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    It's not really bothering anyone it's too high up in the clouds to bother anything but the planes flying to and fro everywhere. People are stranded in airports because of it, but that's all that that ash cloud is going to do. They say it *might* also be like a smog day, but I'm at the coast and the sea breeze just blows it all away. And elsewhere they didn't measure any bad concentrations in the air of bad things because of the cloud.


      Well, it reached Moscow and soon it will reach here if the wind won't change, but flights were cancelled only for civilian aviation. AF said that our engines work perfectly in ash clouds.
      Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



        Originally posted by Vagabond Serpent View Post
        NG, weekends are always good!

        Btw, is this ash cloud bothering Sverige??
        I've spent so much time locked up with computers and ultrasound machines the last couple of days that I wasn't even aware of the eruption until someone told me late last night so I'd say the same as Ryn; Nope, haven't noticed anything at all here.
        Will try and stay awake for a few more hours to see if there's a beautiful sunset though

        "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


          Originally posted by Ryn View Post
          Williams found himself becoming somewhat irritated with Hughes' behaviour. What was he doing back there ? Flirting with Crescent ? From the looks of it, it could very well be. David hadn't heard any of their conversation, however (only Crescent's giggle), and would not address Hughes on it until it was absolutely necessary.
          I laughed.

          Seriously, if I could, I'd green you for this. Because this is just full of win.


            Thanks for the almost-green.
            I'm confused about the 'full of win'-part, but, as long as you find it all funny, then I don't mind.


              Originally posted by Ryn View Post
              Thanks for the almost-green.
              I'm confused about the 'full of win'-part, but, as long as you find it all funny, then I don't mind.
              Full of win.

              I just find it amusing how David seems to think men and women can't just be friends. A giggle here and a smile there has to be flirting.


                Ah, that was a slang kind of thing. OK. I get it.



                The man hasn't been out much.

                And on that note, I is off to either zzz or tv, I'm too tired to post more...

                ((by the way I've always found it silly/stupid/annoying/takeyourpick to entirely quote the post directly above yours ... it's just not necessary.
                I only quote whenever there are lots of posts between us, or lots of stuff that needs addressing, and then if there weren't quotes in my post, it would be confusing to know what I was replying to. ))


                  Originally posted by Ryn View Post
                  Ah, that was a slang kind of thing. OK. I get it.
                  Yeah. I meant to include the link with my first post, but was distracted. Sorry about that.

                  And I do tend to use those terms from time to time. Ninja'd was another I used, further up, I think.

                  Originally posted by Ryn View Post
                  ((by the way I've always found it silly/stupid/annoying/takeyourpick to entirely quote the post directly above yours ... it's just not necessary.

                  I only quote whenever there are lots of posts between us, or lots of stuff that needs addressing, and then if there weren't quotes in my post, it would be confusing to know what I was replying to. ))
                  Can I red you for calling my actions stupid, annoying, or silly? I'm at least taking that non-green greening back. I was seriously tempted to quote this entire thing just to tick you off, be glad I stuck to a few sentences.

                  And you probably would have gotten the point without me quoting either, but I'll blame that on "The Lion King," so there. Is it like completely sad that I'm addicted to a Disney movie?


                    It's really cool how SG-5 is all online at the same time, but I need to go sleep now. Hope to post more tomorrow.

                    DG - you're leaving on Monday yes ?


                      No, I should have at least into some of the week. We'll go to Balneum Sunday.
                      "Che idiota fa una cosa del genere! Gli americani non pensare cose del genere?!"
                      " 'Idiot' and 'American' I think were cognates? I'm going to assume you're not talking about me so we can work together better."
                      Ambassador Isabelle Cooper-Oxford and Lt. Col. Stephen "Steve" Hamrick ~ "Discoveries"

                      Discover a … New Galaxy

                      Look for a … New Adventure

                      Find a … New Mythology


                        OK, nice to know.

                        That last post was hard, so much to get into it and so much to react to. >_<

                        Hehe, I actually wrote out everyone's height on a piece of paper, calculating into metres using a converter Feet and inches make no sense to me

                        And it's also nice to know good ole' Wikipedia has a whole page devoted to Greek Temples. Didn't know there were that many different types.

                        It also reminds me of the game I used to play on my PS2, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. Really fun, but quite hard controls to master! Can't remember how many times I killed poor Indy


                          *gently shoves SG5-mission talking over to their own talking-thread*

                          "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                            Originally posted by Colonel Sharp View Post
                            We'll just wander along until then
                            Check that, monday morning at 1218 AM, ended up zonking out on ther train home, thankfully my brother carried me into the house to one of the other monks who helped get me into bed, I just woke up, and as such goingot stay up until tomorrow night bedtime, early class, so here I am

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by Northern Girl View Post
                              *gently shoves SG5-mission talking over to their own talking-thread*
                              Ow! God, will you stop being so pushy?


                                Will post ASAP, am still thinking. And, new season of House MD starts tonight, so won't be on much after 8.50pm my time .

