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SG1/SGA - Writer's Guild Of Canada - Canadians Conquer the Universe:

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    SG1/SGA - Writer's Guild Of Canada - Canadians Conquer the Universe:

    From Writer's Guild of Canada:

    (Please follow the link for the complete article excerpt.)

    Canadians Conquer the Universe:
    Writing SF

    Canadian SF writers go beyond gadgetry with a kid from Moosejaw Heights who is guardian of the universe; a rogue detective whose beat covers several universes; a team who discover the ancient city of Atlantis–in the Pegasus Galaxy; and 4,400 alien abductees returning to earth.

    By Vern Smith

    **snippity doo-dah**

    You’ve got to have a starting point in order to stretch, and that means staying on top of current gadgetry, and especially weaponry, by reading everything from newspapers to specialized publications. (Gun Tests magazine anyone?)

    It’s the same idea if you’re fictionalizing science in general. Brad Wright, showrunner with Robert Cooper for Stargate SG-1 and co-creator of Stargate: Atlantis bases his stories on how we know science to work, taking it from there.

    Wright says he tries to incorporate a lot of real science into the show, such as Atlantis’ power sources, which are based on a magazine article he read. Wright says he added “a Sci-Fi element to the real concept,” and it became a fundamental part of the series.

    “Since both series are set in the here and now, it’s important that they be rooted–at least on the surface–in real science and technology,” Wright says.

    **major snippage**

    See the Spring 2005 issue of Canadian Screenwriter for the complete interview.

    Copyright ©Writers Guild of Canada
    Last edited by morjana; 10 July 2007, 10:29 AM.

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