Originally posted by Southern Red
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With Rodney/Jennifer; I don't like the way the ship was dealt with on screen and I said I might have liked it if it progressed slower, a little bit at a time; and if they never had the love triangle.
I didn't like John and Teyla together. I thought it was a bit too cliche'. But I've also said that I could have seen it if maybe John showed more interest in Teyla's culture and people; and if Rachel's pregnancy was hidden and they had never introduced Kanaan.
With Daniel and Vala I could have seen it working better if Vala wasnt so OTT with innuendo around Daniel and if they had more scenes like the ones in Counterstrike. I've always liked Daniel and Vala's talks about Adria.
I liked Sam and Jack. They were both very well developed characters with good chemistry and wouldn't have minded confirmation of them getting together after Jack left the SGC.
I liked John and Elizabeth. They had nice chemistry together and wouldn't have minded them getting together after season 4 if they had done an actual replicator story arc for Elizabeth. One in which she came back but was no longer John's boss.
I've always said that I really don't care if a couple I like get on-screen confirmation. In fact sometimes I'd rather not see ship on-screen at all if I feel it would interrupt the on screen dynamic between other characters or would take too much screen time in general to do justice to the relationship. I can always enjoy the relationship in fanfiction or in my own imagination. I prefer friendships to romantic relationships on screen. Usually if there is confirmation I prefer it to come at the end of the series.
Thats just how I feel about things. I think most people who ship characters want on- screen confirmation of their ship. I can understand that even if thats not how I feel.