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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
    *Shaun notices TP then blows her a kiss and makes this face at Steve*


    Steve: Oooh, that's a good one Shaun - it shows your Trout face off to perfection!!! *turns back to TP, still hasn't noticed any queens*

    Greg: I suspect TP has put some of that Olbas oil stuff she uses when she's got a cold on Steve's nose and viper pits so their pheromones have no effect on him!

    TP: Mwahahahaha!
    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


      HR: Hey Mina, I wanna see the rest of that tattoo of yours

      Mina: *thinks something naughty*

      *Tania walks up to HR and smiles*

      HR: So miladies, should we retire for the evening?
      Mina: We're just getting started!
      HR: ooh!

      See you all tomorrow! Night!
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        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        TP: You know, I knew there would come a day when Steve's possessiveness of me would become a good thing instead of a nuisance!
        Orb: And a day for paybacks from Bullseye to me for all the time I spend worshipping him. *touches up his accent braids*



          Shaun: Tania reminds me of a dominatrix, is that why shes your fav Queen WS? *eyes her*
          Shaun: No wonder you adopted Karl!
          Karl: Hey shut it ! *takes out the wraith tech cords and tazer*
          Shaun: ok ok ok ok ok ok ok !

          *Shaun walks around the room pacing and drinking his wine and rambling on about the people in the hive*

          So Bullseye is like a giant teddy bear. Steve is a codfish. Kenny is a caffine addict. Tommy is .. ah i'm skipping him Johnny is my drinking buddy, Rhys looks like a bunny rabbit with his teeth *makes rabbit teeth* Gregus and Marek are gardeners. Todd is nowhere to be seen, Karl is a *cough* psycho *cough* sadist *cough*. Betty reminds me of Betty crocker *whispers* and .. we have other queens walking around *stutters*

          *Puts on fluffy red pimp coat and cane* I am the sexiest wraith , the queens will surely admire me the most.

          Karl: you are a drunken IMBECILE!

          Shaun: *Passes out in WS's lap*

          WS: Karl , please go set up the trashcans by the bed again



            *DS, Tommy and Rhys return to the CO hive just in time to catch Shaun's ramblings*

            Rhys: Did that caricature of a Wraith just call me a bunny rabbit?

            DS: *gently takes Rhys's arm and leads him away, wanting to prevent bloodshed* Don't mind him, honey. He's probably just drunk. Remember what kind of silly stuff you say when you're drunk.


              *WS helps Karl carry Shaun to bed* Don't worry about him Rhys , you have cute teeth Goodnight! *waves to DS, Tommy, & Rhys.


                Originally posted by orbofnight View Post
                Orb: *to Addict* That is one of my favorites, along with some of these. *pulls novels out of tote bag and sets them down on a table*

                Willing Worshipper
                The Cleverman's Embrace
                Treasure in the Touch
                Namesake and Desire
                The Gift and the Echoing Beauty
                The Commander's Lover
                Spell of the Blade
                Wraith Silk and Starlight

                Bullseye: *to Tony* It certainly pays for them to be well-read.
                Addict: *nods* they are some good titles. However, I also have a few of these in my collection.

                The Wraith's Reluctant Virgin
                The Bed with a Wraith
                The Reluctant Worshipper
                Skilled with a Stunner
                Wraith, Chocolate, Shackles - a Love Story

                Tony: *grabs books* Why are all of these about reluctant worshippers?

                Addict: Because it makes it more fun

                Tony: I always knew you liked it rough, but this...

                Addict: SHACKLES! *drags Tony behind the pot plants*

                Edgar and Stefan: *ogle the queens*

                Addict: *reaches out and drags them behind the potted plants too... much giggling (and manly Wraithish laughter) ensues)*


                  Rhys: Did you hear that? WS says I have cute teeth.

                  Tommy: I have to disagree and I'm siding with Shaun. You know, you actually do look like a bunny rabbit sometimes.

                  Rhys: Huh?

                  DS: Your teeth are gorgeous, honey. And you're so skilled in using them too.


                    Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post

                    *Shaun walks around the room pacing and drinking his wine and rambling on about the people in the hive*So Bullseye is like a giant teddy bear.
                    Bullseye: *telepathically gets the meaning of Shaun's words from Orb* My weight is perfectly normal for a Wraith! And, I do *not* look cuddly! The directors of my Wormhole X-Treme! counterpart were frightened by my appearance. *crosses his arms and glares*

                    Orb: He's smashed; no one here looks like a fish, rabbit, or bear. Pay him no mind and let him get acquainted with the trash can Karl is bringing him.

                    Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                    Tony: *grabs books* Why are all of these about reluctant worshippers?
                    Orb: *picks up some of Addict's books* Ah, these series. For obvious reasons, they can't stay reluctant for long.


                      Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                      *Puts on fluffy red pimp coat and cane* I am the sexiest wraith , the queens will surely admire me the most.

                      Karl: you are a drunken IMBECILE!

                      Shaun: *Passes out in WS's lap*

                      WS: Karl , please go set up the trashcans by the bed again

                      KM: It's a good job Wraith have such good regeneration abilities, or Shaun's liver would be fried!


                      Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                      Tony: *grabs books* Why are all of these about reluctant worshippers?
                      Got a theme going there, Addict?


                        Originally posted by WraithSlave View Post
                        Betty reminds me of Betty crocker *whispers* and .. we have other queens walking around *stutters*
                        Betty: Who is this other Betty you speak of? Is she another Queen? Then she better stay away from HR
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                          Originally posted by Hellraiser-89 View Post
                          Betty: Who is this other Betty you speak of? Is she another Queen? Then she better stay away from HR
                          Orb: She is a long-lived, shape-shifting human who sells desserts all over Earth. *finds an image of Betty Crocker*


                            Betty: @Orb: She looks ageless, does she have some Wraith DNA perhaps?

                            *HR gets back from shopping*
                            HR: Here you go, Sally this is for you *hands gift*
                            Sally: Ooh! I wonder what it is!? *starts to rip paper apart*
                            HR: And Laura i bought these for you *gives flowers*
                            Laura: Thanks, they're lovely!

                            HR: Don't worry Queenies, I've got you all something, but you wont get it all today
                            *Sally rips open the package to reveal a new dress! She is so excited, she pulls off her old one (HR don't mind) and tries the new one out, prancing around the Hive in her new dress*

                            *Then this song starts to play*
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                              *Shaun wakes up and opens the door* Good morning Everyone owww.....head rush. *rubs his head*

                              Karl: I think you should turn your green arse around back through the door after last night.

                              Shaun: Your just jealous .. *searches* Hey where is my goblet

                              Karl: *crushes it in his hands* >: )

                              Shaun: YOUR PAYING FOR THAT!

                              WS: *grabs her wraith and brings them over to the couch* Sit and behave please! *clicks on Mars Attacks for everyone to watch on the telly*


                                *Alec & Owen return.*

                                Alec: We've been locked out of our quarters. I sat at the door all night.

                                Owen: I didn't. I went to meditate. I feel better. The pheromones aren't bothering me as much now.

                                Leeta: *gets up from her chair* wow! Spell of the Blade was an awesome book! I think I need to go back to my private quarters. *runs back in hurry*

                                Alec: Hey! Shadow isn't the only one who needs help coping with the pheromones in the air!

                                Johnny: *chokes a little on his rum.* Where the hell did you come from??

                                Alec: WHAT? *growl* Where I do come from?? Where did YOU come from?!

                                Owen: I believe Johnny returned quietly without us noticing.

                                Alec: Thank you Owen. I would of have never of guessed that.

                                Johnny: LAAAADY in REEEEED! *hiccup*
                                The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!

