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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by smurf View Post
    I'm pretty sure the other one has watched a few episodes of SGA S3.

    So, I guess the analogy should be revised to insulting someone you believe is an ex-customer, but isn't. You just keep missing the moments when they come into Starbucks.
    Still, most business think it's best not to say "Good riddance" to ex-customers, but actively try to woo them back.
    Heh, good analogy. If the folks who point JM toward this forum pointed toward all posts made by, hmm, say myself or Shadowmaat [hereinafter referred to as 'the other one' see a few posts below] ... he'd see we make positive comments too.


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      no one can make people behave, but you don't have to feed the trolls. and joe not only feeds them, he cooks htem a gourmet feast then gets grumpy when they spill stuff on the table cloth
      Bwahaha! And posts pictures of lots and lots of chocolate, or better yet, Joe Flanigan or David Hewlett, to draw in er, um, customers...


        The other one? Five years in fandom and all I am is the other one?!

        OK, NOW I'm insulted!

        *negs everyone and runs off to sulk*


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

          the fact that he lets the insults through. he could delete them and possibly ban those issuing them. but he lets them through just so that he can snark at them or use them to set 'one side' against 'the other'

          no one can make people behave, but you don't have to feed the trolls. and joe not only feeds them, he cooks htem a gourmet feast then gets grumpy when they spill stuff on the table cloth
          Uh...hehehe, yeah, I can't deny this. Well, I don't know about the setting-one-side-against-another thing; never seen that happen.

          Ah, here's something though; just as he can potentially stop letting the insults through, what's keeping the fans from doing the same with Joe's "insults"? They don't have to read it; they don't have to react to it. Really, it's a two way street. In fact, it's that very reason why I'm posting so much in defense of him; I see a lot of back-snarkage in this very thread.


            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
            IMHO, as he is after all the showrunner, his blog would focus a lot on his job (since it's a part of his life) and what happened at his job during that particular day of the blog update. I mean, do I have to be professional when I'm talking about my day working at Starbucks? I hope not.
            I don't think your analogy works very well. If you served coffee at a Starbucks and had a blog it would be the Stargate equivalent of...what? The catering guy on the set? Now if you were the CEO of Starbucks and made most to all of the important decisions of that franchise then you would be a better equivalent of Joe. The higher you get on the corporate tier the more of a figurehead and representative you are and the more likely people are to take your comments and attitude seriously.

            Originally posted by PG15 View Post
            I mean seriously, everyone who has a job could entertain questions about it, and they have to act professionally because of this made-up rule of semi-officiality? I don't think so.
            No one "has" to act professionally, but it makes sense that the higher one is on the tier the more of a representative they are for their product and the more customers see their comments as "official" and easier to tie to the product. For example, what would have more of a negative impact on Coke - a Coke vending machine stocker calling some people O2 wasters or the CEO calling them O2 wasters?

            Joe has every right to say whatever he wants in his blog. However, his rebuttal flaming has more negative ramifications than flaming by fans, even if they "started it", even if they said things that were worse. Why? Because he represents the Stargate product and the fans don't. There's no "made-up rule" about acting professionally, it's simply common sense to not bring negativity to your product and certainly to not jump into the muck and add to it. Doing so taints you and the product you represent. It may not make your bosses too happy either...


              I have nothing to say to that. Really, I'm just tired of this debate.

              You raise some excellent points, but I feel differently about it. I guess I tend to think less in terms of business.

              Perhaps you should post that on his blog? Seriously; I'm sure he values input as long as it's rational and not too argumentative; he's said as much.

              Actually, I would love to hear what has to say about all of this.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                the fact that he lets the insults through. he could delete them and possibly ban those issuing them. but he lets them through just so that he can snark at them or use them to set 'one side' against 'the other'

                no one can make people behave, but you don't have to feed the trolls. and joe not only feeds them, he cooks htem a gourmet feast then gets grumpy when they spill stuff on the table cloth
                The way I see it, he's just letting them have their say without censoring the vast majority with it. It's not necessarily bad, just a different way of doing things. I won't assume about his motives for doing so - he could be trying to get everyone to after each other, or he might just be trying to let everyone have their say. I don't know which, and I (and most people here, I would assume) don't know him well enough to definitively say.

                As far as I'm concerned, it's just different posting guidelines. Comments that would be deleted in an instant here are allowed and encouraged and even laughed at on Fark. It's just different guidelines for behavior in different places.
                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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                  there is a lot of back snarking.

                  but at the end of the day, a person can only control themselves. they can only take care of thier own behavior.

                  maybe if he'd want less fans snarking at him, ,he'd let the snarky posts die in the mod queue, pass through the respectful ones, and folks would learn that if htey wanted to get thier question answered, they'd post it respectfully
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Ah, no argument there... but then he'd get all the fans screaming that he's censoring them, and the circle would continue. At this point, he's sort of in a catch-22 situation.
                    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                    My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art



                      but like folks have said, it's his blog and his opinion. he can express himself however he likes.

                      at the end of the day all folks can do is read or not read
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        there is a lot of back snarking.

                        but at the end of the day, a person can only control themselves. they can only take care of thier own behavior.

                        maybe if he'd want less fans snarking at him, ,he'd let the snarky posts die in the mod queue, pass through the respectful ones, and folks would learn that if htey wanted to get thier question answered, they'd post it respectfully
                        Would make sense but then he might get bored not seeing the ensuing fireworks

                        Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                        I have nothing to say to that. Really, I'm just tired of this debate.

                        You raise some excellent points, but I feel differently about it. I guess I tend to think less in terms of business.

                        Perhaps you should post that on his blog? Seriously; I'm sure he values input as long as it's rational and not too argumentative; he's said as much.

                        Actually, I would love to hear what has to say about all of this.
                        Well, if nothing else, it has provided some amusement. If he can be amused by fans, we can be amused by him

                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                        The other one? Five years in fandom and all I am is the other one?!

                        OK, NOW I'm insulted!

                        *negs everyone and runs off to sulk*
                        Them's the breaks Of course, does that make me The One ? (notice how I toss in all caps just to cause consertnation and civil unrest) But I suppose it's better than 'those two' but perhaps we've got the rest of season 3/4 to earn perhaps more meaningful designations but hey, only five years in fandom. Heh, I've got, er, oh, LOTs more


                          Actually, I may have more than five, but I can be definite about five and after that it gets vague. I do know I was at Gatecon when Brad Wright announced Shanks was leaving, so maybe that makes it six. Don't think it's much more than that, though.

                          Whatever. It still means I'm not a REAL fan 'cos I didn't watch from Day 1, and I guess that's what it all boils down to.


                            Don't *real* fans have to oooh and aaahh over everything? they're not allowed to think for themselves and critique an episode.


                              More ooohs than aaahs, last I checked.

                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                              but like folks have said, it's his blog and his opinion. he can express himself however he likes.

                              at the end of the day all folks can do is read or not read
                              Couldn't have said it better myself.



                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                Don't *real* fans have to oooh and aaahh over everything? they're not allowed to think for themselves and critique an episode.
                                I'm damned every way you look at it. No wonder Joe singled me out! I haven't watched from Day 1, I dare to criticize things I don't like, I've stopped watching SG-1 (except for Road Not Taken), I've mostly stopped watching Atlantis and yet I still prance about acting as if I have a right to be here. Tsk! The nerve of some people...

