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Anubis's Supership V The Ori

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    Originally posted by pbutter
    Well, yeah, they are not Atlantis level sheilds, of course not, but they were Ancient sheilds. He stole Ancient technology. They are also contoured to hug the hull of the ship, just like the ones on the Aurora. How else would they be superior to other Goauld shields.
    though it's possible they were "lower quality" ancient shields, even this is unlikely : Oma said Anubis had no right to use ascended knowledge he couldn't have acquired as a goauld. which means those new shields of his were the product of goauld know-how only. this wouldn't have been the 1st time a system lord came up with a new piece of tech that gave or would've given them an edge over their rivals (Apophis, Sokar, Nirti etc. have done likewise). Anubis needed those new shields 1st & foremost to deal with the tollans. evidently the new shield tech was not stronger than standard goauld shielding (Full Circle), just more sophisticated

    Bold - You mean the Jumpers. The Jumper's originally, were not designed to have shields, but they (Radek, i think) converted the cloak into a shield.
    yeah jumpers. but if a makeshift shield made from ancient tech can stop drones, then so would the real deal


      I think Anubis's super ship is somewhere between the standard Ha'tak, and the latest Asgard and Ancient ships in terms of power. As far as I remember he upgraded his shields with some Ancient knowledge gained during his ascension, they are not Ancient shields, they look completely different from any Ancient shields we have seen for starters.

      IMO he didn't have access to that much Ancient knowledge or he would have built something much more powerful than he did.


        Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
        though it's possible they were "lower quality" ancient shields, even this is unlikely : Oma said Anubis had no right to use ascended knowledge he couldn't have acquired as a goauld. which means those new shields of his were the product of goauld know-how only. this wouldn't have been the 1st time a system lord came up with a new piece of tech that gave or would've given them an edge over their rivals (Apophis, Sokar, Nirti etc. have done likewise). Anubis needed those new shields 1st & foremost to deal with the tollans. evidently the new shield tech was not stronger than standard goauld shielding (Full Circle), just more sophisticated

        yeah jumpers. but if a makeshift shield made from ancient tech can stop drones, then so would the real deal
        anubis never faced the tollans mate...and his shields werent ancient tech because he never ran into that kind of stuff...he stole most of his technology to make his ships that good after he captured thor and took a lot of the knowledge of the asgard
        The BC-304... Just Try And Stop Us Now!



          Anubis had to have used ancient stuff to beat the Asgard. And Tanith faced the Tollan in Anubis' yes he did fight them.

          He couldn't 'have Asgard upgrades - beat the Asgard with them - gain Asgard upgrades - Beat the Asgard with them -...'

          You're creating a paradox.

          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


            Originally posted by Bobby View Post
            anubis never faced the tollans mate...and his shields werent ancient tech because he never ran into that kind of stuff...he stole most of his technology to make his ships that good after he captured thor and took a lot of the knowledge of the asgard

            It was one of his ships that faced the tollan I thought. Also three of his ships stood up against and destroyed an asgard ship. He then got even more tech from thor. So they were already good before he just went and made them better.


              Originally posted by Smallz View Post
              It was one of his ships that faced the tollan I thought. Also three of his ships stood up against and destroyed an asgard ship. He then got even more tech from thor. So they were already good before he just went and made them better.
              i agree with that but it was 2 ships that destoryed the asgard ship. Anubis's ship came later if you remember.


                Anubis's ship would get roasted IMO. If the Ori beam works on pure strength the super ships shields would probably hold for a few shots as they're probably tougher than the shields on our 304's simply because of the size of the ship. However if the beam works on techno bable principles to bypass Goa'uld shields the beam will probably be like drones and get through on the first shot. Either way an Ori ship would own, unless Anubis used the eyes in the same way he did against the planet Abydoss. The lightning strike would be several times more powerful than the one used on the Ha'tak so it may have a chance against the Ori shields.
                Robert Jastrow (self-proclaimed agnostic): "For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."


                  I agree that Anubis' ship would get owned. I posted above a couple of days ago saying that but it just occured to me. TPTB wanted to the Ori to be the most powerful enemy yet, not just in terms of them being ascended, but also with their ships so that they could play up the drama...

                  And IMHO i reckon a few Asgard ships could have taken out Anubis' ship, ie the Asgard ship that used the pulse weapons (end of season 9) rather than beam weapons (unending).


                    Originally posted by Buba uognarf View Post
                    Anubis's ship would get roasted IMO. If the Ori beam works on pure strength the super ships shields would probably hold for a few shots as they're probably tougher than the shields on our 304's simply because of the size of the ship. However if the beam works on techno bable principles to bypass Goa'uld shields the beam will probably be like drones and get through on the first shot. Either way an Ori ship would own, unless Anubis used the eyes in the same way he did against the planet Abydoss. The lightning strike would be several times more powerful than the one used on the Ha'tak so it may have a chance against the Ori shields.
                    i think the ori beam was just that strong it could go ight through it...not like the ancient drones...when u see it hit the hatak they sorta hold for like half a second before going through it...different to when we saw anubis' ship get cained by the ancient drones in lost city
                    The BC-304... Just Try And Stop Us Now!



                      Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                      I agree that Anubis' ship would get owned. I posted above a couple of days ago saying that but it just occured to me. TPTB wanted to the Ori to be the most powerful enemy yet, not just in terms of them being ascended, but also with their ships so that they could play up the drama...

                      And IMHO i reckon a few Asgard ships could have taken out Anubis' ship, ie the Asgard ship that used the pulse weapons (end of season 9) rather than beam weapons (unending).

                      What about one on one though. Could anubis stand up against one asgard ship. Anyways bobby is right when the ori beam hits the hataks shields it seems to be stopped for a second when you see the shields come up. So the ori weapon just overpowers them and not goes through them.


                        Originally posted by Smallz View Post
                        What about one on one though. Could anubis stand up against one asgard ship. Anyways bobby is right when the ori beam hits the hataks shields it seems to be stopped for a second when you see the shields come up. So the ori weapon just overpowers them and not goes through them.
                        thats what i was trying to get at...i know that anubis would get cained by the ori (put up a better fight that the jaffa though) but if he had that supership one on one with a ori mother ship then i think it would be intresting...i probably have to agree with what people have said though the ori mothership would just have too strong shields
                        The BC-304... Just Try And Stop Us Now!



                          Annubis upgraded shields may very well be Ancient shields, that would explain why he was able to overcome the Asgard and why the Tollan cannons were ineffectual. That would make sense.

                          However, no shields can withstand beam weapons and from what is observed of the Aurora's, beams will eat those shields.

                          1 Ori ship vs. Super Annubis ship with awesome weapon.

                          Advantage Ori. Why? Beam weapon, no 'charge' time, 1 second=1 shot. Shields? Ori shields cannot be bypassed, not by beams, not by drones.

                          So I do not think that 'red lightning' weapon is going to bypass Ori shields. It will damage them, but not bypass. And Supermotherships regular weapons would be impotent against Ori shields. While Ori secondary weapons are also incredilby powerful, take out a Ha'tak with a couple of hits.

                          Annubis weapon needs time to charge up, Death Star style. In battle against superior foe, time is of the essence.

                          If Annubis is 'unlucky' (writers), 1 Ori beam will go right THROUGH his shields to destroy the ship. If Annubis is 'very lucky' (writers) 3-4 shots to take down his ship and in the process destroy Ori ship, a double KO.
                          Last edited by JSPuddlejumper; 19 May 2008, 05:39 AM.


                            Ori weapons dont recharge that fast it takes time and its not like anubis takes forever to fire his weapon. And just because he could withstand the tollans and asgard doesnt mean they are ancient shields they just could have been very good upgrades.


                              Where did those upgrades come from ?
                              Every new tech that Anubis had, was stolen from the Ancients or the Asgard, i.e., the kull warriors - the Ancient healing/zombie device, super weapon - Ancient gem stone, Ascension machine - based on Ancient research, Hologram tech - Asgard, SGC power drain tech - Asgard.
                              It has been said on the show, a number of times, that the Goauld steal technology.


                                I know he used ancient knowledge to upgrade his ships but it doesnt mean that his ships use ancient shields. That is what I am saying.

