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    *Starts to pull out hair* AHHH.......I HATE SCHOOL or at least my school....I'm trying to register for class for next semester and everything I need is full, and they aren't giving any overrides that I can see. *Breaks down in tears*
    Dear Journal
    My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


      Ah, sounds like fun. *Very heavy sarcasm.*


        Very long gossip post in the gym. I feel better now. Well, at least a little. *Deep breath* Now, I'm better. People will drop, they always do......I'll figure it out one way or another, I'm sure that it's not the complete end of the world.
        Dear Journal
        My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


          I know what you are going through, I am new to the college expierience and I am finding it very hectic. On top of my regular course load, the commute and my job I got roped into creating the first TV drama for our schools television network ( I am a radio television and film major) it looks promising though


            That sounds exciting, TGLG.

            You'd think that I would have it all figured out by now. I'm technically suppose to be a Jr. this year. But I guess it just never gets any easier.

            EDIT: Really should not have looked at the clock. Time for me to try to get some sleep. I'll be back for the weekend. Hopefully will have time to post a little. Still have school stuff to do. So good night, good morning, and good day to one and to all.
            Dear Journal
            My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


              Originally posted by JacksonMiracle View Post
              But I guess it just never gets any easier.
              Thanks. I didn't need to read that.


                Well that doesnt sound good.

                It is suprising how hard creating a TV show is. I thought I had a good feel about production and how it works by reading the SG production diaries and blogs but my show is barely in the preproduction phase and its a whole lot of work. In order to be greenlit we have to have agood grasps of storylines which has to be in great detail. In depth character analysis, a plan to recruit actors, and a list of possible shooting locations, the equipment needed and a crew of course.


                  Sorry, but I hate to say that it's true. You get more use to it, but it's still not great. Probably will be ALOT better for y'all (O, and TGLG) since you live on campus and probably won't be changing schools half way through.

                  See, there was some good news after all.

                  Now, I really am going to bed.
                  Dear Journal
                  My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                    Originally posted by JacksonMiracle View Post
                    Sorry, but I hate to say that it's true. You get more use to it, but it's still not great. Probably will be ALOT better for y'all (O, and TGLG) since you live on campus and probably won't be changing schools half way through.
                    I don't care. Lie. It won't kill you.

                    Originally posted by JacksonMiracle
                    See, there was some good news after all.
                    You called that good? I'm just not receiving positive vibes from this.

                    Originally posted by JacksonMiracle
                    Now, I really am going to bed.
                    Good night.


                      Originally posted by JacksonMiracle View Post
                      Sorry, but I hate to say that it's true. You get more use to it, but it's still not great. Probably will be ALOT better for y'all (O, and TGLG) since you live on campus and probably won't be changing schools half way through.

                      See, there was some good news after all.

                      Now, I really am going to bed.
                      Yea, that would be good news but I dont live on campus


                        Hadn't read the OOC before I'd posted in Inter-Team... Anyway..... It's there now.

                        Poor PA & JM & SR *lots of grouphuggiez to ya* Evil schools! Glad I'm not going to one anymore. Though I was thinking about going back to studying at some point. But, I guess I'm a little old for that now. Still I did see someone at age 70 to go to Uni on the news a while ago, so maybe not too late after all, in my old age then

                        V - hope your muse gets back soon.

                        Ummmm. I guess I'm caught up now.


                          Ok guys I took the day off from school so I could catch up on stuff so I'll be hiding in the shadows if anyone needs adria or amanda i'll take care of it today unless i'm writing an essay in which case ryn has full creative licence with amanda as long as she keeps it within her bio. also if anyone needs NPC post I can try to do those

                          GWRPG CHARACTERS


                            Glad to see a lifesign from you PA

                            Take it easy out there in the real world, the RP will be still be here when things has slowed down for you

                            Hit an' run post on lunchbreak

                            "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                              Indeed, welcome back, though like NG said take it easy


                                I am thats why I didn't go to school. takeing it easy catching up on some spanish and math and rp. oh I have 3 pms. *runs of the read them*

                                GWRPG CHARACTERS

