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Podcasts! Heard em? What do you think?

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    Podcasts! Heard em? What do you think?

    Our friends at have podcasts of writer commentary for the last 2 eps (The Siege, Pt 1 and Pt 2 ) of Atlantis. Don't know if they have them for Moebius for SG-1.

    Have you heard them? If so, what do you think?

    I'm d/ling podcast app software right now, so I can load the podcasts into my iPod, listen and watch the episodes at the same time. A whole 'nother way to get perspective on my favorite show. I'm looking forward to it.

    I was listening to a David Hewlett interview with - Internet radio for Geeks, basically where he mentioned he's an early adopter of all things gadgety and geeky, uses a Mac, and has an iPod. So maybe David will podcast some commentary on Atlantis sometime? How v. cool would that be?

    V. v. cool indeed.

    not so ancient,...pc-ancient.png

    PLEASE donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Disaster Relief ~ My LJ ~ My Disclaimer ~ A Mitch Pileggi Discussion Group

    Originally posted by not so ancient
    Our friends at have podcasts of writer commentary for the last 2 eps (The Siege, Pt 1 and Pt 2 ) of Atlantis. Don't know if they have them for Moebius for SG-1.

    Have you heard them? If so, what do you think?

    I'm d/ling podcast app software right now, so I can load the podcasts into my iPod, listen and watch the episodes at the same time. A whole 'nother way to get perspective on my favorite show. I'm looking forward to it.

    I was listening to a David Hewlett interview with - Internet radio for Geeks, basically where he mentioned he's an early adopter of all things gadgety and geeky, uses a Mac, and has an iPod. So maybe David will podcast some commentary on Atlantis sometime? How v. cool would that be?

    V. v. cool indeed.

    I have heard of podcasts and I think they are an interesting concept that Sci-Fi are using in an innotive way.

    Not enough to make me part with money for a iPod though...

    ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
    "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


      Originally posted by knocknashee
      I have heard of podcasts and I think they are an interesting concept that Sci-Fi are using in an innotive way.

      Not enough to make me part with money for a iPod though...
      If I understand, it's just an MP3 file. Theoretically, you could use them with any MP3 player, even one like Windows Media Player or Real Player, that you could hear right through your computer's speakers.

      Like I said, that's if I understand it right. And in theory. Someone correct me here!
      not so ancient,...pc-ancient.png

      PLEASE donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Disaster Relief ~ My LJ ~ My Disclaimer ~ A Mitch Pileggi Discussion Group


        Where do you download them?

        I can beta test for dell djs

        God I just hate the iPod controls


          You've got that right, you can just listen to the mp3 on your computer, or you can use any mp3 player.

          I hope David Hewlett does do a podcast commentary! I'd definitely give that one a listen. It seems Joe Flanigan is scared of the internet though, according to the Seige 1 commentary

          edited- you can download them here


            well i don't have an ipod so I just burned 'em on a disc and watched the episodes with my cd player playing them. The siege part 1 commentary was well worth the download time as it was quite funny. However I wish Gero would have let Mullie commentate more on both. I guess he likes attention.


              I only have listened to the second one (i know, odd) but i'm hoping to listen to the first one soon. I liked the second one, basically an early commentary

              Before you judge a person, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, not only will you be a mile away, you'll have their shoes.


                Battlestar Galactica podcasts with Ronald D. Moore: If I could rate it from 1 to 10, 10 being excellent, I would give it a 4.5

                The Distractions were a pain in the ass
                He should've Invited others to do it with him

                Moebius Podcast would be sweet especially with Peter DeLuise
                I hope they do them again this year
                Last edited by NowIWillDestroyAbydos; 05 July 2005, 07:32 PM.


                  I think the podcast is a nice addition.

                  I don't watch it with the original airing of the show however....or even when rewatching the show for that would just seem too distracting, I just listen to it on its own. It's pretty easy to follow the parts they are talking about without having it playing right in front of you.

                  It would be a nice treat if there was a different member of the cast each week commentating on the show as well.....I can only imagine the laughs that would come with that. From all the interviews I've read and heard, they seem like a fun bunch with a great sense of humor.


                    Podcasting update!

                    Yesterday Apple released iTunes v4.9 which has podcasting capabilities. They have a gazillion of them, and are accepting suggestions from the public for adding to their list.

                    I submitted the Stargate Atlantis podcasts. That's no guarantee that iTunes will add it but they had the Galactica podcast up there, and it was fairly highly ranked even.

                    I should probably drop a note to, or ring up, TPTB saying "Look, iTunes will now syndicate your podcasts for you, for free, so pleeeeeeeease keep on doing them."

                    Is it July 15 yet?!?!?!
                    not so ancient


                    PLEASE donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Disaster Relief ~ My LJ ~ My Disclaimer ~ A Mitch Pileggi Discussion Group

