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Stargate New Seasons ~ Atlantis ~ Reclamation ~ Season 6 RPG ~SGA1~Off World Missions

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    Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
    ((OOC posting for Mum))

    {Doctor Anne MacGregor}

    "We shall indeed Carson." Anne replied, somewhat a little disappointed, she had hoped to discover more of this facility. But she conceded that they could always come back under better circumstances. "With Major Lorne here and others I suspect they must have found a way in, which would present us a way out safely to at least move these poor boys and girls away from harms way. Jennifer this is your command so I'll follow your lead, whatever you decide will be fine with me." She took on last glance at the Ancient console and then shrugged her shoulders. "Work to do I suspect." She laughed softly.
    <Baku> - <Underground Tunnels>

    {Dr. Carson Beckett} - {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

    ..."Doctor Beckett, Doctor MacGregor, if you're hearing this, Major Lorne is with me, he has a Marine that can fly the jumper, I suggest that you start making preparations to move your wounded to the exit North, Lieutenant Cadman and her team can show you the way. Get every able body you can to help."...

    "Well, good to hear your voice, John," Carson said, relief flooding through him. There'd been a moment when this whole mission looked as if it was falling around their ears. "We'll get straight on it." He glanced at Jennifer. "Did you get that, love."

    "Yep," the woman replied, already moving away to direct the more than welcome influx of able bodied. "If you could help Laura, Carson, with the less injured, Anne and I will concentrate on making certain the others are stable enough to be carried." Keller gave a thin smile. "There are drips in place we don't want ripped out, after all."

    Followed by Anne, Jennifer made her way back to one of the more seriously hurt, all efficiency, her confidence in her colleagues communicated in the set of her shoulders.


      Originally posted by Isolde View Post
      <Baku> - <Underground Tunnels>

      {Dr. Carson Beckett} - {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

      ..."Doctor Beckett, Doctor MacGregor, if you're hearing this, Major Lorne is with me, he has a Marine that can fly the jumper, I suggest that you start making preparations to move your wounded to the exit North, Lieutenant Cadman and her team can show you the way. Get every able body you can to help."...

      "Well, good to hear your voice, John," Carson said, relief flooding through him. There'd been a moment when this whole mission looked as if it was falling around their ears. "We'll get straight on it." He glanced at Jennifer. "Did you get that, love."

      "Yep," the woman replied, already moving away to direct the more than welcome influx of able bodied. "If you could help Laura, Carson, with the less injured, Anne and I will concentrate on making certain the others are stable enough to be carried." Keller gave a thin smile. "There are drips in place we don't want ripped out, after all."

      Followed by Anne, Jennifer made her way back to one of the more seriously hurt, all efficiency, her confidence in her colleagues communicated in the set of her shoulders.

      "Carson, is everyone here all set to go?" She asked the doctor after she made sure that he checked most of the injured. She still felt a little awkward being around him, but she had a job to do now, and she didn't have the time to feel awkward.

      *Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, been busy *
      Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


        Originally posted by Isolde View Post
        <Baku> - <Underground Tunnels>

        {Dr. Carson Beckett} - {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

        "Well, good to hear your voice, John," Carson said, relief flooding through him. There'd been a moment when this whole mission looked as if it was falling around their ears. "We'll get straight on it." He glanced at Jennifer. "Did you get that, love."

        "Yep," the woman replied, already moving away to direct the more than welcome influx of able bodied. "If you could help Laura, Carson, with the less injured, Anne and I will concentrate on making certain the others are stable enough to be carried." Keller gave a thin smile. "There are drips in place we don't want ripped out, after all."

        Followed by Anne, Jennifer made her way back to one of the more seriously hurt, all efficiency, her confidence in her colleagues communicated in the set of her shoulders.
        <Baku Ring Room>

        "Copy that doc, it's good to hear you as well. We'll see you in a while I don't expect this will be a long search, I think whoever was here last pretty much cleaned the joint out. But if we find anything cool you'll be the first to know. Good luck Doctors." John pointed with his finger at the panel. "Okay Lorne hit it, then jump in. Mckay, Teyla, Ronon you are gonna love this, the only way to travel."

        Originally posted by Stargate Atlantis Girl View Post

        "Carson, is everyone here all set to go?" She asked the doctor after she made sure that he checked most of the injured. She still felt a little awkward being around him, but she had a job to do now, and she didn't have the time to feel awkward.
        <Holo room>

        {Sergeant Joe Kazuki} NPC

        Joe waited for Janus to add something more concrete but once again the hologram fell silent. Then he noticed Laura slip away and he tried to sort out the coms chatter in his head. Medical wing? That's where she went. "Ah Sandy, Leiutenant Benedict, Doctor Zelenka...I think the medics might need our help, chatter seems to think we can move some of our guys to the jumper, might be risky if there are still Genii about do you think?" He tapped his coms. "Lieutenant Cadman, respond please."
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          Lt. Laura Cadman

          Laura heard Sergeant Joe Kazuki and responded as soon as she thought about what they should do.
          "It's risky.....but I'm willing to risk it....If we can get the people who need more medical attention out of here first, that would be great....." Laura hoped she made the right decision, she was still pondering the idea.
          Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


            <Holo room>

            {Sgt Sandra O'Reilly} {Sgt Joe Kazuki} {Lt Lyall Benedict} NPC's

            "It's risky.....but I'm willing to risk it....If we can get the people who need more medical attention out of here first, that would be great....."

            "Copy that Laura, it's Lyall here. I think we should get Doctor Zelenka to ask Janus here if there are any stretchers or something to carry the worst of the wounded, otherwise it's going to a very hard call."

            "Yes I'm with you there Lieutenant." Joe added off coms.

            "Dcotor Zelenka?" Sandra prodded the scientist.


              Originally posted by Stargate Atlantis Girl View Post
              Lt. Laura Cadman

              Laura heard Sergeant Joe Kazuki and responded as soon as she thought about what they should do.
              "It's risky.....but I'm willing to risk it....If we can get the people who need more medical attention out of here first, that would be great....." Laura hoped she made the right decision, she was still pondering the idea.
              <Underground Tunnels>

              {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

              Keller stretched out her back, and looked over at Cadman. "The patients are as stable as they ever will be, Laura, so now's as good a time as any to start moving them out." Seeing the worried expression on the other woman's face, Jennifer gave her a reassuring smile. "Perkins and Mohr are the two I'm most concerned about, so you can start with them."


                {Doctor Anne MacGregor}

                It became a flurry of activity within the confines of the underground facility there was no immediate need to search for water now, Anne released Carson's arm and swung back into action. She surveyed the room looking for the Atlantean versions of stretchers and couldn't see anything, she heard the chatter coming from the Holo room and decided that she'd have a look around herself. If there were any such thing they would be stored here. After looking around for a while, concern showed upon her face, she went back around and then when she was about to give up, she noticed on one wall there six were distinct panels, around seven foot high and about three inches wide, she pushed on one and a the sound of air releasing.

                The panel moved out from it's recess and hovered in mid air vertically for a moment, then it began to lower on it's own accord and finally it stayed level at about four feet of the ground. "Well I'll be, Jennifer, Carson I think we have patient transport." But how does one control such a thing. Anne looked further and nearby was a tall cabinet, she opened a drawer and found six small hand devices similiar to the Ancinet life signs detector, it had what appeared to be directional arrows on it and a central button. She picked it up and as soon as she brought it near the panel the central button showed green. "Well okay..ah Carson, you had best take this off me, I tend to break things gadgety."

                ((OOC still posting for mum, she's just so busy...with patients ))


                  Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                  <Underground Tunnels>

                  {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

                  Keller stretched out her back, and looked over at Cadman. "The patients are as stable as they ever will be, Laura, so now's as good a time as any to start moving them out." Seeing the worried expression on the other woman's face, Jennifer gave her a reassuring smile. "Perkins and Mohr are the two I'm most concerned about, so you can start with them."
                  [COLOR="darkorchid"]Lt. Laura Cadman.[/COLOR

                  ]"Alright, Jennifer, thanks." Laura went over to the patients and asked how they were feeling, trying to kill time.
                  Last edited by Stargate Atlantis Girl; 18 November 2010, 01:30 PM. Reason: Man, I gotta pay more attention..... :o
                  Just because something is unknown, does not necessarily mean that it needs to be feared. Trust yourself, and the rest will unfold. ~Teyla Emmagen~


                    Ring Room


                    The rings activated with a woosh and a metallic sound and Mckay took a deep breath his last words were
                    "Well here goes nothing" Five rings shot up from the floor and a blinding white light surrounded them, the rings wooshed and shot back into the floor, and the team was gone.
                    Last edited by pookey; 18 November 2010, 04:29 AM.


                      Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                      <Holo room>

                      {Sgt Sandra O'Reilly} {Sgt Joe Kazuki} {Lt Lyall Benedict} NPC's

                      "It's risky.....but I'm willing to risk it....If we can get the people who need more medical attention out of here first, that would be great....."

                      "Copy that Laura, it's Lyall here. I think we should get Doctor Zelenka to ask Janus here if there are any stretchers or something to carry the worst of the wounded, otherwise it's going to a very hard call."

                      "Yes I'm with you there Lieutenant." Joe added off coms.

                      "Dcotor Zelenka?" Sandra prodded the scientist.

                      Zelenka jumped
                      "Yes , yes, ummm Janus, is there anything available to use to transport the patients from the facility?"
                      The hologram shimmered and looked at Zelenka
                      "there is a medical facility on this level.." The hologram paused then continued,
                      "I believe some of your team have discovered the magnetic floaters" And the hologram fell silent.

                      ok crap name, sounds like magnetic poo
                      Last edited by pookey; 18 November 2010, 04:31 AM.


                        Originally posted by pookey View Post
                        Ring Room


                        The rings activated with a woosh and a metallic sound and Mckay took a deep breath his last words were
                        "Well here goes nothing" Five rings shot up from the floor and a blinding white light surrounded them, the rings wooshed and shot back into the floor, and the team was gone.
                        {Lt Colonel John Sheppard} {Major Evan Lorne} NPC

                        The team stood in darkness for a brief moment, then as they experienced in Atlantis, lights turned on automatically whenever humans were at a particular place, this was no different and had the same feel, even the dampness they first encountered on the lower levels of the great city. "Whoa..that was eery." Evan was the first to speak. He cast around, yes everyone was in one piece, no one head someone else's head. "This place is similiar to Atlantis, but then I guess Janus has a lot of influence on anything Ancienty."

                        John conceded in his head that this was very eery, not so much the drop with the rings, he'd seen them work on the 304 cruisers, but it was this place, it was as if everything was a prelude or experiment for the Ancient Star city ships. He wondered if rather than an underground complex, if this place was the beginings of another flying city and then abonded some time in it's construction. "Ok lets spread out. Ronon, Teyla and Rodney you go that way." He pointed with the barrel of his P90 in a easterly direction. "Major you're with me, we'll take this other passage. We'll move out and at a hundred paces test the radios before we go further ok guys?" John stepped off the ring platform and turned toward the south, there were four distinct passageways, at the points of the compass. The ring room seemed to be the central hub, the lights that were on, only lit the nearest fifty metres or so in each direction.

                        ((OOC Pookey, that was hilarious, "floaters" ))
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                          Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                          {Doctor Anne MacGregor}

                          It became a flurry of activity within the confines of the underground facility there was no immediate need to search for water now, Anne released Carson's arm and swung back into action. She surveyed the room looking for the Atlantean versions of stretchers and couldn't see anything, she heard the chatter coming from the Holo room and decided that she'd have a look around herself. If there were any such thing they would be stored here. After looking around for a while, concern showed upon her face, she went back around and then when she was about to give up, she noticed on one wall there six were distinct panels, around seven foot high and about three inches wide, she pushed on one and a the sound of air releasing.

                          The panel moved out from it's recess and hovered in mid air vertically for a moment, then it began to lower on it's own accord and finally it stayed level at about four feet of the ground. "Well I'll be, Jennifer, Carson I think we have patient transport." But how does one control such a thing. Anne looked further and nearby was a tall cabinet, she opened a drawer and found six small hand devices similiar to the Ancinet life signs detector, it had what appeared to be directional arrows on it and a central button. She picked it up and as soon as she brought it near the panel the central button showed green. "Well okay..ah Carson, you had best take this off me, I tend to break things gadgety."

                          ((OOC still posting for mum, she's just so busy...with patients ))
                          <Underground Tunnels>

                          {Dr. Carson Beckett}

                          Carson accepted the device, and turned it over in his hand a little gingerly. "Thanks love, but what makes you think I'm any good with one of these bloody things?" Seeing Anne level a 'look' at him, the Scot gave a wan smile. "Aye, well... maybe I can work it out." His ears pricked up when the words 'magnetic floaters' carried over to him, and he looked more closely at the implement. "Oh, so that's how it works."

                          Pleased, the Scot aimed the gadget, and watched, as the anti-grav stretchers began to loosen themselves from the surroundings. They'd soon get people away and to safety with this. Sometimes the Ancients came riding over the hill in their white hats just when you needed them - it kinda made up for the times when they tanked.
                          Last edited by Isolde; 19 November 2010, 01:12 PM. Reason: repetition


                            <Holo room>
                            {Lieutenant Lyall Benedict}

                            Lyall nodded, hearing Janus' words and turned to his team mates "Alright, let's go help Laura and the docs out then. Sandra, take point. Knowing me, I'd just get us lost."
                            He sent the woman a grin before looking back at Zelenka, his eyebrows furrowing as he realized they'd be leaving the scientist alone "You'll be all right on your own, Radek?"

                            <Level 4>
                            {Major Evan Lorne}

                            Evan followed Sheppard off the platform, nodding at the others as they separated and placing a hand on his P90 for easy access, just in case.
                            With each step they took, lights flickered to life, casting their shadows out ahead of them.
                            The walls had the Atlantis feel, yet still felt strange, like something was missing. The feel of people living here, the life of a city.
                            Even if this was a research facility, the Ancients had a way of building places that felt like it should be lived in or revered.

                            Keeping pace, he cast a side glance at his CO "So, besides exploration, what exactly are we doing here?"
                            The Major had been tracking their distance and stopped as they'd gone far enough "If McKay hasn't slowed them down by wanting to look at the pretty lights, we should be at 100m distance. More or less." He said the last part with a small grin, flashing the light on his weapon back down the way they'd come, the lights they'd left far behind dimming to a low glow.
                            │▌║█▌││║█ █║│██│║║
                            Aftermath Lyall 'Bean' Benedict New Seasons


                              Originally posted by RubixCube View Post
                              <Holo room>
                              {Lieutenant Lyall Benedict}

                              Lyall nodded, hearing Janus' words and turned to his team mates "Alright, let's go help Laura and the docs out then. Sandra, take point. Knowing me, I'd just get us lost."
                              He sent the woman a grin before looking back at Zelenka, his eyebrows furrowing as he realized they'd be leaving the scientist alone "You'll be all right on your own, Radek?"
                              {Sergeant Sandra O'Reilly} {Sergeant Joe Kazuki} NPC's

                              Joe allowed his buddy to get ahead of them as he stepped out with his XO, when she was at a suitable distance he leaned over, holding his G36 point down. "So elTee, that business about the Tavern and getting tanked with Sandy, she was only saying that to rub me up wasn't she? I mean sir, you know how I feel about her and well.." He hitched up his pack a little higher with a jerk. "'s just that she just such a p**** teaser I never know when she's joking or not." His face dropped down two levels of glumness.

                              Sandra led them in a straight line to the medbay, it was all so familar to her, all these Ancient facilities were built on a pattern of squares with a central chamber and this was no different to Atlantis, the corners were sharp right angles and as she turned the last she heard Laura and the Doctors voices. "She tapped the side of her comslink. "Leiutenant Benedict, Joe straight up and right, seventy metres. Doctors Keller, Beckett and the Australian Captain are here, Leiutenant Cadman is already there." She quickened her pace and entered the room, watched Doctor Beckett have fun with a new toy for a moment then spoke. "Three more to help Doctors, anything special you need us to do." She closed the gap with Laura. "I think I really pissed Joe of Laura, but it's all in the plan. If he doesn't ask me 'that' question in the next forty eight hours I will dance naked in the Gate room when we get back."

                              <Level 4>
                              {Major Evan Lorne}

                              Evan followed Sheppard off the platform, nodding at the others as they separated and placing a hand on his P90 for easy access, just in case.
                              With each step they took, lights flickered to life, casting their shadows out ahead of them.
                              The walls had the Atlantis feel, yet still felt strange, like something was missing. The feel of people living here, the life of a city.
                              Even if this was a research facility, the Ancients had a way of building places that felt like it should be lived in or revered.

                              Keeping pace, he cast a side glance at his CO "So, besides exploration, what exactly are we doing here?"
                              The Major had been tracking their distance and stopped as they'd gone far enough "If McKay hasn't slowed them down by wanting to look at the pretty lights, we should be at 100m distance. More or less." He said the last part with a small grin, flashing the light on his weapon back down the way they'd come, the lights they'd left far behind dimming to a low glow.
                              "Yep that's about it Lorne." John stood against a wall to rest his leg. "Teyla, McKay, Ronon come in" He waited for a response and filled Evan in as he did so. "I have a hunch. Well in fact I'm sure of it. Janus was an inventor and tinkerer, he went against his bosses as we know and did it in secret. He was the main man when it came to Jumpers and we know so little about them. I'm betting we might have stumbled on his research and what more he could pack into them. I figure there might be something more here than back in Atlantis that might help us to understand how they work and if we can possibly circumvent the need for the ATA gene to fly them."
                              My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                              sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                                Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                                {Sergeant Sandra O'Reilly} NPC's

                                Sandra led them in a straight line to the medbay, it was all so familar to her, all these Ancient facilities were built on a pattern of squares with a central chamber and this was no different to Atlantis, the corners were sharp right angles and as she turned the last she heard Laura and the Doctors voices. "She tapped the side of her comslink. "Leiutenant Benedict, Joe straight up and right, seventy metres. Doctors Keller, Beckett and the Australian Captain are here, Leiutenant Cadman is already there." She quickened her pace and entered the room, watched Doctor Beckett have fun with a new toy for a moment then spoke. "Three more to help Doctors, anything special you need us to do." She closed the gap with Laura. "I think I really pissed Joe of Laura, but it's all in the plan. If he doesn't ask me 'that' question in the next forty eight hours I will dance naked in the Gate room when we get back."
                                <Temporary Triage>

                                {Dr. Jennifer Keller} - {Dr. Carson Beckett}

                                Jennifer turned her head and looked over at the Sergeant, jerking her chin towards some of the less injured. "Start helping them through to the rings, Sandy, would you? Then if one of you could assist Carson with those anti-grav stretchers, we can load them up." Tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, Keller bit her lip, because she hadn't meant to sound ungrateful, and added, "Just so you know, you're a sight for sore eyes."

                                O'Reilly gave her a perky grin, and Jennifer relaxed, as the woman made her way over to Beckett.


                                Carson maneuvered the stretcher clumsily, and he swore mildly under his breath. He was a bloody doctor not an engineer, and why he was always expected to use the ruddy tech when it appeared, he had no idea... His internal diatribe ceased when O'Reilly drew up alongside him. "Thank god," he said, and passed a hand device to her. "If you could drive them to where I need them, that'll be a great help, love."

                                This was much, much better, because now he could concentrate on making certain the injured were properly supported, and Beckett walked alongside O'Reilly as they took the stretchers to Jennifer.

