can't either, but I think it's because I genuinely adore the friendship between them. They give me the warm, fuzzy, best friends forever feeling and I would have cried buckets if TPTB had messed that up.

                Agree with what you said about Daniel/Vala and Vala/Tomin.

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                I would have to say that I could never see Sam with Cam. Just no. But I agree with you totally on Cam/Vala for the same reason. They had too much of John/Aeryn in them to be together with new identities.

                I too could see Vala/John and I was hoping with The Pegasus Project that we would get a few good moments with them. I was just thinking she would take one look at him, lick her lips and hilarity would ensue. I would love to have seen him dealing with her advances. But alas we were doomed to be disappointed.

                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                Okay, now I have this mental image in my head of John hiding throughout Atlantis and Vala searching for him
                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                And jumping out from behind stuff and goosing him. Plus sliding her chair over really close to his in meetings. Somebody needs to write a fic.
                Thats what I would have liked from John/Vala, lol. It would have been fun to see them play off each other.

                Originally posted by Petra View Post
                I didn't watch The X-Files when it originally aired and I started catching up on it quite recently. So far I've seen the first 4 seasons and I must say I don't understand what the fuss was all about. I just don't care that much about M/S...personally I don't see their relationship - bar an odd scene here and there - as something more than beautiful friendship but ultimately knowing they'll end up together doesn't bother me in the slightest. So far I like how they are written, but from what I've heard it won't continue for much longer, will it?

                about the discussion about Bones/DS9/White Collar/Castle/whatever...I haven't seen any of these shows and have no idea what you guys are talking about...
                LOL, I've only watched DS9 out of those shows, so I don't know about the rest either.
                I did like Kira/Odo on DS9 though.

                Originally posted by Petra View Post
                Psst, I'll let in on a secret...Sam and Jack have been together since Threads. Neither of them has retired - thankfully, b/c I enjoy them too much on SGU - but they haven't been in the direct chain of command since Jack's move to Washington and therefore were free to pursue a romantic relationship...which they did
                I could've seen that.

                Originally posted by Petra View Post
                See, for me Sam/Cam is the worst idea possible right after Sam/Daniel. Firstly, I enjoy their friendship and, just like Linda, I've never seen anything shippy in their interactions - even though I know certain TPTB tried very hard to sell this pairing which annoys me to no end. Secondly, I think Cam is too boyish for Sam. I just can't see him as a *man*, he gives off this kid vibe which is cute, but which I can't imagine Sam being attracted to. Sorry. Thirdly and most importantly, shipping her with Cam would be incredibly damaging to her character. Here we have a grown-up, successful woman who'd been in love with her boss for years...and as soon as her boss moves on, she immediately falls for his replacement? For another guy who's not only her boss, but who took her command away from her? That would have completely destroyed her character for me. I can't stress how much I would have hated painting her in this light. I had enough problems with the fact that she never called Cam on his, often terrible, treatment of have her put up with it not only as a friend but also as a woman in love with him...*shudder*

                Sorry for the rant.
                I saw Cam/Sam as being really good friends just like Sam/Daniel.

                Originally posted by Petra View Post
                I'll repeat: IMO Teal'c got the best love interests out of all main cast. Except Krista I liked them all and I could easily see him in love with them all. I think the writers did good job writing them. It's also interesting that they were pretty much normal, because Sam had a tendency to attract stalkers and Daniel crazies.
                Teal'c did get really good love interests; except for Krista. Teal'c/Krista was just really weird for me.
                I liked Martouf and Narim was ok. I thought Pete could've been good if he hadn't run a backround check on Sam and stalked her to a stakeout.
                Daniel had bad luck with women for the most part lol.

                Originally posted by KEK View Post



                i knews it...
                Those were nice scenes between Sam/Cam. Sam/Daniel had nice scenes too; particularly in Meridian. But I saw both as just really good friends and teammates. Though when I first watched Meridian, I was a bit confused/weirded out by what Sam said to Daniel while he was dieing. But for me that was cleared up in Fallen. So Sam/Cam and Sam/Daniel were just great friends for me.


                  Originally posted by Ashizuri View Post
                  I loved Daniel/Sha're too (mostly film Sha're). I would have loved to see them save Sha're, though I don't think they would have lasted.
                  And I think it would have lasted. I can't imagine Sha're wanting to go back to Abydos after everything she went through. I tend to think she'd stay on Earth with Daniel and although their relationship would be troubled and difficult it would work out in the end.

                  On a related note, did Kasuf have any means of contacting Daniel back in season 2? I thought he didn't?

                  Really? They were thinking of doing Jack/Janet?! Don't kill me S/J friends, but man, I definitely think they missed the mark here in deciding to go with S/J instead. I think TR and RDA had loads of chemistry and I, as a team-over-ship type person, would have greatly preferred the romance to stay off the team. They still could have played with the rules and regs but maybe it wouldn't have been as offputting at times if it was between a main cast member and a supporting cast member. MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!!!
                  No killing, promise, though obviously I disagree.

                  I tried to search for the interviews mentioning J/J thing, but all I could find on such short notice was this:

         Archive: Articles: "Gate crasher"

                  Relevant bit:
                  "Anderson also protests innocence of any knowledge of the possibility that Dr. Janet Fraiser (Teryl Rothery) could pique O'Neill's interest. It might appear that to the Colonel she is merely yet another scientist, but her fiery and determined personality could ignite a few sparks in the coming months. Definitely a case of "watch this space"." SFX, October 1999

                  I could have sworn there was something more...

                  I wasn't really feeling Kerry. Mostly because I was completely over the romance plotlines by that point and she was just another part of the drama. She was very pretty though. And she got to roll around in bed with RDA. Lucky girl.
                  yep, very lucky I adored Kerry but I think we should have seen much more of her. Her appearance in 3 scenes of 1 ep gave impression that she was nothing more than a Very Obvious Plot Device To Get Sam And Jack Together, and I think she was much more interesting than that. Besides the rest of the team had their romantic archs over the years (Daniel with Sha're, Teal'c with his wife and Ishta, Sam with Pete) and IMO Jack deserved one too. *shrug*

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Oh, no no. I think you misunderstood me or probably I didn't make myself clear. Cam and Vala were nothing like John and Aeryn. But when I look at Ben and Claudia I will always see John and Aeryn and it won't matter what characters they play. I think they did a great job in SG-1 and all the negativity directed towards them made me quite angry.
                  Oh, I see now. Thanks for clarifying. I don't have the same reaction to them but I can definitely understand it.
                  There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                  awesome sig by Josiane


                    Just to open this up more; I don't want anyone to feel left out ; does anyone here that watches sgu want to discuss how they feel about the relationships in SGU?


                      Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                      Just to open this up more; I don't want anyone to feel left out ; does anyone here that watches sgu want to discuss how they feel about the relationships in SGU?
                      I don't... but go ahead and talk about it! Oh, and someone please come and tap me on the shoulder when it's done? I don't want to spoil myself, already did it too much while watching SG1 and SGA.

                      (But I intend to watch it soon. It seems good. ^^ I'll borrow the DVDs to a friend of mine. )
                      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                        Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                        Just to open this up more; I don't want anyone to feel left out ; does anyone here that watches sgu want to discuss how they feel about the relationships in SGU?
                        Well I didn't watch all of season 1 of SGU, but what I did see I didn't like the Scott/Chloe relationship, and I didn't want there to be a TJ/Young thing. I thought it would have been so much better to develop a good friendship between TJ/Young, that's what I was hoping for *shrugs* But I guess they have to start pairing up everyone


                          Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                          I don't... but go ahead and talk about it! Oh, and someone please come and tap me on the shoulder when it's done? I don't want to spoil myself, already did it too much while watching SG1 and SGA.

                          (But I intend to watch it soon. It seems good. ^^ I'll borrow the DVDs to a friend of mine. )
                          We could try to put some stuff in spoilers if you'd want especially if its specific.( I don't know if everyone else would want to do that, but I'd be willing to try)
                          I've been trying to be somewhat careful regarding any season 2 sgu spoilers, lol but sometimes I can't help but read them lol. It is pretty good overall. I thought the first half was a bit slow but for me it picked up a lot in the second half.


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Well I didn't watch all of season 1 of SGU, but what I did see I didn't like the Scott/Chloe relationship, and I didn't want there to be a TJ/Young thing. I thought it would have been so much better to develop a good friendship between TJ/Young, that's what I was hoping for *shrugs* But I guess they have to start pairing up everyone
                            Chloe/Scott (I'll spoiler for now just in case for people who haven't watched)
                            I don't like Chloe/Scott. I don't like the characters when they are around each other. Individually and with others thery are ok. If they wanted me to take that pairing seriously; they shouldn't have had Scott with James in the suppy closet a week or 2 before getting with Chloe. And the fact that the whole James/Scott thing was barely discussed annoyed me.

                            Young was married, and he admits he made a mistake and he was trying to get back together with his wife. Thankfully TJ isn't being portrayed as continuing to go after Young(at least that I saw). That would really bother me. I like the two characters as just friends and hope they develop the friendship angle more.


                              Originally posted by Petra View Post
                              And I think it would have lasted. I can't imagine Sha're wanting to go back to Abydos after everything she went through. I tend to think she'd stay on Earth with Daniel and although their relationship would be troubled and difficult it would work out in the end.
                              See, I always thought that on earth, she'd have been a prisoner. I mean, Teal'c was always in danger of being taken to Area 51 and dissected and with her memories of her time as a host, particularly one so close to Apophis, she would have been seen as a very valuable commodity. It took 8 years for Teal'c to be allowed to live off-base and I can't imagine Sha're being willing to live in the SGC. I dunno. I just get the feeling that the love would always be there but too much had happened for it to work. A bit like Jack and Sara. Thinking about it though, I'm glad we saw so little of Sha're because the actress was terrible and probably would not have had the talent to carry this kind of drama.

                              On a related note, did Kasuf have any means of contacting Daniel back in season 2? I thought he didn't?
                              I'm not sure that he did (I can't recall when the Abydonians got an IDC code transmitter thingy) but he did leave the gate buried without even attempting to contact them, and Sha're had all her memories of Amaunet so I tend to believe that she'd have at least known the address. It just seems like instead of being proactive they just waited to see if Daniel would keep his promise.

                              RE: SGU.

                              Chloe and Scott are boooooooring.
                              Originally posted by Callista
                              Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                              Originally posted by HPMom
                              She saw the candle light as many things.


                                Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                                We could try to put some stuff in spoilers if you'd want especially if its specific.( I don't know if everyone else would want to do that, but I'd be willing to try)
                                Any spoilers for SGU (season 1 or season 2) need to be marked and put under spoiler tags! It's in the official rules! And I'd really appreciate it if you guys/girls would do that. 'cause I'm trying not to read too much spoilers. Thanks!!

                                Originally posted by Feli View Post
                                Please spoiler-tag SGU S1/2 ep spoilers and unaired ep details of other shows where relevant too.
                                Also, I don't want to nag, but could you please put Bones spoilers under spoiler tags, too. Thanks!! That way I can keep reading this thread without being spoiled too much.

                                P.S. VampyreWraith, this is not specifically directed or focused on you. I just quoted your post 'cause you brought it up.

                                Thanks again. Jasper.
                                A black hole swallowed this sig pic.

