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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Azrael: *to Alec* I must agree, that's the best part of decorating.

    KM: Wow, you made a lot, Fifth! These are great


      Originally posted by Bajka20 View Post
      * big hugs from me and my boys*
      In Dusseldorf is only a little snow, but is cold. I want to go to tropical island.
      The temperatures are plummetting all over Europe Keep warm Bajka! Wraithy snuggle time!

      Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
      No Snow but lots of wind here in New Mexico
      I hope it;s not hurricane strength winds! Stay safe *hug*

      Originally posted by KyshaMalini View Post
      *Re; cold* Tropical island on the holodeck, then?
      We could have a party in a Beduoin desert tent (or dessert tent if you prefer! ) That would be nice and balmy

      Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
      Don't forget the Winter Solstice!! there will be a total Lunar Eclipse on Earth during the Winter Solstice!!
      I thought that wasn't until Dec 21/22?

      Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
      *Thus, the festive decorating begins!*

      Betua: not a problem I love cooking for you all!
      And the food is as delicious as you are, Betua! And spicy and warm too! *winks*

      Originally posted by Leeta View Post
      Leeta: of course!! Come on Alec you and I can decorate together. You can lift me up to places I can't reach.

      Alec: lifting you up from behind is my kind of decorating

      You'll be giving my green guys ideas! Not that they need any encouragement!
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        It's Friday!!!!!

        Having tasted Betua's delicious spicy treats, Steve, Seth and Spike start programming one of the holodecks with a Beduoin tent with silks, rugs and lamps casting soft red and gold patterns on the walls. The tent is set among soft, warm sand dunes under a velevety dark starry night sky with a palm tree oasis nearby, and all overlooked by a romantic full moon.

        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          *DS, Tommy and Rhys come in, with Vincent who decided to come along because he hasn't been to the CO hive for a long time*

          DS: Wow! That's beootiful! *dashes off to return shortly after, clothed fit for oriental belly-dance*


            Orb and Bullseye: *join the Beduoin tent party*

            Orb: Look at all the beautiful hanging fabric colors.

            Bullseye: *to Orb* Yes, look at all the hanging fabric that we can hide in.

            Orb: *sets out many colorful flavors of Turkish delight candies*



              Eddie: Oooh, yummy!!!! Hey this Turkish delight stuff is all sweet and squishy - just like worshippers! *stuffs face full of handfuls of the sweets*

              Spike: *smacks Eddie's hand away from treats* Hey! Leave some for everyone else! *samples a piece* Ooh, delicious!

              Steve: I'll stick to other sweet and squishy delicious treats, thank you... *snuggles TP and lets feeding hand serrupticiously slide down her cleavage*

              TP: He's going to regret calling me squishy!

              Steve: But you are, Princess and I love your squishy bits!

              TP: Shall we go to the oasis and sit under a gently swaying palm tree?

              Steve & Spike: Absolutely, babe! *rush outside with TP*

              Eddie: Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.... *still eating handfuls of Turkish delight*
              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                Bajka: Mmm, yummy! Eddie leave something for me!

                Gregus: Bajka, you forgot something.

                Bajka: Thank you, Orb!

                Marek: Thanks!

                Gregus takes some candies: Thank you, Orb.


                  DS: *interrupts her bellydance to take a bit of turkish delight* Yummy, thanks Orb!

                  Rhys: Hey, no one told you to stop. Get on with the dancing!

                  DS: *drapes a veil seductively around Rhys's neck* You want me to pull this tight? No? Then you'd better let me eat first.

                  Rhys: Worshippers, what are they like?


                    Orb: *just finishes sampling all the candy flavors when Bullseye's arm pulls her into some thick, luxurious curtains of hanging fabrics and they diasppear*


                      TP: *stretches and luxuriates under the full moon, a gentle warm breeze ruffles her hair and carries the scent of spices from the tent*

                      Steve & Spike: Puuuuuurrrrr [in stereo!]

                      TP: How about a skinny dip in the oasis pool, boys?

                      Steve & Spike: *race each other to the pool, pulling off clothes as they go*

                      Meanwhile, back in the tent...

                      Eddie: Nom,nom,nom,nom... *still eating Turkish delight*

                      I think you may have found Eddie's favourite food there, Orb!
                      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                        *Leeta, Bobb, and & Alec enter the holodeck*

                        Leeta: lovely candy Orb. *takes some pieces*

                        Bobb: mm..these are good. *grabs a bunch and shoves it in his mouth* yum yum

                        Leeta: I think you've been hanging out with Johnny too much. You're acting like him now.

                        Johnny: did someone say my name? *looks around the room.* Hello ladies. *sees the turkish delights* Oooh candy! *grabs a tray and goes into the corner*
                        The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                          Orb: *giggles and weaves her way in and out of all the thick hanging curtains*

                          Bullseye: *follows closely behind with a pointy-toothed smile, hunting Orb and having fun looking for more challenging and obscure clues of her due to the spices in the air filling his sense of smell and all the heat masking his worshipper's body heat infrared form*


                            Bajka: They will eat everything!

                            Marek: You don`t want to be fat.

                            Gregus: Don`t eat too many candies Bajka!

                            Bajka:I`m hungry.

                            Gregus: Eat an apple.


                              Johnny: *hears bajka's conversation* apples? apples are boring! *takes another tray of candies and goes back into the corner*

                              Bobb: *facepalm*

                              Leeta: is it possible for a wraith to get cavities ?? I know you have super healing abilites but Johnny eats so much and drinks...

                              Johnny: *mouth is filled with candy* what did you say?

                              Leeta: nevermind

                              *She takes Bobb's hand and they go behind some of the beautiful curtains for a little privacy*

                              Alec: don't mind me..I'll just sit here...and...sit *sighs*

                              Leeta: *grabs Alec's hand* You can come with us!
                              The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


                                KM: Something smells good in here *sees Turkish delight candies* so many flavours ^_^

                                Azrael: And it's warm *purrs*

                                KM: *Laughs at Johnny & Eddie with their hordes of candy*

