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Mess Hall / Commissary

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    (Yay, finally getting a post in WAY too busy )

    Sharp nodded as Vincent explained the maneuvers, picturing the movements in his mind...they were second nature to him. Fused into his mind, just like all the other actions which he practiced so many times, it was almost robotic.

    He nearly laughed out loud at the sergeant's second question, but understood that the sergeant was merely trying to be proper. He obviously doesn't know me very well.
    He settled with a grin.

    "No, they're not secret, and no, I dont think there is any way to focus it on any specific area." He paused and looked into the distance, thinking about the design.
    "Well you could..." He looked back at Foster. He was on leave, vacation, yet theorizing shield technology still preoccupied his mind.
    "Basically, no." He settled with.
    Christ...go watch a movie. Your on vay-cay-tion!
    Sig from Kat Logan VIA SilverRider


    Join the Aftermath RP


      Originally posted by Northern Girl View Post
      “Nice! Sounds like you had quite a bit of “R n’ R” then after all.”Carrie grinned and then ate some more of her food before continuing.
      “Spending money’s always fun and getting some new stuff to your quarters definitely sounds like a good idea. This “bunker” could sure do with some more “homey” feeling, you know…” Frowning and looking between the two on the other side of the table.
      “Not that I’m very good at that interior decorating stuff… But I think just about everything here needs improvement when it comes to that” She chuckled at a memory that popped up in her head.
      “You know what; I used to email my big sister photos of possible curtains before I actually bought them… Gee I loved that cell phone with built in camera…”
      "Maybe you could make a recommendation to the General," Ryn said seriously. "Something about the interest of morale and all that. If he's as nice as people make him out to be, I bet he'll listen.". She hadn't known whether or not the doc meant it as a big joke, what she'd said, so Ryn had taken it seriously.


        "Hey! That's a good idea," Kym said cheerfully, "This is our home and it's not like we have off-base housing. It's bad enough that we live underground. A few pictures and carpets and tchotchkes would be nice."
        She looked around the gray walls of the Mess, "I really liked the mural your General painted in your Mess, Ryn. I wonder if he could be talked into having one painted here?"

        (( tchotchkes - trinkets, decorative items ))
        You're never too old to do something goofy.
        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


          Ryn perked up at the mention of the mural. She'd missed it, she realised. There'd just been *something* with sitting there, eating your whatever, amidst the lovely sense of being outdoors. Albeit fake, it had always been an experience, and she'd often stared at the ceiling where it met the walls, wondering what lay beyond the mural's depiction.

          "Oh, that would be great, yeah," Ryn said, her whole facial expression becoming enthusiastic again.
          "I loved that too. Pity I didn't get to sit there very often. My last mission was on another planet for a year. I missed that mural then, though I got to sit in a *real* open space every day to have my food. That was lovely. I just wish I could do that here, too. This... *grey* everywhere is just so darned depressing. I'm a marine. I love the outdoors. Sitting between four walls is just not me, and after this, I plan on conquering the basketball court. Anything to get out.". She realised she was babbling a bit, so instantly snapped her mouth shut.
          "Sorry." She uttered, directed towards the two others at the table.
          "I shouldn't get so easily excited...".

          ((thank you to Jyn for finding that post again. I looked too, but didn't find it. ))


            She nodded in agreement about Ryn’s comment about mention it to Blue.
            “Yeah, I might just do that the next time I’ll bump into him…” then smiled at her “…and he is a nice person, so if he only has the time I know he will at least listen and think about it”

            Carrie took another sip of her tea, then almost choked on it and started coughing helplessly as Kym told her about the painting; picturing Blue climbing around on ladders having a, with a furious Cal following him, telling him that she would be held responsible if he fell down, not him.
            Some long breaths later she regained her composure and smiled a bit embarrassed, talking with a slightly cracked voice.
            “I'm sorry Kym…It wasn’t anything you said, it was more of a crazy thought I had… ” and then looked back at Ryn as she babbled on.

            ‘That young sergeant’s a completely different person now, then the quiet, short-one-word-answering one I met in the gym the other day and she can actually smile!’
            “Hey, it’s ok to get excited at times like this…off duty, remember?"[/COLOR]

            Carrie took the last piece of pancakes, then leaned back in the chair.
            “Basket ball court uh? Mind if I join you? I’m not that good at actually scoring, but I can run…” She grimaced “… at least when not stuffed with pancakes…”

            "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


              "You're on, doc," Ryn found herself saying. "Meet you there in twenty minutes, so gear up. Kym, you too.". OK now that's enough, she told herself. You've opened up, that's fine, just don't get carried away and don't start ordering them about. "Please." She belatedly added with a bit of an embarrassed grin.

              ((sorry it's short. I can't seem to produce longer posts at this time of night. ))


                Kym gulped down the last of her tea, "You're on. Nothing cutthroat, Okay? Just some fresh air and sunshine."
                She laughed shortly as she stood up, "We need to get it while we can. Stev told me that, over here, we'll see more snow than Foreston will. Something about winds coming in over the open water and hitting the updrafts on the mountains."
                The woman shivered mockingly, "Long, cold winter on the way."
                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                  "Okay. Just some fun and games." Ryn grinned. "Cold doesn't bother me. And I guess that's one advantage of living underground. You won't be aware of much snow and stuff. Doc, you comin'?" She glanced over at Carrie, then shrugged, and got up with Kym.


                    “Impatient uh? Okay, okay, I’m coming...” Carrie grabbed her tray and got up, snickering.
                    “Allow an old woman some take-off distance will you? I’ll just put this away, make a pit stop in the quarters to change into some sweatpants, alright?” She looked between the other two.
                    “Anybody else heading that way?”

                    "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                      << from the Lounge >>

                      Jaime entered the Mess, eyes casting around for Henry. She'd spoken with him a time or two before, so was passing familiar with him.... There he is!

                      "Henry!" she called quietly, ducking between people in line and standing at the end of the buffet as Henry made his way over to her. Jaime stepped closer, keeping her voice low; Jensen had implied that their little luncheon was to remain quiet and private, so she didn't want to speak too loudly and have someone overhear. "I have a favor to ask. Dr. Winchester asked me to come down here and get some food for a lunch in the lounge. Three people- him, me, and Kate."

                      Henry's eyebrows rose up to his hairline. "Really? She's out and about?"

                      "A little," Jaime admitted. "She still seems... skittish."

                      Henry nodded and began assembling a tray. "Poor thing. She's been through a lot. But getting her out of her quarters is a step in the right direction." He looked at Jaime sideways. "How'd you get involved in this?"

                      She smiled and shrugged. "Right place at the right time, I guess," she replied lightly. "Her quarters are just a door down from mine. We've met and talked a few times."

                      Henry continued to put the tray together, and Jaime's mouth was practically watering. He included some soup in little styrofoam lidded containers, an assortment of sandwiches, some fresh fruit, and finally a pot of what appeared to be tea. Looking it over, he nodded in approval and handed the laden tray to Jaime.

                      "There you go," he told her. "There's drinks and milk up in the lounge; I restocked it just the other day. You tell Kate I said hello." He winked at Jaime and she couldn't help but smile.

                      "Thank you, I will," she beamed back at him, leaning forward to give the older man a kiss on the cheek. "I'll bring the tray back down later."

                      "That would be greatly appreciated," he smiled. Jaime flashed him one more grin and turned and headed back to the elevator.

                      << to the Lounge >>


                        Originally posted by Northern Girl View Post
                        “Impatient uh? Okay, okay, I’m coming...” Carrie grabbed her tray and got up, snickering.
                        “Allow an old woman some take-off distance will you? I’ll just put this away, make a pit stop in the quarters to change into some sweatpants, alright?” She looked between the other two.
                        “Anybody else heading that way?”
                        Kym held up a hand, "I have to go down to level 6 to change my shoes."
                        She stuck her foot out in front of her, "Boots aren't really helpful when you're trying to do jump shots."
                        The woman waited by the table for Carrie to come back. "What level are you?"
                        You're never too old to do something goofy.
                        Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.


                          "I'm level 7 myself," Ryn said. "I'll uh, get my sneakers and meet you guys in the hangar bay." Kym'd been right about the boots, she realised. Sneakers, especially the worn ones she had, would be better.

                          Ryn gave them both a big grin, then ran off.

                          <<to hangar bay via quarters>>


                            << from Lounge >>

                            Jaime walked back into the Mess, her steps much more subdued than before. Absently, she slid the tray onto the rollers and was about to step away when a hand fell on her shoulder. Absorbed in her own thoughts, she yelped and jumped- and found Henry, hands raised and expression startled, looking at her.

                            "Easy," he said, a little alarmed. "You're a different person than you were last time you were here. Everything all right?"

                            "I'm not sure," she said slowly. "I was in the Lounge with Dr. Winchester and Major Howard, we were having lunch, and Kate asked me about the mission we just returned from. So I was telling her about her alternate self, the one I met when we went through the mirrors, and all of a sudden she got teary and sort of... weird. Jensen seemed to know what it was about and asked me to give them a few minutes, so I grabbed the tray and came down here..." She shook her head. "I didn't mean to make her upset, but it was the weirdest thing- she was crying, but looked... almost hopeful..."

                            Henry shook his head and reached out to give the young woman's arm a squeeze. "There's a lot been going on while you were gone," he told her softly. "Don't worry about it. Jensen knows how to handle her; those two have been best friends for years."

                            Jaime nodded. "I know. Its just... I know Kate hasn't been well, and I don't want to make her upset."

                            Henry patted her shoulder again. "Don't fret. The littlest things set Kate off lately. It doesn't mean anything. The fact that she was up there, out of her quarters, and with another human being other than Jensen is a huge compliment to you. It'll be okay." He turned to the buffet and pulled out a saran-wrapped plate with a small piece of cheescake on it and thrust it into her hands. "Here. Have a treat. When you're done, go back to the Lounge. If they're still there, great. If not, track down Winchester and ask him to give you the low-down. He's well aware of the situation and all the details." He pushed Jaime toward a table. "Go. Eat."

                            Smiling a little despite herself, Jaime couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, okay, I'm going. Thanks, Henry."

                            "You're welcome. Any time." With that, the older man headed back to his station behind the buffet. Jaime sat down, unwrapped the piece of cheesecake, and began to eat it thoughtfully.

                            What exactly had set Kate off? And... shoes? She had to smile a little and shake her head. She'd ask Jensen... darnit, Dr. Winchester... about it later. Besides, she still had to tell him about his brother Dean.


                              Originally posted by Jynjyr View Post
                              Kym held up a hand, "I have to go down to level 6 to change my shoes."
                              She stuck her foot out in front of her, "Boots aren't really helpful when you're trying to do jump shots."
                              The woman waited by the table for Carrie to come back. "What level are you?"
                              Carrie looked down at Kym’s feet and smiled
                              “Well depending on if you’ll be my opponent or not, I wouldn’t insist on a change of foot wear…”

                              Originally posted by Ryn_SST View Post
                              "I'm level 7 myself," Ryn said. "I'll uh, get my sneakers and meet you guys in the hangar bay."

                              “Hey, I’m on 7 too… “ Her voice trailed off when it became obvious that Ryn wasn’t within earshot ‘Gee, and I have a reputation of being intense…'
                              She turned back to Kym. “So, I’ll walk you to the stairs and meet you in the hanger bay then, ok?”

                              >>to Hangar bay via quarters>>

                              "Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence"


                                "I guess she's in a hurry," Kym said, shrugging at Ryn's retreating form. "Sure, it won't take but a few seconds to change my shoes. I'll meet you in the Bay."

                                << to Quarters >>
                                You're never too old to do something goofy.
                                Growing older is mandatory. Growing up is optional.

