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    I'll read over everything and reply later. I have to go real quick.


      Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
      We now have four options for this role playing game because Mar added another one.

      1: TP's Hive staying a CO hive exclusive.

      2: The background to the game world covered by The Planet/Kenny's Hive/Boris's Hive being adjusted so it includes the TP hive scenario. (The game world Atlantis going to Earth and coming back.)

      3: TP's hive and associated characters coming from an alternate universe.

      4: Mar's suggestion about not bothering too much with continuity.
      Ugh this is all sucking the fun out of what IS a great thing. I'm not blaming anyone because I've always been able to see situations from a number of points of view.
      Out of those I suggest number 4 simply because it means that we can forget about all of this and try and move on. Since the CO hive isn't supposed (I thought) to conform to the rules of the others, as such, I think we should just view TP's hive (with the story) as one of those situations where it doesn't fit with canon (but then again what does, really?) but somehow happily co-exists with the other threads. This means TP, SW and 'their' Wraith (apart from Seth) can move about the other threads if they want to as the 'originals'. But Seth and any OC's from TP's hive would have to stay on her hive to make sure things didn't cross over and cause confusion.


        Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
        Ugh this is all sucking the fun out of what IS a great thing. I'm not blaming anyone because I've always been able to see situations from a number of points of view.
        Out of those I suggest number 4 simply because it means that we can forget about all of this and try and move on. Since the CO hive isn't supposed (I thought) to conform to the rules of the others, as such, I think we should just view TP's hive (with the story) as one of those situations where it doesn't fit with canon (but then again what does, really?) but somehow happily co-exists with the other threads. This means TP, SW and 'their' Wraith (apart from Seth) can move about the other threads if they want to as the 'originals'. But Seth and any OC's from TP's hive would have to stay on her hive to make sure things didn't cross over and cause confusion.
        But then this was never a discussion about "canon" was it? I think "control" is the word we're all afraid to use here.
        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


          Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
          But then this was never a discussion about "canon" was it? I think "control" is the word we're all afraid to use here.
          I'm not going to get into personal things, I just want what's best for our RP community as a whole. So my above reasoning is all I'm saying for now here.


            Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
            I'm not going to get into personal things, I just want what's best for our RP community as a whole. So my above reasoning is all I'm saying for now here.
            It got personal a long time ago, honey - this is a boil that's been festering for ages and needs to be lanced.
            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


              One of the purposes of this thread is for people to discuss questions about the game/ Another is discussions about whether or not to add a new role playing thread etc.with the etc. including anything and everything that players want to raise as an issue.

              Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
              Because no where in the rules does it say that members can vote to make other people's characters AU characters. It's not a voting option. Read my lips---IT'S NOT SOMETHING THE RULES SAY MEMBERS CAN VOTE ON. yOU CAN'T CHANGE OTHER PEOPLES' CHARACTERS. YOU CAN'T SUGGEST THaT PEOPLE VOTE FOR CHOICES THAT INVOLVE CHANGING OTHER PEOPLES CHARACTERS.
              You have raised an issue which has never cropped up before. This is why there is nothing in the rules about it one way or another.

              Originally posted by Starry Waters View Post
              You are first going to have to add to the rules that members have the right to vote on changing other people's characters if the group wants to change them.
              Are you talking about me personally or is this a general 'you' which includes all the players who have joined the WWA game?

              You keep talking as if I come up with new rules and stick them in as and when I feel like it. What I actually do is edit posts and update them with things that (a) people got together and decided on (b) Character Guide/Character Owners Guide information and (c) other stuff which got dug out of the thunk threads which relate to game information. I then post announcements in this thread to say the posts have been edited.

              I was the only person out of everyone who wanted to play who had the time to create the threads and information posts when the game was being set up. This means that I'm the only person who can edit these posts other than moderators.

              You've now raised an issue about whether players can vote to make characters AU. This is a 100% valid issue. The issue concerns a new rule and there are two options, the first one being yours -

              You are first going to have to add to the rules that members have the right to vote on changing other people's characters if the group wants to change them.

              The other option is a rule which clearly states that members cannot vote to make anyone's character AU.

              So which rule should it be? I shall just sit back and wait for everyone else to discuss it and come to a decision. When it's been decided I shall then add it to the rules because, no matter what everyone wants, I'm still the only person here who can edit the post which has the rules in it. After I've done it I'll then make an announcement in this thread to say that everything's been updated.


                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                The other option is a rule which clearly states that members cannot vote to make anyone's character AU.
                I would've thought that was a no-brainer.

                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                I shall just sit back and wait for everyone else to discuss it and come to a decision.
                Sit back and let others take the flak?
                Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                  Originally posted by ciannwn View Post

                  You have raised an issue which has never cropped up before. This is why there is nothing in the rules about it one way or another.
                  You've now raised an issue about whether players can vote to make characters AU. This is a 100% valid issue. The issue concerns a new rule and there are two options, the first one being yours -

                  You are first going to have to add to the rules that members have the right to vote on changing other people's characters if the group wants to change them.

                  The other option is a rule which clearly states that members cannot vote to make anyone's character AU.

                  So which rule should it be? I shall just sit back and wait for everyone else to discuss it and come to a decision. When it's been decided I shall then add it to the rules because, no matter what everyone wants, I'm still the only person here who can edit the post which has the rules in it. After I've done it I'll then make an announcement in this thread to say that everything's been updated.
                  This is all going too far along the road in my opinion, but I will try to remain objective by saying: Unless it is an instance like the one involving Afa and Spike, no one should be told that their character should have to change, especially after they have already been established for so long. If it was a new character in the RP and it goes against the rules then I agree something should be suggested, but ultimately as long as it is within the general rules of the threads (which do permit creative licensing and vagueness) I think all 'rights' to the character and its development should remain with the RPer.


                    Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                    This is all going too far along the road in my opinion, but I will try to remain objective by saying: Unless it is an instance like the one involving Afa and Spike, no one should be told that their character should have to change, especially after they have already been established for so long. If it was a new character in the RP and it goes against the rules then I agree something should be suggested, but ultimately as long as it is within the general rules of the threads (which do permit creative licensing and vagueness) I think all 'rights' to the character and its development should remain with the RPer.
                    Agreed. Even in Afa's case, Spike can't be changed without her agreement.
                    Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                      My vote is number 4 (Mar's suggestion about minor inconsistencies being irrelevant).

                      I won't post anything other than votes in this thread, if someone wants my personal opinion on things PM me.


                        Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                        This is all going too far along the road in my opinion, but I will try to remain objective by saying: Unless it is an instance like the one involving Afa and Spike, no one should be told that their character should have to change, especially after they have already been established for so long. If it was a new character in the RP and it goes against the rules then I agree something should be suggested, but ultimately as long as it is within the general rules of the threads (which do permit creative licensing and vagueness) I think all 'rights' to the character and its development should remain with the RPer.
                        I agree with this as well.
                        Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris


                          I've got to go now and won't be on til tmorrow night, but I really hope we can all come to some sort of agreement. Night everyone.


                            Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
                            But then this was never a discussion about "canon" was it? I think "control" is the word we're all afraid to use here.
                            The Kenny's Hive role playing thread is about Kenny's coffee empire. The background to this part of the game world includes -


                            1: Lorne Evan (SGA human - various episodes) Lorne sided with Kenny when McKay tried to set up the Koffee Karma company as a rival to Kenny's Koffee Nirvana. Lorne posed as the owner of Koffee Nirvana because many human communities in the Pegasus galaxy would have refused to make business deals with a Wraith. He now oversees the running of all the Koffee Nirvana shops and has left the Atlantis Expedition.

                            2: Mariellelita: AKA Mar (Player game alter ego). A 20 year old who worked on Atlantis under Beckett and met Kenny while she was there. She misses Atlantis and Beckett (who was a close mentor) very much and plans on returning to the city one day.

                            3: McKay Rodney (SGA human - all episodes) Kenny's arch enemy who tried to set up a rival coffee empire called Koffee Karma with his girlfriend, Jennifer Keller.

                            Not so long ago there was another SGA human character adopted by Mar -


                            Beckett Carson (SGA human- various episodes) - An expert doctor from Atlantis. Carson is a clone of the original Carson Beckett of the first expedition. Although he is not the original, he still works on Atlantis and is treated well by the Lanteans. Mariellelita joined the expedition after the arrival of the clone Carson, and became his student. Carson has become a close mentor and father figure to Mar during this time. When Mar left to join the wraith, he was concerned for her safety and was sure that she was dead. However, several weeks after Mar left, she began secretly communicating with him. Eventually, this led to Mar inviting Carson to the Planet to reunite with her. Carson was glad that Mar was safe and wishes to meet her new wraith friends. He also wishes to apologize to Michael about the original Beckett's actions.

                            The Koffee Nirvana empire evolved from Atlantis always being present in the Pegasus galaxy since we all started out in the thunk threads. The TP's hive scenario has Atlantis on Earth, Todd putting the Ancient control chair on a hive ship and everyone going to Pegasus in the hive ship leaving Atlantis on Earth.

                            The game discussion point is how to 'explain' two different scenarios which will be in the same game world proper if Todd's Pet wants to bring Seth and TP's Hive into the other role playing threads. The first suggestion was this -

                            After Todd had been rescued, Daniel Jackson found an old manuscript which led SG-1 to another Ancient installation in the Milky Way. There was another Ancient control chair along with some fully charged ZPM's. The chair was put on Atlantis and the city was then flown back to Pegasus with all the members of the Atlantis expedition on it. Everything which happened since we started in the thunk threads has taken place since it's return.

                            Now to the question of AU characters. As far as I'm concerned the original and 'real' characters are the ones which appeared in the SGA TV show. Boris, Gawain, Fred, Neo and Erik (presumably) were all killed in the SGA TV show but my characters weren't in our game world. This makes my characters AU versions of the ones in the SGA TV show. Obviously other people don't view their own characters in that way.


                              I know I said I was leaving but... oh well.

                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              The Koffee Nirvana empire evolved from Atlantis always being present in the Pegasus galaxy since we all started out in the thunk threads. The TP's hive scenario has Atlantis on Earth, Todd putting the Ancient control chair on a hive ship and everyone going to Pegasus in the hive ship leaving Atlantis on Earth..
                              I just thought we'd follow the seasons of SGA storylines and use that as the basis, thereby making me think that TP's story was in with the game time too.

                              Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                              Now to the question of AU characters. As far as I'm concerned the original and 'real' characters are the ones which appeared in the SGA TV show. Boris, Gawain, Fred, Neo and Erik (presumably) were all killed in the SGA TV show but my characters weren't in our game world. This makes my characters AU versions of the ones in the SGA TV show. Obviously other people don't view their own characters in that way.
                              I just thought we'd somehow magically resurrected them or that they'd never 'died', I didn't realise they were AU in any way....maybe that's just me being dense I created an escape plan for Aurora, so for me Aurora isn't AU, he's 'canon' but non-canon too, because in the series he died.


                                Originally posted by PleiadesAltariel View Post
                                I just thought we'd somehow magically resurrected them or that they'd never 'died', I didn't realise they were AU in any way....maybe that's just me being dense I created an escape plan for Aurora, so for me Aurora isn't AU, he's 'canon' but non-canon too, because in the series he died.
                                That's pretty much the way I view Steve and Eddie so my perception of my characters is the same as yours.
                                Siggie created by TP//Avatar by Draco-Stellaris

