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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
    Ellia is queen there, but TP and Ellia used to hang out together and she taught TP a lot about keeping order on a Wraith Hive

    TP got Todd to send Ellia a special invite - an individual and temporary exemption to the new no-queens rule - so that we would have an unbiased person to judge the boys' attributes and talents!
    I checked that out on the WWA page, a very good idea! I know I would probably be a bit biased toward my boys (especially since Tony wants to compete in everything!)


      Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
      I checked that out on the WWA page, a very good idea! I know I would probably be a bit biased toward my boys (especially since Tony wants to compete in everything!)
      TP: Exactly! That was why I thought we needed someone unbiased! Although knowing Ellia's lovely gentle and eager-to-please personality, I have a feeling they'll ALL win something in the end!

      Ellia: You're too kind

      TP: See what I mean? I hope you brought lots of your delicious biscuits, Ellia - the boys have discovered human food!

      Ellia: I brought extras *brings several tins out of rucksack* It;s just lovely to have people appreciate my biscuits
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Addict: These are amazing biscuits, Ellia! I might need to nab the recipe off you at some stage.

        Edgar: Something tells me that the recipe is a secret, along with the location of Tony's pimp cane.

        Addict: Tony has a PIMP CANE? Since when has he had one of those? *turns back to Ellia and TP* After that disturbing note, I think I might stay with you two for a while


          TP: Can;t say I blame you! I suspect the competition between Steve, Shaun and Tony might come to fisticuffs! Then again... that might be worth watching...

          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            Addict: If Tony has a pimp cane, it probably opens up into sword, so any fight could get a bit bloody. I can't believe he actually has a pimp cane!

            Edgar: *looks mildly awkward and hides not one, but TWO said canes behind a nearby pot... then turns on Tony* It seems your plan failed, Princess.

            Tony: Trust me, when she sees what we have planned for those pimp canes, she'll LOVE it!

            Edgar: We? WE? Princess, this was entirely your idea!


              Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
              Ellia: I brought extras *brings several tins out of rucksack* It;s just lovely to have people appreciate my biscuits
              Bajka: They are delicious.

              Gregus: Bajka. Don`t eat too much.


                *WS receives biscuits from Ellia* Thank you

                Shaun: Don't forget "Dangerously Charming"

                Karl: *rolls eyes*


                  Ellia: You're all so kind And the Wraith here are all so... well, so... beautiful... it;s going to be so hard to choose

                  Steve: That's because we're all so well looked after by our lovely worshippers

                  TP: *to Ellia* We have enough categories to keep everyone happy!

                  Ellia: Well, in that case, I think we should start soon, don't you? How should we do this?

                  TP: How about you make a list and we'll post it in the worshippers' common room? Then we can have a post-awards celebration on Friday night

                  Ellia: Sounds like an excellent idea - I'll bake special celebration biscuits

                  Steve: I better get my acceptance speeches ready...

                  TP: Ignore his posturing, Ellia and make your own choices!
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    *TA races as fast as she can manage onto the COH & collapses into the jaccuzzi exhausted*

                    TA: Who knew moving house would be such hard work & I've still got boxes all over the place.

                    The Eddies: Most of ours are unpacked now but we still have to find space for all our manuals somewhere.

                    TA: We need a good floor to ceiling shelving unit
                    Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                      TP: *rushes over to hug TA* Welcome back! Believe me, I know how tough moving house is! I hadn't done it for almost 20 years and it was a nightmare!

                      Eddie: *bounces over and high-fives his 3 pod brothers* It was a nightmare trying to pack up all my toys to move them to TP's new place
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        *Ciannwn decides not to ask Eddie what his toys are. She and Boris give each other smiles*


                          Addict: *is fascinated by Eddie's collection of toys*

                          Tony: Steer clear, little worshipper, I don't want to taint your innocence!

                          Edgar: *snorts* INNOCENCE? She's about as innocent as you, and that is saying something.

                          Tony: *stalks off to primp himself for the competition*

                          Edgar: What a hatchling.

                          Addict: You are a little mean, Ned.

                          Edgar: Animosity is good to get us in the competitive mood.


                            Ellia: *gives TP her list of winners* I do hope I haven't missed anyone out...

                            TP: I'm sure you haven't, but if you have, it won't be hard to find a category that they're the best in!

                            Ellia: So true... this hive is stuffed with gorgeous Wraith *blushes profusely and giggles softly*

                            TP: I'll have a word with Commander Todd and see if you can visit now and then *hugs Ellia then pins list of winners onto the notice board in the Worshippers' Lounge...*
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Most Commanding Commander -- Todd

                              Strongest Wraith -- Gregus

                              Most Strokable Hair -- Steve

                              Most Fashionably dressed -- Tony

                              Most Stylish Deportment -- Shaun

                              Most Deliciously Evil Voice -- Rhys

                              Best Baking Outfit -- Craig

                              Best Beefcake Physique -- Boris

                              Best Chef -- Shawn

                              Biggest Stunner -- Bob

                              Play Wraith of the Year -- Eddie

                              Rear of the Year -- Marek

                              Best Aristocratic Sneer -- Edgar

                              Most Beautiful When Asleep -- Aurora

                              Most Stylish Executive Officer -- Karl

                              Cutest Zoo Keeper -- Tommy

                              Biggest Brain Box -- Erik

                              Cheekiest Grin -- Fred

                              Sunniest Smile -- Greg

                              Musician of the Year -- Rocky

                              Most Tattoos -- Spike

                              Most Prolific Manual Keepers -- The Three Eddies

                              Skateboarder Supreme -- Neo

                              Best Gothic Demeanour -- Jimmy

                              Most Practical Wraith -- Gawain

                              Healer of the Year -- Aurelian

                              Most Soothing Purr -- Seth

                              Apologies - I did have them in two columns but GW would not pick up on any formatting.
                              I think I got everyone's Wraith, but if any regulars have been overlooked, please let me know and Ellia will decide on a category for them to win!
                              Last edited by Todd's Pet; 08 December 2011, 04:02 AM.
                              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                                *Steve, Eddie, Seth, Greg and Aurel all elbow each other out of the way to see what categories they won*

                                Todd: Dignity, men, please! *stretches on tip-toe to see over the tops of their heads which category HE won*

                                Steve: My purr is soothing!

                                Seth: But MY purr is better than yours!

                                Eddie: *does stunner dance in front of Bob*

                                TP: *facepalm* Boys, boys, boys... you can't win EVERYTHING! *gives Steve and Eddie her best queenly glare*

                                Steve & Eddie:

                                Ellia: That was very well done, TP - you've been practicing!
                                Last edited by Todd's Pet; 08 December 2011, 04:10 AM.
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

