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    ((Backtrackin' with ya, PA))

    Kylie's heart went out to Adria. This was something that Kylie never dreamed that she would ever hear the other woman confess, especially not to her. "Captain, best friends will come and go in their physical form, but what we remember about them, that's what will stay with us forever. I'm sure that the next few days will be really hard for you, and if you need to talk, I'm here for you. Thank you for feeling free enough to share this with me, with us. And when it gets hard, just try to remember the funniest thing that your friend ever said to you, you'll laugh so hard, it'll be like they're right there next you. Or you could try writing them a letter and let them know how much you miss them. It always worked for me." Kylie diverted her eyes from Adria's and looked at the sheets on her bed. She glanced up one more time to see if what she had said had helped Adria at all.
    Dear Journal
    My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


      ((I like it warm in rooms I'm in, though that may stem from the fact that I live in Southern California and any temperature less that 90 degrees is freezing for me.))

      "It's okay, I don't mind." Devin stroked her hair, "We all have things that haunt us, it's just that you happen to have nightmares about your admittedly sordid past. Might I ask what exactly it was you were dreaming- er, nightmaring- about?"

      ((Edit: Then a back-track this shall be.))


        Adria took her eyes off of devin and looked down hiding her emotions. "Thanks Kylie." Adria then looked around the infirmary and then back to kylie and Devin.

        ((no back track she was quiet threw all the talking you guys just did))



          Kylie was silent for a moment, debating if she should tell Devin about her nightmare or not. She quickly made her decision and told Devin what she could remember. "It was him, my evil foster father. He was angry and was shouting at me, and he started to hit me. It was so real. You were there, a younger you, before Jaa'nik. He was hitting you too. It's funny, the subconcious can create all kinds of things when given the chance." She had been speaking in a monotone, removing herself from the nightmare. Kylie sighed and whispered to Devin, "I really like it when you play with my hair like that." She closed her eyes and relaxed as Devin continued to stroke her hair. She refused to go back to sleep that night, but at least she could relax, as long as Devin was there with her.

          ((Ooops, that means she saw them in the same bed, this could get interesting))
          Dear Journal
          My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


            Adria shook invoulentarily as Kylie repeated her dream. How much it reminded her of. No now is not the time to think of that she thought. She glanced up and say kylie's eyes moving away but was pretty sure that she had seen Adria's shudder. Reaching into one of her pockets of her jacket she pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something the other two couldn't see.



              "Captain," Kylie said, waiting for Adria to look up at her. "Why did you choose to sit over here with me and Devin, and not over there with Rachael?" She knew the look that Adria got as she related her nightmare to Devin. Adria needed something more than writing to distract her from whatever ghost she had just remembered.
              Dear Journal
              My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                "Because when I came over here Rachel was in the MRI still. And i don't know i just wanted a friendly face i guess than all the doctors." Adria had gone from writing into a sketch of her friend.

                GWRPG CHARACTERS


                  Kylie nodded her understanding, "I know what you mean." She looked back toward Devin wondering if she could have made it out of the generator room if she hadn't been thinking about him the entire time. She became aware of the fact that she was still tightly embracing Devin right in front of Adria and the other woman wasn't saying a thing about it. Oh, well, Kylie would enjoy the freedom while it lasted, but wondered if it meant that she would be hearing about it later. Adria must really miss that friend of hers to pass up such a great opportunity to give her another lecture.
                  Dear Journal
                  My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                    Adria knew exactly what kylie was thinking by the look Kylie gave her. "After what the two of you have been threw today I'm not going to say anything." Adria paused and muttered in an underbreath. "and pluss my heart wouldn't be in it anyway."

                    GWRPG CHARACTERS


                      Kylie wished that there was something she could say to make Adria look a little less depressed, but she just didn't have the words. It must be the lingering effects of that pain medication. Aloud she simply said, "Anybody else have a sudden craving for coffee?"
                      Dear Journal
                      My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                        "Not realy" Adria said finishing her drawing flipping the page in the note book and starting another. not realizing it she was drawing Kylie and Devin.

                        GWRPG CHARACTERS


                          "Sorry, the doc insisted on pumping me full of pain meds and that always makes me a little loopy. Coffee usually takes the edge off." Kylie looked down at her arm, and suddenly remembered that there use to be an IV line attached to her. Oh great, that's all I need, I must have pulled it out while I was having that nightmare. She decided that it could wait until the morning and didn't say anything Adria or Devin about it.
                          Dear Journal
                          My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                            "It's ok" Adria said. She kept glancing up at the two of them so happy. Her drawing showed the but for some reason in the backround there was a shadow behind Kylie. She didn't know why she was drawing it, rarely she did but she continued to draw. Setting down the pad to grab a glass of water the picture was available for both kylie and devin to see.

                            GWRPG CHARACTERS


                              Kylie's eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of what Adria had been writing, or rather drawing on her notepad. It was them! Her and Devin! The drawing was really good and Kylie considered complimenting Adria on her work, but determined that Adria had probably never meant for her and Devin to ever see the drawing so instead she kept quite. Noticing the intricate details of the sketch including the fact that there was a shadow behind her in the drawing, Kylie was amazed at the talent Adria posesed. The shadow, how ironic that it was behind her. Kylie thought back to the play Peter Pan and recalled how Peter was always losing his shadow, that it had a mind of its own and that it had to be sewed back onto him. I guess, I do have a shadow of sorts following me around, it creeps up on me when I least expect it. Maybe it's time that I reconciled myself with the past. It wouldn't be easy to sew her shadow back onto herself, but it was a necessary step that she had to take if she were ever to be able to control her shadow of her past. How ironic that it took Adria's drawing to point that out to her in a not so obvious way.

                              ((Ok, so Kylie finds symbolism everywhere, weather it was meant to be there or not, folly of an anthropologist))
                              Dear Journal
                              My contribution to the Stargate Rewatch experience. Will be updated nearly everyday, and will cover all episodes, and characters.


                                Adria picked up the drawing and added a few finishing touches and tore it off the pad putting it in her pocket she started on another drawing. She never even realized that Kylie had seen it. Adria was realy off her game. "I don't know it's just hard sometimes." She was talking like she was in the middle of a conversation. "I mean things have changed so much."

                                ((no problem i was going for symbolisim anyway))

                                GWRPG CHARACTERS

