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Modeling Challenge Thread

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    its not finished yet, but as i made the still-grey parts one object, i cant give them seperate colors and so i'm re-moddeling those


      you can also push the button, "make unique"

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        blender is different from SU i think.
        Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          its not finished yet, but as i made the still-grey parts one object, i cant give them seperate colors and so i'm re-moddeling those

          The easiest way would be to break the object up into smaller pieces.. Select the area you want to make separate and duplicate the object. Then delete the area from one object. Select the other object and press select swap and delete the rest of the area.

          Not sure that's the best way to explain it
          Last edited by Pharaoh Hamenthotep; 19 August 2009, 08:59 AM.


            Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


              Originally posted by Experiement 442 View Post
              Must stop trying to do six things at once.. quoted wrong person..

              It was about adding different colours to an object in Blender.. I find the easiest way is to use separate objects for different colours and was trying to explain how to break an object up into smaller pieces without having to remodel the whole thing..


                yes, i did that with the cockpit.

                only it's nigh-impossible to do what you said, the wheels are too complex for that.

                do you like the main body? it was more or less an accident. i love modifiers and such. the rather blocky and well, non-smooth cockpit suddenly became just as i wanted it. added "set smooth", and it was perfect.


                  this time in spoilers

                  rebuilt the wheels, finalized some stuff and here it is:


                    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                    i think its a difference in language here.

                    "battery" in my language means those AA batteries, anything that can provide and store energy. the chemical reaction in a battery generates power and thus its not just "stored"

                    i think a fuel cell is a better word.

                    it depends on the size of the fuel cell and the power required. guessing from the volatile reaction, i'd say a car-battery version could power a tank for a few months. standard electrode potential of naquahdah being something like +50 or so? then a naquahdah-lithium cell would generate some 52 volts. under standard circumstances naturally.
                    . . . . . . .Fuel Cell is better. . . . . . .

                    Remember that little spiel about that horrible movie I watched earlier this month? G-Force. It kinda looks like that machine the hamsters had.


                      I saw a trailer, looked *like a word i'm not allowed to say on a forum of this nature without getting banned for a week* in my opinion.
                      Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                        final model of my small vehicle.

                        i'd say 2 crew, designed for speed



                          A comparison with two of my favorite vehicles.



                            Its big...
                            Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


                              Hey there everyone, i know i havent really posted here alot and i was going to post this in the OSDT but thought people here might be more interested. I am having an issue in modelling out a couple of key features for a fleet race and would like to get your help/ideas on it. If you follow the fleets then you probley have an idea about what im talking about but if not they are basicly an early version of the Ancients that moved to Andromeda and rebuilt their civilization after the plague. Thats the basic backstory. Im looking for a few ideas and images that could help. Theres a few things i would like help with but a couple that could be incorporated in to the other challenge going on.

                              Heres a list of some of the things i cant figure out. Theres a base called ASOPT which is an Island fortress but the base is underwater wrapped around the base of an active volanic chain, which is a source of power as well as the geothermal vents nearby, so theres sortof a spider web of geothemal power stations like atlantis had all over the seabed. Does anyone know of a image from a TV show or film or whatever that might work as a visual for that. Im thinking something from starwars but im not quite sure which one etc, possibly the Gungan city..

                              The other major thing that i just can figure out how its going to look is the central Tower of the citidel, which is the capitol of the hypercity at the centre of their storyline. Its gotta be old school ancient, massive, stone built, but a bit different to the normal atlantis/asuris architecture. Think what would Vis uban have looked like if i had been build, and thats the kinda thing im thinking of, but cant quite picture it. If anyone would wnat to model just the tower, not the whole citidel but just the tower to help me out then that would be amazing.

                              As to how this could muddle in to the the existing challenge the Halen have a personal battleship/fighter thing. Its basicly a flying moterbike with guns and a forcefield, think of the Ghosts from Halo but with a Ancient look. I can picture them as very much looking like Ghosts, single or double seater with two frontal rail cannons, the back containing an inertial dampener based engine like Death gliders but only capable of lower atmospheric flight, up to say chopper heights but not space travel. Its also gate capable because its about the size of a Harley. Im goign to try and do my own model but if anyone wants to notify me if anything from here might fit the Chariots then id be really happy to check it out and maybe use it in a scene if that happens.

                              Thanks for any help possible. Tep
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                                I could model the tower, i've been working on something for a little bit. I'll PM you a render of it when i get the time.
                                Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?

