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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Tony & Steve: *to Rhys* You got your coat wet?

    Edgar: Aye carrumba - that'll take weeks to dry! Hope you have a spare!

    TP: Well, boys I have shopping to do - who's coming with me?

    Steve: *hugs TP tightly before going back to look after Addict for the rest of the weekend*

    Tony & Edgar: *run after TP* Can we buy some of that yummy dark chocolate with ginger in it?
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      Rhys *floating towards the edge of the pool to get rid of his coat* Don't worry, I've got several spare coats.

      DS: Ah, dang! Didn't think of that. I had hoped it'd be bare-chested Rhys now for the next few weeks.

      *to TP* Shopping doesn't sound like fun. I'm laways glad when I have wraithy help to carry the heavy shopping bags.


        Wraith are also good for lugging five green bags filled with heavy books from one side of Uni to the other

        Addict: *to Steve* What's this about you being naked? Since when did you become naked?

        Steve: Since now *hugs Addict*



          Orb: *grabs lots of treats from the snack wheel barrow, the chocolate cake, and the chocolate castle.*

          Bullseye: *hurries Orb along and they both jump back in the pool. He puts a circular raft over both himself and Orb, enclosing them in the center and smiles deviously.*

          *****In honor of Addict’s Undisclosed Desires fanfic, the lights go out in the pool area for a few minutes*****


            Steve: How about we act out that scene??? *wraps his strong arms around Addict*

            Addict: hehehehehehehehehehe!

            *lights turn back on* Awwwwww!


              *DS and Tommy are still snogging and fail to notice the lights have turned on again*


                Orb: *is slumped against Bullseye with a smile on her face, still encircled by Bullseyes' arms and the circular raft*



                  *Steve and Addict slip out of the pool and head for the nearest deck chair, upon which they lay down, don their sunnies and relax*

                  Addict: Aaaaany minute now Tony is going to splash us, I know it!

                  Steve: Don't worry about it

                  Addict: Waaaait a minute, there's a hole in the side of our castle!

                  *Steve and Addict jump off their seats and head toward the castle, only to find a chocolate smeared Eddie munching his way out of the chocolatey depths.*


                    Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                    *Steve and Addict jump off their seats and head toward the castle, only to find a chocolate smeared Eddie munching his way out of the chocolatey depths.*


                      Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                      *Steve and Addict jump off their seats and head toward the castle, only to find a chocolate smeared Eddie munching his way out of the chocolatey depths.*
                      *Fails to escape being dragged to the proverbial gutter by thoughts of a chocolate covered Eddie*
                      Last edited by KyshaMalini; 02 October 2010, 05:57 AM.


                        Orb and Bullseye: *laugh and facepalm at Eddie's antics before making their way over to the pool slide. They slide back down into the pool together a few times.*
                        Last edited by WraithTech; 03 October 2010, 03:22 PM. Reason: typo


                          *Shaun stares at everyone and all the sweets then looks at Eddie Munching the castle* "Gahh.. i guess i will have to do some laps after this *runs over to the castle and munches on the other side with Eddie" *OMG what is this ...! this deliciousness ! oh my *Nom Nom Nom*

                          *Karl takes a picture of Shaun munching the cake and laughs*

                          *WS notices Vincent and offers him an icy smoothie*

                          (Hey, DS did you adopt Vincent?)


                            Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                            (Hey, DS did you adopt Vincent?)
                            Yep! Couldn't resist. I always had a soft spot for him because he escaped, and he didn't kill Larrin on sight - even though he probably should have.


                              Awww *hugs Vincent* i see him following along behind sometimes hes a cute wraith. I don't blame you DS

                              *Shaun peeks behind the chocolate castle next to Eddie spotting WS hugging Vincent and hisses throwing a piece of chocolate at Vincent missing and hitting WS and half of DS*


                              Shaun *hides inside of the chocolate castle*


                                Betua: *sighs* I have been officially out done in awesome sugar coma inducing sweets.
                                *his Depression is short lived as quickly strips and dives in the pool splashing everyone in the immediate vicinity*

                                Joanna: *a floaty slung over her shoulder gathers some sweets and a slab from the chocolate castle in a small bowl before joining him in the pool.* Fifth will join us, maybe. he has been a bit busy with establishing his colony on the planet.

