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Wraith Worshippers Anonymous - The Chill-Out Hive (Role Playing Thread)

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    Now I'll be stuck for the rest of the day with the mental image od Rhys in a bikini!



      Todd: Me too! *blows kisses to DS*
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post

        Now I'll be stuck for the rest of the day with the mental image od Rhys in a bikini!

        Do not want!


          Todd: So what's the party theme for this weekend, girls?

          TP: White water rafting!

          Steve: My hair will get wet!

          Eddie: So will the girls... wet t-shirt competition time, bros!

          Steve: On second thoughts, what's a little water in my hair compared to our girls having fun?
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            White water rafting sounds fun to me.
            The worship of Talos is strictly forbidden!


              Bullseye: *turns to Orb and flexes feeding hand* Did you hear that? A competition. We better make sure you have plenty of practice.

              Orb: *gets picked up and carried to a jacuzzi* How did I know this was going to happen?


                Steve: That Bullseye is a very astute wraith, you know

                TP: *facepalm*

                Todd: *hands TP a white t-shirt* Practice makes perfect, my Pet

                TP: White? I never wear white!

                Eddie: It shows up better in a white tee - your feeding spot, that is!

                TP: *sigh* You'll just have to make do with green or purple, so there!
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  *DS and Tommy are still in the bathtub as the conversation drifts over to them*

                  DS: White water rafting? Sounds good. Sitting on a wobbly raft being flung in all directions makes a good excuse for clinging to a strong wraithy body for support.

                  Tommy: Wet t-shirt competition? *looks thoughtfully at DS*

                  DS: What? I'm not even wearing a t-shirt now.

                  Tommy: But maybe it would be more interesting if you would. You know, practicing and all.

                  *Rhys comes in, to the utmost relief of DS he isn't wearing a bikini. He isn't wearing anything else either though*

                  Rhys: Hey! I know what you're thinking! Let me make this clear once and for all: I did never and will never wear a bikini! But lookie here - I have brought a nice white t-shirt, still dry but about to get wet. *waves the t-shirt in DS's direction*

                  DS: *gets out of the tub* If you insist...


                    Addict: Ironically I'm going white water rafting for real next weekend.

                    Tony: Well then, this weekend we can practice

                    Addict: *frowns as she picks up on Tony's thoughts* White water rafting is not code for anything, Tonykins... and I'll have you know I am not nearly that white.

                    Stefan: Do I want to know?

                    Edgar: I don't think so...


                      Originally posted by addicted_to_steve View Post
                      Addict: Ironically I'm going white water rafting for real next weekend.

                      Tony: Well then, this weekend we can practice

                      Addict: *frowns as she picks up on Tony's thoughts* White water rafting is not code for anything, Tonykins... and I'll have you know I am not nearly that white.

                      Stefan: Do I want to know?

                      Edgar: I don't think so...
                      You two are so weird sometimes.


                        *Walks into the COH with Shaun*

                        "All i have to say is that male humans can be very cruel ..."

                        Shaun: "That is why we are here.. "

                        *Hugs Shaun tightly*

                        I want my happiness back! *looks around the hive at all the happy worshippers and their wraith then smiles and passes out chocolate to everyone and eats a piece snuggling up with Shaun*


                          Addict: I feel your pain WS. I've been dealing with a human male of the worst kind lately. They are far more cruel than the Wraith could ever be!

                          Tony: I told you so.

                          Addict: *snuggles Tony and accepts some of the chocolate* And KM, we are always weird

                          Tony: And proud of it!


                            Orb: *hugs WS and Addict*

                            Bullseye: *loads white water rafting holodeck program and grabs a boat and oars*

                            Orb: This will be interesting. I don't have the strongest arms.


                              KM: Very interesting indeed. I always turn the boat the wrong way... or flip it over.

                              Azrael: I can think of a few uses for upturned boats.

                              KM: Can we at least try and do this properly? For a little while at least?


                                Bullseye: *to Azrael as he pushes his and Orb's boat into the river and jumps in* So can I.

                                Orb: Please try not to steer us into water that is too choppy to start out.

                                Bullseye: Sure. *steers the boat into the fine trickle of an overheard waterfall*

                                Orb: *shakes the water from her arms* That is one way to get used to being dowsed!

