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Modeling Challenge Thread

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    I will be modelling this as much of what I will be modeling will be a set which I can redress/retecture for other my coursework.


      Hmm sounds interesting. I will see what I can fit together.


        Here a preview, apart from cleaning up the mesh this took about forty minutes to do, slightly less probably. Theirs still a couple of issues with the mesh.

        In the centre I going to create door which will be like the iris on the gate. All round the chamber will be earth designed spot lights. In the their going to be couple reactors, mark 2b naquada reactors. In the centre also going to be the holographic emitter, with perhaps a ancient matter replication unit. Theirs also going to be a few computers in their two.
        Attached Files


          Originally posted by dboy-2007 View Post
          Only been working on this for about 45 minutes but its going to be a german hybrid fighter.

          Don't think anyone noticed.

          Continuing Stargate Virtual Fleet Link Below


            I spent a couple of hours last night fiddling with an idea....this morning i took one look at it and deleted the whole thing. This is the replacement...


            My idea revolves around a PuddleJumper being discovered in a small cache of tech Merlin left behind somewhere in Britain and what we Brits do with it.

            I'm debating if this'll be a space shuttle-like ship or an advanced fighter/bomber ship (Though if it is the latter no drones will be included in the pre-reveal design)

            'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'


              Originally posted by Dr Lee View Post
              I spent a couple of hours last night fiddling with an idea....this morning i took one look at it and deleted the whole thing. This is the replacement...


              My idea revolves around a PuddleJumper being discovered in a small cache of tech Merlin left behind somewhere in Britain and what we Brits do with it.

              I'm debating if this'll be a space shuttle-like ship or an advanced fighter/bomber ship (Though if it is the latter no drones will be included in the pre-reveal design)
              Interesting concept. I am not sure of everyone doing ships through, so far the entries seemed a bit bland. I look forward see where people go with them.


                Here is a better run down of the story behind my design.

                Pre WW II Germany discoveres the cahce of weapons Staffs/ staff cannons, zats, that wacky grenade the jaffa use and the pain stick.

                This is borught back to germany and a top secret team study the items in one of those oil barrel caverns that were dug out miles under hills and mountains.

                The team first tries to disassemble the weapons with next to no luck but several liquid naquadah explosions. During the next 15 years the rush to get new weapons increased funding of this project. Scientists were allowed to pull researchers from any other projects to get these to work. Many german scientists saw the first staff weapon disassembled before he left for refuge in other countries.

                During the war progress was halted because many of the already drained staff weapons were loosing thier power source as the liquid naquadah dried up. Converting the weapons over to be powered by the current electrical grid prooved ineffective. Results from these teste produced weak electrical output from Zats and more expolsions from the staff weapons.

                When the allies turned the tide on germany and forced back the battle lines this project came to a near halt seeing only a handfull of lab assistnts, one scientists (a chemist not a physisist), and two engineers (one mechanical one electrical) working to get any relevent information from the weapons.

                While they worked one test managed to prove useful. A MG-42 retrofit with staff components managed to combine a stadard 7.92X57mm belt ammunition with a plasma burst. Every fifth round was coated with plasma which lead to devastating results. The gun performed as it typically did with the exception of the fifth round having the ability to destroy armor and also to set fire to flamable targets.

                At this point both the russians and the allies were closing in on germany and there was no time to develope a production line as no one understood how the staff weapons worked. they just knew that a the technology in a staff weapon could be combined with heavy weaponry. All research, alien technology and the science teams were broken up and put onto U-Boats and sent to various locations around the world. The largest number landed in south america and made use of a natural cave which had a network of tunnels leading to villages and towns.

                In south america the germans continued studying the technology. After America dropped the first neuclear bombs and russia tested the first H bomb these germans realized they needed to gain access to nuclear technology to provide the resources needed to make thier energy weapons a reality.

                .... there is more to this story but i have to go..... eventually they build reactors and manage to make a liquide state out of common nuclear materials (Uranium, Plutonium and others) with limited success.

                The germans go heavy into nuclear research during the 20th century. they raise families with women from brazil, argentina, columbis and others, this is all done in secret.

                In the late 1980's the german-hispanic decendents make thier existence known to current german officials. Germany had an awkward decision to make. The weapons and research are returned to Germany but with no plans for world domination. this was done to safe face incase a bunch of waked out Nazi decendents started a nuclear war with america and other contries.

                When the SGC disclosed the stargate program the German government did not persue the staff waepons research, it had been locked away since its confiscation in the 80's.

                After a breakthroughs in atlantis german scientests returned home and reported thier findings in all matters of ancient technology. Mainly in this was the research performed on an ancient hand held waepon.

                the events from EATG promted a build up of interest in engery weapons research by many countries. Germany dislcoses its research into Staff weapons and the concurrent South american research.

                The German Hispanic scientests are rehired to oversee the weapons development in europe under international authority, Dr. Lee is even brought in as a consultant.

                After further testing and research the First handheld weapons prototypes were produced using all earth found materials.

                The HKI Mark I 5.7X28 mm saw action with the first European SG team and was a common defense weapon on Outposts like the alphasite and eventuallt the first colonies.

                SG teams were upgraded with this weapon were one in four soldiers carried it.

                The expense of the weapon made it hard to fully equip all teams with but as the new squad support weapon it proved its worth.

                The HKI Mark I was compact like the popular P90 and could fire both standard 28 mm rounds and the elongated 28mm round which produces a micro nuklear blast when fired.

                There are no shell cassings as this is a rail gun style mechanism. A liquid nuclear fuel cell provides power to the rail gun mechanism while two top feed clips allow for alternating fire of standard and nuclear rounds. Note: they do not produce a nuclear fallout so calm down. the nuclear reaction takes place within the round itself upon impact with armor. It will not go off when it hits infantry or other less dense material. however it can penetrate armor and severly deplete weaker sheilds.

                This weapon went into mass production to fight the lost tribe from the pegasus galaxy.

                side note the ammunition is commonly referred to as Spines not rounds.

                What do you think? I wanted to type this up before I went into modeling in case all of you didnt like it.


                  Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
                  The Fifth Challenge

                  Basically this is a model challenge that is based on the technology of another current country. Lets say that a piece of alien technology was found on earth at some point in the last two hundred years. the country that found this didn't know what to do with it but they studied it in secret, much the way the US and Russia studied the Stargate and DHD.

                  When the SGC disclosed to other countries its activities this country was able to make some breakthroughs on their current research.

                  Design something that has been developed by another country in secret over the past few years. This could be an advanced fighter jet. Hand held device or whatever. It must be hybrid"ish" in appearance and have a research history including activity before and after disclosure of the Stargate program.

                  This will be due on March 20th 2008 at midnight EST
                  sounds good...A british ship, i want to make it bigger than a jumper. destroyer/ frigate size?

                  Is that ok?



                    FIRST DRAFT. Research notes.

                    In 1901 a cavern was found by Theodore Radcliff why exploring his country manor house grounds. As ran into the cavern he came across the artificial structure. Too young to fully understand what he found he convinces his much older bother to come see the structure him. The structure itself was heavily damage, except for a flickering chrismal raise up from a slot into the ground. The ceiling was collapse.
                    Eventually both relying they found something strange they contact their local police officer, who after finally being drag into the cave by the two children alerted the British military.
                    They sure the find an alerted London, who after much convincing sent in a team of scientist, after several days they confirmed that the structure is unlike anything they have ever seen, and is artificially built. The ministry immediately bought the manor house and all surrounding land and set up research operations.
                    They spent twenty years studying the structure, at the height of the project during world war 1 over a hundred scientist work on the project with little success, apart lighting up one of the panels this shorted out the crystals and whatever was powering the device stopped functioning shortly after, the scientist was electrocuted and died shortly afterwards. No activity from the structure was ever reported again.
                    The project was put on hold during the twenties and early thirties. It was rapidly reactivated after the spread of Nazism’s across Europe. Although the war the scientist start to gain a understand of the technology they were actually dealing, process accelerated when Tommy Flowers Allen Coombs, Sid Broadhurst and Bill Chandler all reassign from Bletchley Park to study the device. They quickly theorize that his crystals, many of which were damage, perfume something similar to the valves in Colossus, and although the technology was way ahead of earths, the device in the structure was a giant computer. They spent full two working on the project, abandoning their own computer research and focusing on this. Although they knew they were near to a break, finally connecting up an electricity generator to the structure, and managing to achieve some success sending electricity into the system they could never get it to work. The government short of resources and funds cancel the project after the power generators overloaded and exploded damaging much of the cavern. Although they knew the core of the system survive were never given a chance to carry out repairs.
                    It would not be until the 1980s until the project started up again. A PHD student at Liverpool University computer department develop ideas for a light base computer system, that would operation entirely on light instead electrical impulses, with the data stored in crystals, he theories each crystal could hold tens of thousands of terabytes. His professor, just lab assistance in the forties, working under Bill chandler, and the young student work reminded him of the structure. He kept a sample of one of crystals, him and the student spent months working with lasers, telescopes, spectrometers, they succeeded in accessing some of the information stored on the crystal but much of it seemed be either encrypted or damage be young recover. They knew if they could get access to more of the crystal and even the structure itself they could further work.

                    After months of meetings with the Department of Defense, they gained access to the structure. The structure at this time was even more damage now than in the forties, with the cave collapsing and many of the consoles heavily damage.
                    The scientist knew themselves that they would effectively have to rebuild the structure from scratch, designing replacement as they went.
                    The project was slow, the structure it self was so unstable that it took all two years before it was safe to working without helmets. Additional five years was spent taking part the device, bit by bit noting each bit as they went. Apart from the engineering crew their to stabilize the structure and build power facilities, most of the research was done by the two scientist. After ten long years they finally developed their interface technology for accessing the crystals.
                    Unfortunately for Dean, James shuttleworth died in 1992. Leaving him in charge of a growing project. Although they were making much progress in rebuilding and repairing the device, much it was having to done with earth built components and it was slow progress. Through the study of device alone had advanced their knowledge computer engineering by a couple hundred years ahead of anyone else on the planet.
                    By 2003 the device has been fully repaired, their remain one challenge and although they made much progress in the hardware, and even built their own crystal based computers, they were no where near translating the language, which was needed to be done to enable them to write the data access protocols needed bridge the earth technology with the alien operating system Although they could access raw date, ones and zeros, translating this data into English was their next major challenge. Little did they know that the British ambassador would be bringing them much needed help.
                    Soon after disclosure much of the non military items were made available to the UK government, although all they really wanted was Daniel Jackson notes on the ancient language and how to translate it. So after this was obtain quick work was made on programming the interfaces to the devices and after little less the a year worth of work the Ancient/human hybrid computer was bought fully online, with a interactive hologram to guide users through the vast wealth of knowledge an although much of the information was thought loss, algorithm recreated much of the stuff that was lost. Up to 98% of the knowledge was accessible. Through the early history of the ancient before they arrive here in the Milkyway galaxy was lost.
                    Last edited by knowles2; 21 February 2009, 04:47 PM.


                      Here a second draft. In spoiler for space.

                      I have just relies in the 28 years I been writing this diary I have never written about my life work beginnings, well where did it all began, the first recorded discovery of the cavern was made in 1901 a Edward Radcliff why exploring his country house grounds. As he ran into a cave he came across something the artificial structure (shame the greatest discovery in archeology had to be made by bloody kid). Too young to fully understand what he found he convinces his much older bother to come see the structure him. The structure itself was heavily damage, except for a flickering crystal risen up from a slot in the ground. The ceiling has partially collapse.
                      Eventually both relies they have found something important, they contacted their local police officer, who after hours of nagging, they finally manage to convince him to come to the cave. Shocked and frighten of what had discovered he alerted the local military commander.
                      The commander alerted London, and after much convincing sent down a team of scientist, who after several days of exploration, confirmed that the structure is unlike anything they have ever seen, and is artificially built, and way beyond any known technology. The ministry immediately bought the country house and all surrounding land and set up a army base to the un informed, one of Britain top research bases to the people in the know.
                      Over the course of twenty years various came and went, all studying the structure, all made little to know breakthroughs. At the height of the project during world war 1 over a hundred scientist work on the project with little success, apart from one scientist who manage to light up one of the control panels this shorted out the crystals and a power overload, whatever was powering the device stopped, I believe the American have named is a ZPM, (a highly inaccurate name if I may say so, any way it stop functioning shortly afterwards) the scientist was electrocuted and died shortly afterwards. No activity from the structure was ever reported again during this period of research.
                      The project was put on hold during the twenties and early thirties. It was rapidly reactivated after the spread of Nazism’s across Europe, with the ministry believe it could provide some new weapon (they had no idea what they were dealing with). During the war the scientist were beginning to gain a basic understand of the technology they were dealing with, this process accelerated after the war when Tommy Flowers Allen Coombs, Sid Broadhurst and Bill Chandler all reassign from Bletchley Park to study the device.
                      They quickly formed the theory that the crystals, many of which were damage, perfume something similar to the valves in Colossus, although the technology was way ahead of anything on earths; the device was a giant computer. They spent a full two year working none stop on the device, abandoning their own computer research and focusing all their efforts into understanding the device.
                      Although they knew they were near to a breakthrough (what this breakthrough was I have discover, it seem they took it to their graves has revenge for the cancellation of their project), finally connecting up an electricity generator to the structure, and managing to achieve some success in sending electricity into the system they could never get it to work. The government short on resources and funds cancel the project after the power generators overloaded and exploded, causing way more damaging to the cave and more importantly the device (Making my job even harder). Although they knew the core of the system survive were never given a chance to carry out repairs.
                      It would not be until the 1981 until the project started up again. A PHD student (the writer of this diary) at Liverpool University computer department developed ideas for a light base computer system, that would operation entirely on light instead electrical impulses (revolutionary at the time), operating everything at the speed of light tens of trillions of calculations could be done per second, with the data stored in crystals, I theories that crystal base storage device could hold tens of thousands of terabytes.
                      My dear friend, James Shuttle, just lab assistance in the forties, working under Bill chandler, and my work reminded him of the device and the crystals. He kept a sample of one of crystals, which he stole (well he gave it back eventually, took him forty year through). Me and James spent many months working in the lab with lasers, telescopes, spectrometers, we succeeded in accessing some of the information stored on the crystal but much of it seemed be either encrypted or damage be young recover. They knew if they could get access to more of the crystal and even the structure itself they could further work. (Okay, here I am going to be honest we did not technically succeed in getting the data off the crystal,, we just made it look like we did so we could access to the site, would not achieve this breakthrough until, the year 1990)
                      After months of meetings with the Department of Defense, and demonstrating our research (which was faked), we gained access to the structure and more importantly the device. The structure at this time was even more damage now than in the forties, with the cave collapsing around us and many of the consoles heavily damage. (I knew it was bad but well I did not relies it was that bad)
                      The scientist knew themselves that they would effectively have to rebuild the structure and eventually the device from scratch, using what left and designing replacements parts as they went.
                      The project was slow; the structure itself was so unstable that it took almost two years before it was safe to working without helmets. Additional five years was spent taking part the device, bit by bit noting each bit as we went, slowly building up schematics of the device from the outside to inside of the device. Apart from the engineering crew there to stabilize and repair the structure and build power facilities, (the device suck power like there was no tomorrow) most of the research was carried out by us, for one we had to get to the stage that the big wigs though we were at too stop other scientist from spilling the beans and getting us chuck off the project. After ten long years we finally developed their interface technology for accessing the crystals.
                      Unfortunately James died in 1992, just after we successfully tested the interface. Leaving me, of all people, in charge of the project, a brave decision. Although we suffered a great lost, me and other scientist were slowly making progress in rebuilding and repairing the device, much of it was having to done with earth built components, we replicated from the device as close as possible and it was slow progress. Through the study of device alone had advanced their knowledge computer engineering by a couple hundred years ahead of anyone else on the planet. In 1995 when we successfully grew our own crystals an d manage to record information onto them.
                      By 2003 the device has been fully repaired, well there was one or two glitches that needed to be iron out, their remain one challenge through, we have made much progress in the hardware, and even built own crystal based computers 1996 is when we achieve 20 petaflops per second, 12 years before public systems, except theirs took up an entire warehouse, ours was the size of a fridge. I hear GCHQ made good use combining several dozen of these together have enable them decrypt all encrypted communications on earth. That remind me must listen to tapes we have on former president Clinton I hear they contain some rather juicy conversations.
                      We were nowhere near translating the Ancients language, which was needed to be done to enable the team (me) to write the data access protocols needed bridge the earth technology with the alien operating system, it seem the system is capable of rewriting it own to communicate, still not enough to make accessing the information possible. We could access raw data; ones and zeros, and make them into symbol. Translating this into English was our next major challenge. Little did we know that the UK American ambassador would be bringing us some much needed help.
                      Soon after the American disclosure of their Stargate program, and no we will be telling about our little project, much of the information made available to us was non military, although most of the info we was not really interested in, what we wanted was Daniel Jackson notes on the ancient language and how to translate it. This was quickly obtained; through we had to use a MI6 contact inside the Trust to obtain the info.
                      We made quick work on programming the interfaces to the device and in a little less than a year worth of work the Ancient/human hybrid computer was bought fully online, with an interactive hologram to guide users through, okay I will admit I rebuilt the holographic emitter without knowing what they were, same as the sensors, at first we thought most of the knowledge/information was lose. Lucky for us an Ancient recovery algorithm recovered much of the knowledge Up to 98% of the knowledge was no way to be certainly exactly what was lost. Through we discover that the early history of the ancient and knowledge of Merlin cavern was either never their or was lost in the repairing and rebuilding of the device. The ancient core, as I have named it, okay so I may of borrowed from the Asgard here, so sue me, contained many other functions, such as a matter conversion device, still non operational, having access to the Asgard core may help in making repairs, I have been told MI6 are working on gain access, the subspace sensors are partially operational, we should have them fully operational by the end of the year, quicker progress could been made if Groding did not sacrifice himself on that satellite and receive the design spec from Atlantis database. The full potential of the core has still not been fully relies progress is moving faster than expected.
                      The project will soon be move to an alternate facility currently being built on a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean at the beginning of 2009, project Valiant is currently under construction at several sites and will be relocated to the new base of operations shortly afterwards, early February. Expected date of completion 2010, we are so going to pissed off well everyone the Americans, Chinese and the Russians and well the French to.
                      Especially considering the shields I have design using the core, will make the Asgard weapon system obsolete. I think I will leave that detail out until the first war games are arranged. I hear Colonel Ellis of the Apollo is rather arrogant; it should be fun seeing his face when his vessels Asgard weapons are off no use.
                      Through I must give credit to Merlin and Janus for designing a great AI for the core, it put the Asgard version to shame.

                      Yes I know it need some grammar/spelling work done, working progress.
                      Last edited by knowles2; 21 February 2009, 05:01 PM.


                        Very Cool Knowles2. I like that you got the events before and after the disclosure point.

                        Are you going to model an anciant cavern with humen tech added to make the old systems work or is this model going to be a new interface based of the old one.... basically I'm asking is this a bandaid or a prostetic limb?

                        Side note:
                        I hope to have a colage of my HKI Mark I sometime this weekend.


                          Originally posted by MkF_Smity View Post
                          Very Cool Knowles2. I like that you got the events before and after the disclosure point.

                          Are you going to model an anciant cavern with humen tech added to make the old systems work or is this model going to be a new interface based of the old one.... basically I'm asking is this a bandaid or a prostetic limb?

                          Side note:
                          I hope to have a colage of my HKI Mark I sometime this weekend.
                          It going to be a mixture of both. All the cave as of the nineties was covered over in concrete and metal panels. It is going to be a mixture of both, band aid an prosthetic


                            cool that nazi stuf, well thought out.

                            I myself have decided to go persue something which involves the VOC/WIC.

                            (1963)Archaeologists have found a wreck of an old Naval Warship, it is thought to be a ship from the VOC. When these archaeologists try to make there find public, and try to make the name public, the Vliegende Hollander. The Dutch Navy confiscates the research and declares it "CLASSIFIED", to the Staten Generaal it says it's a matter of National Security. The Vliegende Hollander was a ship coming from Batavia in De Oost. Because of possible rebellion in the city Jogjakarta they have taken some of the highly important finds to the motherland.

                            After extensive searches in the wreck they found the things it was transporting. It contained an Astria Porta, a 'dhd', a cash of Zat's, Staff Weapons, Staff Canons, a sarcophagus, a drone, a dead ZedPM, a book with gate addresses, a few maps of places not on earth, a journal, a few strange weapons and a sizable quantity of an unknown metal (Naquadah). The Strange weapons look like a double barrel Muskets, but they cant hold bullets and are made of a darker material (Naquadah).

                            A group of Naval Officers go over the log and discover that the Astria Porta, is literally a portal to other worlds. The VOC turned out to have a few bases off world.

                            All was classified and hidden away in a secret base deep under the Naval Base in Den Helder. There were guards there at all times, and one day a report came in that the round "thing" activated and a group of men came throe, wearing old style Marine uniforms and carrying the strange weapons. The kidnapped the guards and left a note, which said: "Zeven Vereingde Nederlanden red ons! (gate address, explored by the USA in 2009, but was found desolate by a nuclear explosion) Komt gij ons hier volgen. Verbroedering!"

                            They also left a note on how to operate the Astria Porta.

                            Because of this a group of marines was put together and sent throe. Where they found themselves was in a Vesting, which was under siege. Now a group of "Dutchies" came and told them to help them fend off the siege.

                            The marines and the "dutchies" couldn't fend off the siege and had to diall earth again, they all went throe and the gate shut down. The Dutch Army then ordered a nuclear weapon throe the gate to destroy it once and for all!

                            This was done and the Gate was closed with covering stones, the original ones in which the gate was found. The underground base was later enlagred for all the refugees to live in, this is also where they started to work on new weapons based on Ancient Technology.

                            An Airplane was created from Naquada, it looked kinda like a bird. With the help of the Koninkluke Luchtmacht the airplane started working in 1988. It was found not to make it public, but keep it as a special defence kept for if the enemy, the refugees call Goa'uld would invade earth.

                            After the developing building the planes became easer, and in 1994, 35 of them were created. But strangely only 7 pilots were trained. Each pilot would have to pilot 5 of these fighters. (over the years the fighters were obviously kept up to date with the progressing technology, it contained powerful rockets, but its main weapons are 4 Staff Cannons, mounted on the tip of the wings. The refugees even equipped them with cargo ship cloaks.

                            When in 2004 Anubis attacked these fighters were sent up to wreak havoc on the Ha'taks. One of the non pilot fighters got shotdown by a drone and it impacted the Prometheus' shields.

                            The only way the Dutch gained information from the USA was by means of a spy within an SG team, for the USA didn't give the Netherlands any information. This spy continued to work until she was killed off world by an group of Ori soldiers.

                            Later on Germany became a great help in giving information to the Netherlands.
                            Last edited by locutes; 28 February 2009, 05:06 AM.


                            Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië



                              lang leve holland


                                I'm starting on my history tonight....Probably will write it out as i watch the oscars

                                'You gotta admit, Vampires are just plain cool'

