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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Bajka: Beautiful cat WS.


      DS: Cute little kitty!

      Rhys: Why do humans like cats so much? I assume it's because cats remind them of Wraith, isn't it?

      Tommy: And what kind of cat are you? Garfield?



        Yes they are very much like cats ! they purr too.


        *pets Shaun and listens to his purring*


          Bajka, Marek and Rocky:


            Gregus: We have a cake for everybody.



              Karl: This cake looks very delicious


                Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                Karl: This cake looks very delicious
                Gregus: I made it by myself.
                Bajka: I was helping you.
                Marek: Eating Bajka?
                Bajka: You ate too.
                Rocky: You should remember about your diat, Bajka.
                Gregus: Good point, Rocky.


                  Steve: When is this human braodband techie coming? Poor TP needs to get back online! Now!

                  TP: I feel like I've been away for ever! Mr TP says he's coming tomorrow

                  Todd: Just so long as he doesn't screw up like most human techies do!


                  Seth: Now look what you've done! *snuggles TP*

                  TP: *whimpers*

                  Todd: Don't fret, my Pet - I have techie drones on standby

                  Eddie: *to Addict as he heaves yet another box into the cottage* You were right, babe... needed waaaaaay more than one box!

                  TP: *spots WS's piccie* Ooooh, cute kittie... *and Bajka's cake* And cake! Yummy!

                  Steve: Nice one, WS and Bajka *blows kisses* - distraction is always useful with TP!
                  Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                    So it takes 28 days to set up Broadband from the day your landline is reconnected..? Really...? REALLY...?

                    I am one very unhappy bunny and have no idea when I'll be back online at home

                    Todd: Release the drones... some humans need to be fed upon - slowly and painfully

                    Steve: My Princess is inconsolable! I will feed on them myself!
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      That's a bummer! *sends hugs*

                      Rhys: Yep, the right thing to do is feed on those unreliable humans.


                        Woohoo!!!! I'm back in business!!!!

                        After one almighty c*ck-up, Mr TP went on the rampage and they finally tracked down the router - which they'd sent to the wrong address! - and I'm now back online! Yay!

                        Party here tomorrow to celebrate? I sure missed all you guys and can't wait to get back into circulation *big hugs all round*

                        Todd: I might have had a hand in it... the drones are looking well fed today...

                        Steve: *purrr* My Princess is happy again
                        Last edited by Todd's Pet; 06 October 2011, 01:49 PM.
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          Tommy: *comes in, carrying a giant chocolate cake* Time to prepare for the party!

                          Rhys: *orders the drones to hang up some romantic decoration*

                          DS: *watches the drones* I didn't know you like heart-shaped balloons, honey. You surprise me.

                          Rhys: Actually, the balloons were supposed to be far more wraithy-looking but the matter converter messed up.

                          Tommy: *while carrying in another cake and a bowl of crisps* You mean, you messed up the matter converter.

                          Rhys: No, I didn't.


                            *TA finally emerges from behind the potted plants and collapses into the jacuzzi exhausted*

                            TA: Sorry guys but I'm still having to go to the library for internet so I'll miss the party tonight but you all have a good time and good luck with the cottage TP, I've got a chance on another house now that I'm going for by myself & then sub-letting to someone else, the only downside my mum will be my landlady again but at least it'll finally be a place of my own

                            Eddies: and ours, though we think it'll be very crowded with the three of us, TA, Forrest and Winter as well as this new human.
                            Thank you to Icarium for allowing me to use the above image.


                              TP: *giggles at Ryhs and Tommy* I sure missed all this wraithy squabbling!

                              Seth: I don't see why - you still had all of us squabbling *glares at Steve*

                              Steve: I do not squabble, bro - I have no need: she's mine!

                              Greg: *lifts Steve off his feet by the scruff of his neck* Reeeeally?

                              Steve: She's ours! I meant she's ours... share... we're all soooo lucky...

                              Seth & Greg:

                              TP: You're right, Seth - but it;s good to know other worshipper's Wraith squabble too! LOL Oh, and TA... I've managed to make room for me, Mr TP, Todd, Steve, Seth, Eddie, Aurel and Greg, plus a few drones here and there - it;s not crowded, just cosy!

                              Eddie: *still unpacking his toy boxes* Oooohhhh, look what I found, Babe!

                              TP: *grabs Eddie's find and hides it behind back* Look, babe - choclate cake...

                              Eddie: Where? Oooh, yummy... *heads off for cake*

                              Steve: Using my distraction tactics now, eh, Princess?

                              TP: It works as well on Eddie as on me!
                              Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                                TP: Geez, it's so quiet around here *hoots party horn and pops crazy string*

                                Eddie: We'll just have to party by ourselves, Babe

                                Steve: Yeah, and we all know what that means

                                Greg: Excooooooooose me, bros... *sidles up to TP and starts a slow, smoochy dance*

                                TP: Oooh... nice... *snuggles into Greg and dances*

                                Steve & Eddie: Okay, this calls for team work, bro!
                                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar

