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who is your fave director/behind the scene guy?

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    Peter DeLuise and Martin Wood's commentaries and director series are definitly the most interesting and funny


      it's a toss up between martin or brad

      both of them are so very nice and fun and their vision of teh show matches mine so i rarely dislike anything they do work wise.

      they're also very nice people.

      peter can be funny, but after a bit i tend to find his sense of humor a bit trying, so, for me, he's better in smaller doses
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Seshat
        I LOVE Martin Wood's silly sense of humor, his genuine warmth of personality, the childlike curiosity he brings to the scripts given to him, and his constant dedication to making the scenes he films MAKE SENSE in the overall context of the episodes he directs. He also doesn't attempt to rip-off every directorial flourish in every movie he's ever seen (curiously referred to as "tributes" by other directors... ).

        He also works exceptionally well with his cinematographer, making each and every actor look good on camera (which is a lot harder than it looks), and lovingly bringing out their character's deeper motivations through lighting, mood and pacing.

        He knows what he's doing and he's confident about it without being pretentious, and it shows on every piece of film he shoots.
        Well said. One of the things that bugs me about PDL is that he retells the plot of the episode. Presumably you've seen it and want him to say more about the behind the scenes stuff. Also his humor is often a bit 8-year old for me. I like the actors' commentaries on the DVDs but they aren't "behind the scenes people" as in the thread title. I think it would be neat to hear from the stunt coordinators--Dan Shea (Sgt. Siler) or now Mr. Bamford (Ask Bam-Bam) on the commentaries some time.


          Originally posted by jckfan55
          Well said. One of the things that bugs me about PDL is that he retells the plot of the episode. Presumably you've seen it and want him to say more about the behind the scenes stuff. Also his humor is often a bit 8-year old for me. I like the actors' commentaries on the DVDs but they aren't "behind the scenes people" as in the thread title. I think it would be neat to hear from the stunt coordinators--Dan Shea (Sgt. Siler) or now Mr. Bamford (Ask Bam-Bam) on the commentaries some time.
          I don't mean to sound anti-PDL, as he's directed some of my favorite eps (The Tomb, Fragile Balance). But he seems to be more of an in-your-face type of director. This approach works exceptionally well for eps like Wormhole X-Treme and Absolute Power, but a great many of his eps just draaaggg, like Demons, Affinity and Death Knell. And, as jckfan55 mentions, PDL's humor does tend to get stuck at the 8-year-old level which I find quite tiring after a bit.

          Andy Mikita's eps often LOOK really good, even if they are a bit uneven in execution. He seems to showcase the plot and the actors rather than relying on directorial tricks to move the stories along, and has the strength to give his actors the leeway to try new things. Of course, that can result in clunkers like Prometheus Unbound, too. But I am looking forward to seeing what he does with Avalon.


            Tough call between Mallozzi, DeLuise, and Greenburg. And here's why:

            I won an official SG-1 merch hat from Mallozzi from winning the trivia question "Name the city that Jonas Quinn is from." Pretty simple no? (Hint: It's named after the most popular summer getaway vacation spot in all of British Columbia). He's a great guy, he even signed my SG-A promotional mini-poster from the Sci-Fi Network.

            I first met Greenburg in back in late 2004 at a silent auction here in Vancouver, when I won a Tour and Lunch for 4 at the Stargate Production Studios. He gave me information of who to call and such in order to redeem my tour. He was very kind and helped me out, and then even took the time to greet myself and my guests when I showed up at the studio.

            Peter DeLuise is the man of all men. This guy is hilarious. Stargate wouldn't be the same without him. Without Peter, Stargate SG-1 would probably be a crappy excuse of a Sci-Fi series like Andromeda is (start sending your hate mail folks! my email is [email protected] ) Peter showed me around the giant styrofoam prison set from Moebius and I got to watch them film the scene where the Jaffa bring Daniel back into the holding room and Oneill tells them to "get out of here you piss ants" or something alone those lines. It's funny because he completely made up a different line each time they filmed that scene, I guess they eventually selected the funniest version. DeLuise truely made my tour one to remember.

            Here's a picture that Peter took of myself, RDA, and my buddy Ian on the Moebius prison set (I hope the link works):



              On special features of a stargate sg-1 dvd they have a director who puts himself into every episode he directs. I like him because he seemed so proud of himself wen he did it.


                I like the episodes directed by William Gereghty,(who apparently knew RDA from the MacGyver days) but he's not an "entertainer" on the DVDs. He seems like a quiet, serious guy.


                  N. John Smith hands down.
                  Mikita and Wood a tie
                  The very young, do not always do what they are told.

                  "To me, my board" - Silver Surfer


                    Definitely Martin Wood. I love listening to his commentaries, funny and informative without being annoying.


                      director : Peter DeLuise and Martin Wood.
                      BTS guy : also PDL & MW

                      I tried to listen to every commentaries but other than PDL/MW I just can't stand to keep listening.. they're kinda droning, dragging on and on and on... or rather too little commentaries. PDL/MW has different style of giving commentaries/behind the scene but I like both styles.

                      PDL can keep a funny on going commentaries, ones that follow the scenes also some unrelated things/the anecdotes behind the scenes, which I like a lot!.
                      MW can explain the difficulty of making the film in layman terms, which is interesting and easy to understand and I appreciate that very much.
             : lilferret


                        Director - Martin Wood
                        Behind The Scenes - Bridget McGuire
                        My View From The Peanut Gallery


                          Yeah, i totally agree both are the only ones who make commentary actually interesting! And it seems to be linked with humour


                            Originally posted by tsaxlady
                            Behind The Scenes - Bridget McGuire
                            Good point. Why don't we get to hear from her on the commentaries? She seems to have done a lot of cool work.

