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"What do you mean by 'Oopps'?" Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps... Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...! Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six! I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellentI also cook...! To thy own self... Be true May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!
"What do you mean by 'Oopps'?" Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps... Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...! Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six! I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellentI also cook...! To thy own self... Be true May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!
"What do you mean by 'Oopps'?" Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps... Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...! Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six! I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellentI also cook...! To thy own self... Be true May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!
"What do you mean by 'Oopps'?" Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps... Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...! Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six! I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellentI also cook...! To thy own self... Be true May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!