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General Ship ( Relationship) Discussion

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    I have really been enjoying the calm discussion on this thread and wish that sort of thing could be common among all kinds of shippers. In that vein I have a general question for all shippers and friendly non-shippers.

    Do you ever expect to change another person's mind? In other words when you post something pro your ship or anti another ship are you doing it in hopes of making the other person "see the light" and come over to your way of thinking? Or do you just want to get your opinion out there and hopefully better understand the other person's views?
    I'm never trying to change anyones mind regarding a ship. I just want to express how I feel about something as politely as I can and understand someone else's position; whatever it may be. Sometimes I can be blunt, but I'll always try to explain why I feel a certain way, and usually try to see a senario in which I might like or approve of a certain ship.
    With Rodney/Jennifer; I don't like the way the ship was dealt with on screen and I said I might have liked it if it progressed slower, a little bit at a time; and if they never had the love triangle.
    I didn't like John and Teyla together. I thought it was a bit too cliche'. But I've also said that I could have seen it if maybe John showed more interest in Teyla's culture and people; and if Rachel's pregnancy was hidden and they had never introduced Kanaan.
    With Daniel and Vala I could have seen it working better if Vala wasnt so OTT with innuendo around Daniel and if they had more scenes like the ones in Counterstrike. I've always liked Daniel and Vala's talks about Adria.
    I liked Sam and Jack. They were both very well developed characters with good chemistry and wouldn't have minded confirmation of them getting together after Jack left the SGC.
    I liked John and Elizabeth. They had nice chemistry together and wouldn't have minded them getting together after season 4 if they had done an actual replicator story arc for Elizabeth. One in which she came back but was no longer John's boss.
    I've always said that I really don't care if a couple I like get on-screen confirmation. In fact sometimes I'd rather not see ship on-screen at all if I feel it would interrupt the on screen dynamic between other characters or would take too much screen time in general to do justice to the relationship. I can always enjoy the relationship in fanfiction or in my own imagination. I prefer friendships to romantic relationships on screen. Usually if there is confirmation I prefer it to come at the end of the series.
    Thats just how I feel about things. I think most people who ship characters want on- screen confirmation of their ship. I can understand that even if thats not how I feel.
    Last edited by VampyreWraith; 15 August 2010, 07:42 AM.


      Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
      While I'm not discounting lust as a factor in John's actions, I think this scene was primarily about power, about dominating Teyla. I mean, first they have him completely wipe the floor with her in their sparring match, and then to finish it off, he pins her helpless against the wall and forces the kiss on her, essentially saying to her "you are powerless. I can do what I want to you, and you can't do anything about it." It IS a dark violent moment, and yes, it's a relief to know that MG saw that and acknowledged it. The scene did what it was meant to do apparently, at least with this viewer - it's uncomfortable and it's meant to show us that something is definitely WRONG with Sheppard.
      I think you described my own feelings toward that scene very well - lust and sexual impulses are the flip side of the aggression coin, and one can be used as a means of achieving the other. It's a very primal drive, places deep in older part of our brains, and I think we all understand it on a very primal level - which is why this scene works as a red flag that something is very wrong with John. It's disturbing, and just like MG said, he forced himself on Teyla. She was scared and I think Rachel portrayed her feelings very well in that scene. The look in John's eyes is disturbing, but it's Teyla's reaction what makes the scene uncomfortable and scary. You start to wonder if John can cross that particular line what else he's ready to do.

      Having said that, I don't think that kiiss per se works in favor of John/Teyla ship. Maybe it would have been an interesting issue to deal with, if the ship was written consistently and their relationship was worked on. If they really had feelings for each other and progressing toward something more than friendship, then how would this affect their relationship? At the end of the episode John apologized to her, and they were both extremely uncomfortable; and then Teyla tried to ease the tension. Still, some awkwardness remained between the two. In a well written show it would be dealt with.

      I want to make one point here; i am not against John/Teyla ship by principle. I think the ship should have been done differently, if PTB really wanted it. The way it was done never convinced me that John and Teyla were more than friends. There was potential in the beginning, but I think both characters chose to be friends and team mates rather than being in a romantic relationship - that's how I see the canon. They do share a bond - "Quarantine" is a great example of that.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        I have really been enjoying the calm discussion on this thread and wish that sort of thing could be common among all kinds of shippers. In that vein I have a general question for all shippers and friendly non-shippers.

        Do you ever expect to change another person's mind? In other words when you post something pro your ship or anti another ship are you doing it in hopes of making the other person "see the light" and come over to your way of thinking? Or do you just want to get your opinion out there and hopefully better understand the other person's views?
        I don't really expect someone to embrace all my views. I am capable of discussing my points VS other person's points regarding some issue. Of course, the discussion is more challenging the more we keep to our strong beliefs. I don't react unless I am provoked or insulted. There are few pet peeves I have, one of them being constantly referring to characters in demeaning manner, in order to show that some other character is somehow better.

        I don't have major dislikes for main SGA characters. Sure, I think some things could have been handled better, but I heart them all, even when I don't necessarily agree with them. Hence above mentioned pet peeve.

        My own goal in these discussions is to put my opinion out there and possibly get few points across. I don't expect people to hold up to my opinions as facts, they're just opinions. But I don't like when posters expect that other people accept their opinions as facts.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          I think you described my own feelings toward that scene very well - lust and sexual impulses are the flip side of the aggression coin, and one can be used as a means of achieving the other. It's a very primal drive, places deep in older part of our brains, and I think we all understand it on a very primal level - which is why this scene works as a red flag that something is very wrong with John. It's disturbing, and just like MG said, he forced himself on Teyla. She was scared and I think Rachel portrayed her feelings very well in that scene. The look in John's eyes is disturbing, but it's Teyla's reaction what makes the scene uncomfortable and scary. You start to wonder if John can cross that particular line what else he's ready to do.

          Having said that, I don't think that kiiss per se works in favor of John/Teyla ship. Maybe it would have been an interesting issue to deal with, if the ship was written consistently and their relationship was worked on. If they really had feelings for each other and progressing toward something more than friendship, then how would this affect their relationship? At the end of the episode John apologized to her, and they were both extremely uncomfortable; and then Teyla tried to ease the tension. Still, some awkwardness remained between the two. In a well written show it would be dealt with.

          I want to make one point here; i am not against John/Teyla ship by principle. I think the ship should have been done differently, if PTB really wanted it. The way it was done never convinced me that John and Teyla were more than friends. There was potential in the beginning, but I think both characters chose to be friends and team mates rather than being in a romantic relationship - that's how I see the canon. They do share a bond - "Quarantine" is a great example of that.
          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          I don't really expect someone to embrace all my views. I am capable of discussing my points VS other person's points regarding some issue. Of course, the discussion is more challenging the more we keep to our strong beliefs. I don't react unless I am provoked or insulted. There are few pet peeves I have, one of them being constantly referring to characters in demeaning manner, in order to show that some other character is somehow better.

          I don't have major dislikes for main SGA characters. Sure, I think some things could have been handled better, but I heart them all, even when I don't necessarily agree with them. Hence above mentioned pet peeve.

          My own goal in these discussions is to put my opinion out there and possibly get few points across. I don't expect people to hold up to my opinions as facts, they're just opinions. But I don't like when posters expect that other people accept their opinions as facts.
          I agree, especially with the bolded.


            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
            Do you ever expect to change another person's mind? In other words when you post something pro your ship or anti another ship are you doing it in hopes of making the other person "see the light" and come over to your way of thinking? Or do you just want to get your opinion out there and hopefully better understand the other person's views?
            Hmm, I guess the correct answer would be "I'm not interested in converting anyone to my point of view" and that's how I feel in principle; but tbh I think it's a bit more complicated. If you stop throwing rotten vegetables for a moment I'll try to explain

            When I first started posting, years ago, as a teenager, I was hoping to change some people's anti-S/J attitude. I admit it. I was young, naive and completely baffled how can anyone *not* see how great they'd be together? Yeah, I know. However it didn't take me long to understand that there isn't one universal way of reading the show and not everyone sees what I see. Over time I learned to truly appreciate it and, as some of you know, I greatly enjoy discussing different aspects of the show and its 'ships with people holding very different opinions. Nowadays I'm all about trying to get to know and understand as many different than mine opinions as possible, because the fact that there are so many interpretations completely unlike anything I came up with on my own adds to the allure of the show for me and is the reason why I'm still in SG-1 fandom, despite the show having been cancelled years ago. That being said, I don't shy away from stating my own opinion and interpretation; but it's no longer b/c I want to "make somebody see the light" but b/c it's one more unique interpretation added to the mix.

            Having said that, there's a difference between accepting an opinion I don't agree with and accepting twisting canon events to suit that opinion. I greatly respect other opinions, especially when they are so well thought-out like the ones in this thread. Sadly, I'm still not immune to attempts to twist facts and change canon to somehow prove that one's opinion holds more weight than someone else's. So for example whenever I read that someone insisted that S/J couldn't work because they never bantered/flirted/joked/smiled at each other on the show I used to reply with pointing out at least a few (b/c it would take too long to list them all) examples of when they did just that hoping- yes, hoping - that I'd convince that person of their error; b/c to say Jack never smiled at Sam isn't an opinion, it's getting your facts wrong. But eventually I stopped doing it too.

            As for general opinions on SGA 'ships:

            Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
            With Rodney/Jennifer; I don't like the way the ship was dealt with on screen
            Yeah, this. I think the way they were written was abysmall and painful for the viewers; however I don't have anything against the pairing per se. I can see them as a couple and IMO showing them together onscreen the way they were shown did them the biggest disservice.

            I didn't like John and Teyla together. I thought it was a bit too cliche'. But I've also said that I could have seen it if maybe John showed more interest in Teyla's culture and people; and if Rachel's pregnancy was hidden and they had never introduced Kanaan.
            To repeat what I said in another thread: out of all SGA 'ships I could see J/T the most easily. I think they were nicely set up in season 1, but then for whatever reason TPTB gave up on the idea and by season 3 their ship completely dropped off the radar.

            As to cliches, I don't mind them. Frankly I can't think of a romantic set up on a sci-fi show that wouldn't be somewhat cliched. I mean, male lead/alien chick (or female lead/alien guy) is as much unoriginal as main male lead/main female lead or male/female lead and love interest of the week or recurring character. What other options are there?

            I liked John and Elizabeth. They had nice chemistry together and wouldn't have minded them getting together after season 4 if they had done an actual replicator story arc for Elizabeth. One in which she came back but was no longer John's boss.
            Now, see, I never, ever, seen anything even remotely romantic/sexual between Shep and Elisabeth. I've never seen even the slightest hint of that on the show. I'm not saying I'm against it, as I said numerous times when it comes to SGA I'm a non-shipper (and a casual viewer instead of a fan), but it would have been out of the blue for me.

            Anyway, just my 2 cents.

            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
            awesome sig by Josiane


              Originally posted by Petra View Post
              Hmm, I guess the correct answer would be "I'm not interested in converting anyone to my point of view" and that's how I feel in principle; but tbh I think it's a bit more complicated. If you stop throwing rotten vegetables for a moment I'll try to explain

              When I first started posting, years ago, as a teenager, I was hoping to change some people's anti-S/J attitude. I admit it. I was young, naive and completely baffled how can anyone *not* see how great they'd be together? Yeah, I know. However it didn't take me long to understand that there isn't one universal way of reading the show and not everyone sees what I see. Over time I learned to truly appreciate it and, as some of you know, I greatly enjoy discussing different aspects of the show and its 'ships with people holding very different opinions. Nowadays I'm all about trying to get to know and understand as many different than mine opinions as possible, because the fact that there are so many interpretations completely unlike anything I came up with on my own adds to the allure of the show for me and is the reason why I'm still in SG-1 fandom, despite the show having been cancelled years ago. That being said, I don't shy away from stating my own opinion and interpretation; but it's no longer b/c I want to "make somebody see the light" but b/c it's one more unique interpretation added to the mix.

              Having said that, there's a difference between accepting an opinion I don't agree with and accepting twisting canon events to suit that opinion. I greatly respect other opinions, especially when they are so well thought-out like the ones in this thread. Sadly, I'm still not immune to attempts to twist facts and change canon to somehow prove that one's opinion holds more weight than someone else's. So for example whenever I read that someone insisted that S/J couldn't work because they never bantered/flirted/joked/smiled at each other on the show I used to reply with pointing out at least a few (b/c it would take too long to list them all) examples of when they did just that hoping- yes, hoping - that I'd convince that person of their error; b/c to say Jack never smiled at Sam isn't an opinion, it's getting your facts wrong. But eventually I stopped doing it too.

              As for general opinions on SGA 'ships:

              Yeah, this. I think the way they were written was abysmall and painful for the viewers; however I don't have anything against the pairing per se. I can see them as a couple and IMO showing them together onscreen the way they were shown did them the biggest disservice.

              To repeat what I said in another thread: out of all SGA 'ships I could see J/T the most easily. I think they were nicely set up in season 1, but then for whatever reason TPTB gave up on the idea and by season 3 their ship completely dropped off the radar.

              As to cliches, I don't mind them. Frankly I can't think of a romantic set up on a sci-fi show that wouldn't be somewhat cliched. I mean, male lead/alien chick (or female lead/alien guy) is as much unoriginal as main male lead/main female lead or male/female lead and love interest of the week or recurring character. What other options are there?

              Now, see, I never, ever, seen anything even remotely romantic/sexual between Shep and Elisabeth. I've never seen even the slightest hint of that on the show. I'm not saying I'm against it, as I said numerous times when it comes to SGA I'm a non-shipper (and a casual viewer instead of a fan), but it would have been out of the blue for me.

              Anyway, just my 2 cents.

              You're not going to get any rotten vegetables from anyone here I don't think. I asked that question hoping to get just the answer you gave. I too came to fandom seeing my ship and wondering why everyone else didn't and if I could just explain it intelligently how could they not see what I saw. LOL Well, obviously from your last statement that wouldn't have worked on you.

              However, like you, the one thing I won't stand still for is twisting facts. When people say John stiffened up every time he was close to Elizabeth and couldn't wait to get away from her, I have to point out the times he came and sat on her desk or came and stood beside her on the balcony. You (general you) don't have to think they were in looovvveee but you (general you) can't ignore facts. If someone is that desperate to prove their ship was true by proving my ship wasn't even friends, something is very wrong. The thing we all need to be big enough people to admit is that none of us is wrong and none of us is right all the time. None of these main character ships happened. Even though I believe Sam and Jack are together somewhere. We got what we got and hating each other is not going to change that.

              I enjoy talking to people who disagree with me. Maybe living near Washington DC for 30 years has created a monster. I dunno. But understanding how people think is fascinating to me. Thank you for your thoughtful response.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Petra View Post
                Hmm, I guess the correct answer would be "I'm not interested in converting anyone to my point of view" and that's how I feel in principle; but tbh I think it's a bit more complicated. If you stop throwing rotten vegetables for a moment I'll try to explain

                When I first started posting, years ago, as a teenager, I was hoping to change some people's anti-S/J attitude. I admit it. I was young, naive and completely baffled how can anyone *not* see how great they'd be together? Yeah, I know. However it didn't take me long to understand that there isn't one universal way of reading the show and not everyone sees what I see. Over time I learned to truly appreciate it and, as some of you know, I greatly enjoy discussing different aspects of the show and its 'ships with people holding very different opinions. Nowadays I'm all about trying to get to know and understand as many different than mine opinions as possible, because the fact that there are so many interpretations completely unlike anything I came up with on my own adds to the allure of the show for me and is the reason why I'm still in SG-1 fandom, despite the show having been cancelled years ago. That being said, I don't shy away from stating my own opinion and interpretation; but it's no longer b/c I want to "make somebody see the light" but b/c it's one more unique interpretation added to the mix.

                Having said that, there's a difference between accepting an opinion I don't agree with and accepting twisting canon events to suit that opinion. I greatly respect other opinions, especially when they are so well thought-out like the ones in this thread. Sadly, I'm still not immune to attempts to twist facts and change canon to somehow prove that one's opinion holds more weight than someone else's. So for example whenever I read that someone insisted that S/J couldn't work because they never bantered/flirted/joked/smiled at each other on the show I used to reply with pointing out at least a few (b/c it would take too long to list them all) examples of when they did just that hoping- yes, hoping - that I'd convince that person of their error; b/c to say Jack never smiled at Sam isn't an opinion, it's getting your facts wrong. But eventually I stopped doing it too.

                As for general opinions on SGA 'ships:

                Yeah, this. I think the way they were written was abysmall and painful for the viewers; however I don't have anything against the pairing per se. I can see them as a couple and IMO showing them together onscreen the way they were shown did them the biggest disservice.

                To repeat what I said in another thread: out of all SGA 'ships I could see J/T the most easily. I think they were nicely set up in season 1, but then for whatever reason TPTB gave up on the idea and by season 3 their ship completely dropped off the radar.

                As to cliches, I don't mind them. Frankly I can't think of a romantic set up on a sci-fi show that wouldn't be somewhat cliched. I mean, male lead/alien chick (or female lead/alien guy) is as much unoriginal as main male lead/main female lead or male/female lead and love interest of the week or recurring character. What other options are there?

                Now, see, I never, ever, seen anything even remotely romantic/sexual between Shep and Elisabeth. I've never seen even the slightest hint of that on the show. I'm not saying I'm against it, as I said numerous times when it comes to SGA I'm a non-shipper (and a casual viewer instead of a fan), but it would have been out of the blue for me.

                Anyway, just my 2 cents.

                See, I didn't see anything romantic or sexual either; I just saw them as being flirty at times(mostly in a friendly way) and very comfortable around each other. I also felt like they cared about each other because they always seemed worried for the other. When I was first watching the series it would annoy me because I always thought that Elizabeth looked too worried about John when he was offworld. I dont like the whole boss/subordinate dynamic so I didn't want to see a relationship between them. John also was always very protective of Elizabeth(imo), but I saw that as it being mainly because she was civilan diplomat not trained in any form of combat, especially at first.
                It wasn't until Adrift and Lifeline that I thought that John could have possibly been in love with Elizabeth. To me, his reactions and facial expressions in those episode and the later episodes(TMC and GITM) showed that he really cared about her; possibly more than he'd admitted to himself or anyone else.

                With John and Teyla I never really saw them as being flirty(John seemed flirty towards Teyla in Rising but thats about all I noticed); and I never saw them as being particularly comfortable either. I saw them as really good friends who became so because they were on the same team. I also thought that they did care for one another, and respect each other as friends only though.
                They came off as awkward to me everytime something that was supposed to be shippy came up. I don't know it it was purposefully written/directed as awkward; as in they were supposed to look uncomfortable or hesitant talking about certain things.( Like the table scene in Sateda or the talk at the end of The Ark) For me those scenes and others looked very awkward. I guess that can mean different things for different people. I get that. Maybe the writer/director was trying to show that their being hesitant around each other was because they were afraid to express their feelings; but I don know. It wasn't clear to me so they just looked awkward.

                I have other problems with the ship besides it being to cliche(I didn't like Avatar because of this, so its not confined to sg); so the cliche' factor just adds to it so that I'm less likely to like them. If the ship is well written/developed(for me it wasn't either), being a chiche' wouldn't have bothered me as much.
                The writers may have originally intended to have John and Teyla in a relationship; but they never really developed it(at least for me) Instead they had John flirt with other women(Chaya, the woman from Inferno, Larrin); and Teyla never looked in the least bit jealous to me, or said anything about it(she even encouraged it on an occasion); as I would imagine a woman would if a man she liked was with other women. If tptb were trying to develop the relationship, it might have been good to hint that Teyla might have been jealous.(just a small hint, nothing dramatic because I would've hated that) Thats another reason why I saw them as just really good friends.

                I also don't like when others try to twist what was onscreen or talk ill of other characters just to prove or support their ship. It annoys me when people say things like "Teyla said she had a crush on John in Sunday". She never said that. MG mentioned it in the commentary towards the end of the episode as it being a possibility. When I first heard people saying that a while back (while I was lurking here before I was a member) I thought I had missed something in the episode. It wasn't until I had the dvds and actually listened to the commentary that I figured out what exactly they were talking about.
                I also don't like when people try to make it like John is disgusted by Elizabeth or that they were barely friends or something like that. I thought their friendship was pretty clear. And to me John seemed to hug both Elizabeth and Teyla the same way. I never saw either hug as showing UST. To me John just doesn't seem very into pda with anyone, so hes seemed a bit awkward whenever hes been hugged.
                And the whole talking bad about other characters isn't necessary to me to support a ship. I can understand not liking a character but phrasing it in a constructive manner is helpful in order to avoid conflict and shows respect for other posters who might not see things the same way. I also greatly respect others opinions especially if they've been well thought out, like on this thread.

                Sorry if I've said some of this stuff before on this thread. I get confused about what I've posted here or elsewhere so I feel like I have to explain myself so no one gets the wrong idea or whatever. I've tried to be clear but I'm not sure if I succeeded. This is all just my opinion and I don't mean to offend anyone with it.
                Last edited by VampyreWraith; 15 August 2010, 04:55 PM.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  You're not going to get any rotten vegetables from anyone here I don't think. I asked that question hoping to get just the answer you gave. I too came to fandom seeing my ship and wondering why everyone else didn't and if I could just explain it intelligently how could they not see what I saw. LOL Well, obviously from your last statement that wouldn't have worked on you.

                  However, like you, the one thing I won't stand still for is twisting facts. When people say John stiffened up every time he was close to Elizabeth and couldn't wait to get away from her, I have to point out the times he came and sat on her desk or came and stood beside her on the balcony. You (general you) don't have to think they were in looovvveee but you (general you) can't ignore facts. If someone is that desperate to prove their ship was true by proving my ship wasn't even friends, something is very wrong. The thing we all need to be big enough people to admit is that none of us is wrong and none of us is right all the time. None of these main character ships happened. Even though I believe Sam and Jack are together somewhere. We got what we got and hating each other is not going to change that.

                  I enjoy talking to people who disagree with me. Maybe living near Washington DC for 30 years has created a monster. I dunno. But understanding how people think is fascinating to me. Thank you for your thoughtful response.
                  I just wanted to agree with the bolded, because I think that is very true.


                    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                    You're not going to get any rotten vegetables from anyone here I don't think. I asked that question hoping to get just the answer you gave. I too came to fandom seeing my ship and wondering why everyone else didn't and if I could just explain it intelligently how could they not see what I saw. LOL
                    indeed. The bolded part is spot on, that's exactly me a few years ago. "My 'ship is so obvious, it's just a matter of explaining it properly"

                    And thanks for understanding.

                    Well, obviously from your last statement that wouldn't have worked on you.
                    Well, never say never The truth is, being a non-shipper is my default mode and the 'ship really needs to be properly written and part of the show for me to notice it. I'm a canon girl, if some 'ship isn't "in my face" chances are I won't notice it.

                    However, like you, the one thing I won't stand still for is twisting facts. When people say John stiffened up every time he was close to Elizabeth and couldn't wait to get away from her, I have to point out the times he came and sat on her desk or came and stood beside her on the balcony.
                    For what it's worth, I never got the impression that he somehow disliked Weir either. I just haven't been able to see their interaction in romantic light. *shrug*

                    You (general you) don't have to think they were in looovvveee but you (general you) can't ignore facts. If someone is that desperate to prove their ship was true by proving my ship wasn't even friends, something is very wrong.
                    Yes, this. Well said.

                    Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                    I have other problems with the ship besides it being to cliche(I didn't like Avatar because of this, so its not confined to sg); so the cliche' factor just adds to it so that I'm less likely to like them. If the ship is well written/developed(for me it wasn't either), being a chiche' wouldn't have bothered me as much.
                    I read your detailed and polite explanation why J/T doesn't work for you with interest, but I won't reply to it. I don't ship J/T. I'll repeat: they are the one SGA pair I have the least difficult time seeing but I'm a non-shipper and I do not wish to be drawn into any ship debates in the fandom I don't know and in the show I'm not a big fan of. I haven't rewatched SGA episodes in years and I simply don't remember half of the episodes you gave as the examples and the other half I remember only vaguely. My previously stated opinions on SGA 'ships are the impressions I got while watching SGA for the first time, that's it.

                    If you want to discuss SG-1 'ships I'm game, but I think we are in agreement about S/J and D/V, aren't we? So...peace?

                    And don't start me on Avatar...that movie was one huge cliche and its characters were awfully unoriginal and one-dimensional.
                    There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                    awesome sig by Josiane


                      Originally posted by Petra View Post
                      indeed. The bolded part is spot on, that's exactly me a few years ago. "My 'ship is so obvious, it's just a matter of explaining it properly"

                      And thanks for understanding.

                      Well, never say never The truth is, being a non-shipper is my default mode and the 'ship really needs to be properly written and part of the show for me to notice it. I'm a canon girl, if some 'ship isn't "in my face" chances are I won't notice it.

                      For what it's worth, I never got the impression that he somehow disliked Weir either. I just haven't been able to see their interaction in romantic light. *shrug*

                      Yes, this. Well said.

                      I read your detailed and polite explanation why J/T doesn't work for you with interest, but I won't reply to it. I don't ship J/T. I'll repeat: they are the one SGA pair I have the least difficult time seeing but I'm a non-shipper and I do not wish to be drawn into any ship debates in the fandom I don't know and in the show I'm not a big fan of. I haven't rewatched SGA episodes in years and I simply don't remember half of the episodes you gave as the examples and the other half I remember only vaguely. My previously stated opinions on SGA 'ships are the impressions I got while watching SGA for the first time, that's it.

                      If you want to discuss SG-1 'ships I'm game, but I think we are in agreement about S/J and D/V, aren't we? So...peace?

                      And don't start me on Avatar...that movie was one huge cliche and its characters were awfully unoriginal and one-dimensional.
                      LOL I'm not trying to debate, I'm quite tired of it. I just wanted thing to try to be clear about my position regaring everything because I'm tired of being misinterperted or taken out of context. It's happened elsewere so I'm a bit wary about my wording and explaining things properly. It hasn't happened on this thread and I'm most definately not taking about you. From what I've seen of you on here you've been very polite, fair, and well spoken. And yes we are in agreement about S/J, D/V, and most definately Avatar. It was visually pretty but story/character wise; it just wasn't my thing.
                      I agree with the bolded btw; but I sometimes like ships just for fun, not because I actually see anything between the characters on screen. In fact most of the ships I like are just for fun or to be silly about things.(ex. when I say I like John/Ronon, it's just for fun and to be silly not because I seriously think John and Ronon are lusting after each other, lol.)

                      Add: Did you see anyone being good for Daniel?
                      Last edited by VampyreWraith; 16 August 2010, 08:24 PM. Reason: Add


                        Please excuse the interruption, everyone.

                        Following the suggestions we recieved to have this thread's topic limits/title altered to free up discussion,this thread's now changed location from SG-1 Chars/Relationships to the General Stargate Discussion area.

                        The thread's stickied now for easy access ,and I've left a month-long redirect in the SG 1 folder to make sure everyone interested know where the thread is as of now.

                        Please read post 1 for the updated discussion paramaters.

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                          Originally posted by Bagpuss View Post
                          Please excuse the interruption, everyone.

                          Following the suggestions we recieved to have this thread's topic limits/title altered to free up discussion,this thread's now changed location from SG-1 Chars/Relationships to the General Stargate Discussion area.

                          The thread's stickied now for easy access ,and I've left a month-long redirect in the SG 1 folder to make sure everyone interested know where the thread is as of now.

                          Please read post 1 for the updated discussion paramaters.

                          Thanks !

                          GateWorld Moderation Team.
                          Thank you so much. It's a relief to know our discussion is now legit. LOL

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                              Originally posted by VampyreWraith View Post
                              Add: Did you see anyone being good for Daniel?
                              Butting in here, but I would have loved to have seen more of Sabrina Gosling. She had crazy amounts of chemistry with MS in the one brief scene they had together. Also, if Atlantis had never happened, Jessica Steen's Weir had a lot of potential and I really enjoyed her interactions with Daniel.
                              Originally posted by Callista
                              Ahhh! Ashizuri can see into the future!!
                              Originally posted by HPMom
                              She saw the candle light as many things.


                                I think Vala is good for Daniel she brought passion back into his life which I haven't seen since Sha're
                                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl

