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    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
    Important fanfic announcement:

    I've posted "Escape From Atlantis" on both dA and FF. Just click on the link below my siggie and look for the story of that title. It's quite long at 8,000 words but SW LOVED it!
    I really did enjoy it.

    Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
    It is relevant to WWA RPG because it tells the story of how TP, SW, Todd and Steve became an inseperable foursome and gives insight into their relationships and personalities.
    It can also be considered the "prequel" to how TP ended up getting her own hive - the hive they escape in is the one I now have!
    I'll put this in spoilers because I don't want to reveal plot details to those who haven't read it yet.

    I think it will have to be an Alternative Universe prequel because it doesn't really fit into the game world background as all of us players have developed it between us. As SW was resurrecting the dead in your story it means that all the Wraith who got killed in SGA were actually killed in your story universe. They're all very much alive in our game world universe, though, and there's been no suggestion that SW travelled the Pegasus galaxy to resurrect Wraith like Boris and his hunters, Ellia, and Michael etc. Atlantis is also in Pegasus in our game universe.


      Suit yourself.

      Quite frankly one of the reasons why I didn;t join in the RPG at first was because all this stuff totally confused me.

      All our wraith are alive and well, and quite frankly I;m not that fussed about how they got that way - for me, my "SGA" wraith now have very little to do with the SGA wraith created by TPTB anyway, so I'm not keen to tie myself down and limit myself in that way.

      Because of the insight into the relationships between TP and SW as well as theirs with Todd and Steve I would've thought the story highly relevant, but perhaps only to the CO/TP HIve thread, which is pretty much where I stay.
      I will be using the story as a basis for futher TP HIve stories, so those who consider it irrelevant might start getting confused soon - especially since, as far as I;m concerned TP's hive is the one Todd brought back from Earth to Pegasus with the stolen ZPMs and Atlantis chair installed in it. I;m sorry if you have a problem with that!

      Glad you enjoyed it anyway
      Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        All our wraith are alive and well, and quite frankly I;m not that fussed about how they got that way - for me, my "SGA" wraith now have very little to do with the SGA wraith created by TPTB anyway, so I'm not keen to tie myself down and limit myself in that way.
        Putting in spoilers again.

        The game world scenario covered by the Planet, Boris's Hive and Kenny's Hive role playing threads has been going along with the original scenario in the thunk threads. None of our Wraith had ever died in there - we just gathered them up and brought them into the Uberhive as we used to call it.

        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        Because of the insight into the relationships between TP and SW as well as theirs with Todd and Steve I would've thought the story highly relevant, but perhaps only to the CO/TP HIve thread, which is pretty much where I stay.
        It is very relevant to the TP's hive role playing so there's got to be a way round it.

        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        I will be using the story as a basis for futher TP HIve stories, so those who consider it irrelevant might start getting confused soon -
        I think most of the players are going to wonder how their own Wraith are alive (apart from PA and Aurora) - none of them have ever mentioned being killed and then resurrected by SW's cosmic energy. Draygon's Character Guide entry for Michael, for example, reads - "He’s changed a lot from when the Lanteans last met him" I'm guessing this last meeting wasn't the one in 'The Prodigal.' unless Michael hasn't told game Draygon something.

        Maybe the solution is that some Wraith died in our game world universe and got resurrected while others didn't. This is why Boris wasn't blown up by a drone on Sateda even though his lookalike in WormholeX-Streme! did. Just as well, really, because I can't see SW wanting to resurrect him even though she might well have brought Gawain back from the dead.

        Originally posted by Todd's Pet View Post
        especially since, as far as I;m concerned TP's hive is the one Todd brought back from Earth to Pegasus with the stolen ZPMs and Atlantis chair installed in it. I;m sorry if you have a problem with that!
        There's no problem with that one.

        The Atlantis in our game world got back to Pegasus because of Daniel Jackson. He found an old manuscript which had clues to the whereabouts of a couple of ZPM's hidden in a cave in the Milky Way galaxy.


          Well, TP's decided to take Todd's advice and is going to be undertaking test sessions in the chair with a view to taking her hive out on it's maiden flight next weekend.
          She'll be taking her main crew - Todd, Steve, Eddie, Greg and Bob with her as well as all the as yet un-named crew and Seth.
          Once she's proved to herself that she really can fly the hive, she'll dock at Steve's old hive for a party before moving on for their first pirate adventure!

          While we're out pirating and partyiing you lot can decide amongst yourselves what's going on in your universe - I already know what's going on in mine!!!
          Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


            No one's RPing anymore?


              Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
              No one's RPing anymore?
              I just looked at your last post in the Planet thread. I can't think of anything to say in reply because none of my characters know where your temporary camp is - this means they're unable to walk in and say hello.


                Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                I just looked at your last post in the Planet thread. I can't think of anything to say in reply because none of my characters know where your temporary camp is - this means they're unable to walk in and say hello.
                Oh. I thought they could just walk up.

                It was just in some random meadow.


                  *holds up a meek hand*

                  Our game world becomes confusing the bigger it gets.

                  Sorry for speaking up but I'm having very tiring days at the moment (I'm sure you all have tiring days as well ) and I love to come here for a bit of playing and fooling around - in short for relaxing.

                  But it's getting more and more complicated to keep everything sorted and not writing anything wrong concerning history, storylines, etc. I don't know if I'm up to this when my head is buzzing with tiredness and plenty of other stuff to mind.

                  Don't get me wrong, IMO it's great if our world expands because it shows the amount of passion and development we're investing in it, but sometimes I just don't feel up to keep in mind all the rules and guides. I then often post rubbish, sorry about that.

                  You could say of course "well, if she doesn't want to, no one forces her, she can just chill out and don't post anything story-developing" but it doesn't work like this anymore.

                  Sorry if nothing of this makes sense, I'm just a bit sad today and I have the feeling everything goes over my head at the moment. I will stop whining now.


                    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                    Our game world becomes confusing the bigger it gets.

                    But it's getting more and more complicated to keep everything sorted and not writing anything wrong concerning history, storylines, etc. I don't know if I'm up to this when my head is buzzing with tiredness and plenty of other stuff to mind.

                    Don't get me wrong, IMO it's great if our world expands because it shows the amount of passion and development we're investing in it, but sometimes I just don't feel up to keep in mind all the rules and guides. I then often post rubbish, sorry about that.
                    I don't find it confusing, but I may know how others may find it like that. Maybe there are too many hives/threads? Maybe Kenny's hive could go. It is usually empty. Maybe one OOC thread and two hives, or one OOC thread and one planet and one hive?

                    Maybe it would be easier if people had a few characters that they keep throughout the RP? Ex. I would stick with Kenny, Karl, Chris and create no new characters.

                    Maybe the rules need to be condensed to be fewer and simple? Just keep it at no borrowing without permission.

                    I dunno.


                      You aren't the only one, DS.


                        I agree whole heartedly - that's why I decided to take TP's hive away at least temporarily. Ciannwn had said there were things I couldnlt do because other wraith were dead and hadn't been ressurrected in my story, or some such thing that IMHO was a minor and unimportant detail !

                        Like what Mar said above - does it really MATTER where her camp is - just walk in and say hello, for goodness sake??? We surely donlt need to have a map and detailed history for EVERYTHING????????

                        This was my objection right at the start - I have to work all day - I just want to come here and chill out, maybe admire other's artwork and read a couple of minifics - I certainly donlt have the time or the energy for all this "background" - if there are a few "inconsistencies" does it really matter?????
                        Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                          I don't think apportioning blame to ciannwn is helpful, as she set up the threads in good faith and at the behest of other people, after she had sought opinions. She has always seemed to be very fair to me, and I can't claim to know her as well as any of you. She is not a dictator and, though I can't claim any great familiarity with meglomania, she does not appear to have the prerequisite symptoms.

                          I would hate to see this fall apart through the difference a silly fic has made.


                            Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                            I don't think apportioning blame to ciannwn is helpful, as she set up the threads in good faith and at the behest of other people, after she had sought opinions. She has always seemed to be very fair to me, and I can't claim to know her as well as any of you. She is not a dictator and, though I can't claim any great familiarity with meglomania, she does not appear to have the prerequisite symptoms.

                            I would hate to see this fall apart through the difference a silly fic has made.
                            I didn't say any of that - I;m simply saying that I donlt see that we need to have maps and histories and backgrounds on absolutely everything (esp as we had all already agreed that teh CO hive was different) - and I donlt see how a few minor inconsistncies makes any difference at all - it simply doesnlt matter enough to get so bound up in all these "rules"!

                            My fic is not what's pulling this apart - it's being rule bound that's doing that! Ignore my fic, it really doesn't matter.
                            Thanks to Draco-Stellaris for the gorgeous Todd avatar


                              Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                              I don't think apportioning blame to ciannwn is helpful, as she set up the threads in good faith and at the behest of other people, after she had sought opinions. She has always seemed to be very fair to me, and I can't claim to know her as well as any of you. She is not a dictator and, though I can't claim any great familiarity with meglomania, she does not appear to have the prerequisite symptoms.

                              I would hate to see this fall apart through the difference a silly fic has made.
                              I'm not blaming Ciannwn. I am very greatful for all she did. I love the site she made for the game, it helps me to keep up with everything. *hugs Ciannwn*

                              I love the rpg idea and I want it to continue. I was just stating that there are few people in the game (and few rping at certain times) and that cutting back some threads will help. Earlier, no one was rping so that is why I asked did everyone stop. We can add more threads if more people join. Since Kenny's thread doesn't get much traffic and I'm basically alone there, maybe it could go?


                                I hope my post didn't come across as if I was blaming Ciannwn! Because that would be the last thing I'd do.

                                I still think setting rules and making an official RPG was a good idea and we agreed on the rules.

                                I don't mind having that many threads and I'm glad for the guides to look things up. And of course I see that we can't draw a line to which kind of inconsistencies we can let pass and which not.

                                It's just - Argh! I can't find the right words and that's frustrating me.

