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Stargate SG-1 Cancelled

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    Originally posted by Sam fisher
    Thats it, I'm no longer watching Scifi. I'll watch BSG on DVD.
    BSG airs on Universal HD, So if you subscribe to HD cable, you can watch BSG in HD on a channel that isn't Scifi.


      A very low blow for Sci-Fi to do this after 200 aired, typical...
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        Originally posted by nunuu
        Sigh. Just when I got into the series too.


        Anyway, I just hope we'll see a TV movie or mini series to wrap up the Ori storyline. Here's hoping for a theatrical release. Or maybe they'll just bring everything back under a different name. XD
        that sounds like a good idea

        StarGate SG1 Petition numbers:436 & 2460


          What's pissing me off is the people going round with "In Memorium" sigs already. I mean come on people, talk about defeatism. We're in an age where fans have more of a say than they ever have and the power of the internet has never been greater.

          I'm not saying we can save SG:1 but we bloody well won't if we don't even try.

          Will green intelligent debates, not just those who share my views. Challenge - always.


            Cancelling SG-1 is just criminal. It can't compare to Atlantis. Not saying Atlantis is bad but SG-1 is the original. Find somewhere to air it but air it. This season has been one of the best ever. If they must cancel they must but stopping in the middle of the fight with the ori is wrong. Stargate Command better win this fight though. No destroying Earth. Hopefully if it has to end then they can combine the series with Atlantis sort of. Have the characters make appearances in Atlantis or something. Never seeing SG-1 and all its glory again is just sick.


              Originally posted by Wraith Scientist
              Not only that, but they'd just signed up the actors for another two (I think) years! Then Sci-fi stabs them in the back when they're all set for the future and having a party!

              I feel really sorry for the actors, Stargate is supposed to be one of the best productions to work on. It looks like they had so much fun
              Oh, now that totally sucks.....I feel so sorry for them all....they have no control over this decision.....hopefully we can have some sway....hell there have been examples in the past of fans swaying things....hopefully this will be one of those times.
              Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
              |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                oh my god! To learn it is cancelled a few hours only after spending the first day of my vacations to finally finish watching seasons 1-9(which I only started watching a few months ago) kinda sucks!!!
                Last edited by spookyalien; 21 August 2006, 03:25 PM.


                  I'm heartbroken!! It's so SAD!! Although I had to say, I saw it coming... At least we still have Atlantis!!

                  Sig by RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by sueKay
                    To quote Jack O'Neill...I don't give a rat's ass about Sci Fi...but I care about Stargate...boycotting Atlantis hurts SG1 and Stargate more than anything else. Sci Fi's got it's own audience can dump the SG-franchise and stop watching BSG, Eureka and Wrestling and it'll crumble.

                    Stargate's a franchise...if both series are cancelled, no company will pick it up...that means no nothing. If Atlantis continues to do well, then we might get an SG1 tv movie, mini-series, feature films...the works. Boycott Atlantis and you shoot yourself in the foot.
                    Couldn't agree with that more. I like Atlantis (started liking it more than SG-1 this year actually...*ducks*) and I don't think it's a good idea to start boycotting it just because they cancelled SG-1.

                    But that's just me...

                    (btw, I like your new sig, SueKay.)


                      this just sucks

                      StarGate SG1 Petition numbers:436 & 2460
                      SAVE STARGATE SG1


                        I have just sent the following to SCI FI:

                        OPEN LETTER TO THE SCI FI NETWORK
                        August 21st, 2006

                        I have recently been informed of the network’s decision of cancelling the long running show “Stargate SG-1”. I must say that I am surprised and shocked by this decision for multiple reasons. SG-1 has been part of my cultural heritage since the age of 8, I have followed every season without missing a single episode and I am very sad to see it go just when a new storyline was being revealed.

                        The news I read made mention of the low Nielsen Ratings as the reason of the cancellation. Must I remind you that the Nielsen Ratings don’t properly reflect the entire population? The Stargate franchise is known for its huge number of fans supporting it. Take for example Gateworld [] which is one of the largest (if not the largest) Stargate-related fan-driven website on the Internet right now. The numerous conventions also prove that Stargate is a very profitable and prosperous franchise, and I do not see how cancelling SG-1 will help it. Fact is, SCI FI is to blame for the low ratings of this season by their lack of publicity, change of schedule, and the placement of the highly successful show Eureka right before Stargate. Friday night is a popular night for “going out” (which as you might know, involves leaving the TV to do other stuff). With the current schedule, I had to cancel my Friday night plans almost every week because of the poor placement of the Stargate shows (don’t get me started on the reruns, they are even more awkwardly positioned). The decision of starting the new season in the middle of the summer didn’t help them either.

                        Deciding to cancel this show on the eve of the 200th episode wasn’t a good move. Most fans are furious about this and think that SCI FI waited for this episode so they could brag about how “Stargate SG-1 was a long running successful series” when they are in fact responsible for its death. Fans are already fighting to save the show: within an hour of the announcement, an online petition created by a fan already reached a thousand signatures []. The cancellation of Stargate SG-1 would also cut a little more then half of the Atlantis viewers, rendering the show pretty useless. Fact is, Atlantis cannot live without SG-1, and nowadays, the opposite is also the case: SG-1 can’t live without Atlantis.

                        Please remember that Stargate SG-1 is what made this network popular back in the day and that you owe this show a great deal of respect. I find that cancelling this show will not help to raise your viewers count, but will in fact decreasing. I ask you to please reconsider your decision of cancelling Stargate SG-1 and renewing it for a 11th season. The show is getting increasingly interesting as the Ori plot develops.

                        Thanks for reading!
                        Andrew Moore


                          Originally posted by CamandVala
                          I'm heartbroken!! It's so SAD!! Although I had to say, I saw it coming... At least we still have Atlantis!!
                          Took the words right out of my mouth, at least Atlantis lives on and continues to carry the Stargate name.
                          "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                          DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                            This is indeed a sad day for us Stargate fans. I am incredibly irate that SciFi would do something this wretched to their fans. I am glad that Atlantis was spared, but why, why cancel SG1? How dare they bring the tenth season to us with a new villian and storyline and then just up and cancel the show without the characters having made significant headway?

                            i can only hope that another network picks up the show. If it weren't for the Atlantis season I would drop Scifi like a stone. I am so angry about this.

                            This blows.


                              Originally posted by FineWolf
                              I have just sent the following to SCI FI:

                              OPEN LETTER TO THE SCI FI NETWORK
                              August 21st, 2006

                              I have recently been informed of the network’s decision of cancelling the long running show “Stargate SG-1”. I must say that I am surprised and shocked by this decision for multiple reasons. SG-1 has been part of my cultural heritage since the age of 8, I have followed every season without missing a single episode and I am very sad to see it go just when a new storyline was being revealed.

                              The news I read made mention of the low Nielsen Ratings as the reason of the cancellation. Must I remind you that the Nielsen Ratings don’t properly reflect the entire population? The Stargate franchise is known for its huge number of fans supporting it. Take for example Gateworld [] which is one of the largest (if not the largest) Stargate-related fan-driven website on the Internet right now. The numerous conventions also prove that Stargate is a very profitable and prosperous franchise, and I do not see how cancelling SG-1 will help it. Fact is, SCI FI is to blame for the low ratings of this season by their lack of publicity, change of schedule, and the placement of the highly successful show Eureka right before Stargate. Friday night is a popular night for “going out” (which as you might know, involves leaving the TV to do other stuff). With the current schedule, I had to cancel my Friday night plans almost every week because of the poor placement of the Stargate shows (don’t get me started on the reruns, they are even more awkwardly positioned). The decision of starting the new season in the middle of the summer didn’t help them either.

                              Deciding to cancel this show on the eve of the 200th episode wasn’t a good move. Most fans are furious about this and think that SCI FI waited for this episode so they could brag about how “Stargate SG-1 was a long running successful series” when they are in fact responsible for its death. Fans are already fighting to save the show: within an hour of the announcement, an online petition created by a fan already reached a thousand signatures []. The cancellation of Stargate SG-1 would also cut a little more then half of the Atlantis viewers, rendering the show pretty useless. Fact is, Atlantis cannot live without SG-1, and nowadays, the opposite is also the case: SG-1 can’t live without Atlantis.

                              Please remember that Stargate SG-1 is what made this network popular back in the day and that you owe this show a great deal of respect. I find that cancelling this show will not help to raise your viewers count, but will in fact decreasing. I ask you to please reconsider your decision of cancelling Stargate SG-1 and renewing it for a 11th season. The show is getting increasingly interesting as the Ori plot develops.

                              Thanks for reading!
                              Andrew Moore
                              send it send it send it

                              StarGate SG1 Petition numbers:436 & 2460
                              SAVE STARGATE SG1


                                Originally posted by SyFyFantasy
                                First, I want to say how sad I am that SG-1 has been cancelled.

                                Secondly, as many others have said, I'm not surprised. For a long time now, I've been under the impression that they were holding out, specifically, to beat out the "X-Files" for the longest-running sci-fi TV show:

                                "X-Files" 202 episodes
                                "Stargate SG-1" 203 episodes (source: Gateworld)

                                I'm so sad. I've loved this show since its inception and I loved the movie, too. If the cast and crew really do read these, I'd like to say how much I've enjoyed all your hard work and dedication. Thank you for the 10 years you've given us and I wish all of you the very best in all your future endeavors.

                                I'm going to cry now.... bye... **sniffles**
                                Hear, hear! Very well said, and you have a very good point as far as the longest-running show stuff goes.

                                Thanks for all your hard work, cast and crew.

                                (and anyone else I left out)

