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Stargate New Seasons ~ Atlantis ~ Reclamation ~ Season 6 RPG ~SGA1~Off World Missions

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    <<Ring Room>>

    Ronon listened and watched with interest, knowing they'd figure it all out before they did. It'd only been a matter of time, after all they had the smartest minds with them. He nudged Sheppard.

    "Let's just pick a random level and explore." Ronon offered, sitting around waiting for stuff was never for him.

    "What about the Genii?" Teyla asked suddenly, still wary of what was happening above them even if the others seemed to have lost concern with that.

    Ronon turned and looked at her. "What about them?"

    "Maybe this... Janus .... knows of a better way to stop them? Maybe he even knows where all the people are..." She was still fretting over that, too.

    A little surprised, Ronon raised an eyebrow and turned back to Shep and McKay. "What she said."


      <Holo room>
      {Lieutenant Lyall Benedict}

      Lyall mocked frowned as Sandra bumped into him "Sergeant, if you can´t walk in a straight line, we may have to check you for alcohol consumption."
      He flashed her a smile, listening to her question with a thoughtful look.

      Not being so up to date with Ancient technology himself, he trusted Sandra´s words that this device could do that and gave the Czech a nod of encouragement before looking to his right at Joe and grinning.
      "Is that your way of admitting that California´s beaches are nothing compared to Atlantis`?"
      He whispered the question, not wanting to disrupt the others' discussion.

      When the hologram came to life, he found himself stepping forward and sweeping his hand through Janus in awe. He'd never actually seen one of the holograms working, the one on Atlantis always off limits due to the power drain and techs running tests all day, so he felt he was excused from any eye rolls and remarks about his childish behaviour.

      After Zelenka had passed on Janus' words to McKay, Lyall moved over to Radek, still looking at the hologram "Think he can tell us what this place was built for?"

      <Ring room>
      {Major Evan Lorne}

      Evan threw the others an apologetic look as McKay went off, then simply rolled his eyes when the man had a brainwave.
      If there was one way to get McKay to produce results, without the threat of imminent doom, then riling the man up was good.

      Like the others, he listened to Zelenka relay Janus' information, wondering whether or not this particular venture with the Ancient device would end in trouble as others had tended to do so before.
      "How about we go to a level just below the surface, see if we can find some secret passageway that leads into the village."
      If they found one, or more, it would greatly increase their chances in an all-out attack. However, the idea of accidentally pressing the wrong button and ending up in a body of water didn't sit to well with him.

      Walking over to the panel with the buttons, he eyed it suspiciously "We sure this thing works the way it's supposed to? No faulty wiring or something? I mean, can we run a diagnostic programme and see?" Truthfully, he was just saying whatever came to mind. Evan had no clue as to whether they had a diagnostic programme for this type of device. Hell, he wasn't even sure he'd trust the outcome of it.
      Didn't mean he wouldn't go along for the ride.
      Ancient rings gave a rush of their own, a somewhat tangy, yet sharp feel instead of the Arctic rush of stepping through the 'Gate.
      Demolecularization was always fun, if not a little disconcerting, but one got used to that after the first five trips.

      Looking at Teyla as she spoke, Evan felt inclined to nod "Knowing where they are would make things easier. We could rescue them and we wouldn't have to worry about the Genii threatening to hurt hostages."
      │▌║█▌││║█ █║│██│║║
      Aftermath Lyall 'Bean' Benedict New Seasons


        Originally posted by pookey View Post
        sorry Puddles



        Zelenka heard Shepperds question
        "Hold one moment please Colonel" He looked at the Holographic Janus and asked
        "How is the ring device operated?" Janus replied and Zelenka relayed the message to shepperd
        "Colonel, Janus says there should be a panel on the wall, practically level and to the right of the platform as you enter the room, the panel has the numbers one to eighteen on, we being level one, of course"
        Zelenka continued his conversation with Janus
        "We appear to have flooding on four of the bottom levels how did this occur?" The hologram paused and then spoke
        "It appears that the Bakuans have built over some floodlands resulting in the water having nowhere to go, overtime it found a way into the complex, initiating the resultant flooding" Janus was quiet. Zelenka spoke thro the still open commlink
        "Colonel, the water is due to the natives building over the floodlands"
        {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

        "Copy that Doc." John replied and looked around for the panel, he saw it nearby at about chest height on a nearby wall, covered in dust but distinguishable. "Found the panel. One last thing, ask Janus if this place has sensors and did they detect anything unusual prior to the Bakun people disappearing?"

        Originally posted by Ryn View Post
        <<Ring Room>>

        Ronon listened and watched with interest, knowing they'd figure it all out before they did. It'd only been a matter of time, after all they had the smartest minds with them. He nudged Sheppard.

        "Let's just pick a random level and explore." Ronon offered, sitting around waiting for stuff was never for him.

        "What about the Genii?" Teyla asked suddenly, still wary of what was happening above them even if the others seemed to have lost concern with that.

        Ronon turned and looked at her. "What about them?"

        "Maybe this... Janus .... knows of a better way to stop them? Maybe he even knows where all the people are..." She was still fretting over that, too.

        A little surprised, Ronon raised an eyebrow and turned back to Shep and McKay. "What she said."

        Originally posted by RubixCube View Post
        <Ring room>
        {Major Evan Lorne}

        Evan threw the others an apologetic look as McKay went off, then simply rolled his eyes when the man had a brainwave.
        If there was one way to get McKay to produce results, without the threat of imminent doom, then riling the man up was good.

        Like the others, he listened to Zelenka relay Janus' information, wondering whether or not this particular venture with the Ancient device would end in trouble as others had tended to do so before.
        "How about we go to a level just below the surface, see if we can find some secret passageway that leads into the village."
        If they found one, or more, it would greatly increase their chances in an all-out attack. However, the idea of accidentally pressing the wrong button and ending up in a body of water didn't sit to well with him.

        Walking over to the panel with the buttons, he eyed it suspiciously "We sure this thing works the way it's supposed to? No faulty wiring or something? I mean, can we run a diagnostic programme and see?" Truthfully, he was just saying whatever came to mind. Evan had no clue as to whether they had a diagnostic programme for this type of device. Hell, he wasn't even sure he'd trust the outcome of it.
        Didn't mean he wouldn't go along for the ride.
        Ancient rings gave a rush of their own, a somewhat tangy, yet sharp feel instead of the Arctic rush of stepping through the 'Gate.
        Demolecularization was always fun, if not a little disconcerting, but one got used to that after the first five trips.

        Looking at Teyla as she spoke, Evan felt inclined to nod "Knowing where they are would make things easier. We could rescue them and we wouldn't have to worry about the Genii threatening to hurt hostages."
        "Whoa, guys. One problem at a time. Teyla, we are safe here for the moment and Lorne has at least brought a jumper. If the Apollo doesn't show soon, we could at the very least ferry eight at a time back to Atlantis, in fact I'm very much in favour of that option now." He scratched his head for a moment, one of these days he promised he might well get his hair cut short. "As for the Genii, we'll deal with them when we know we can secure everyone and have an advantage over them. With armour at their disposal we can't risk anything right now, so we need either the Apollo to arrive or we start with option one. Now for exploration, it's what we're all about isn't it? So as senior officer.." He grinned at them, knowing Rodney would take the bait. "..I'm gonna go with four, it's an even number."
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          (( PJ you will SO NOT cut off The Hair ))

          <<Ring room>>

          Teyla looked at Ronon and Ronon looked back at her as Sheppard spoke.

          In the end, Ronon just shrugged. "Four sounds good to me."

          "To us." Teyla added, with one of her small smiles.

          "Yeah. Us."

          Ronon rolled his eyes and waited for the darned rings to activate already. People talked too much these days.


            Originally posted by RubixCube View Post
            <Holo room>
            {Lieutenant Lyall Benedict}

            Lyall mocked frowned as Sandra bumped into him "Sergeant, if you can´t walk in a straight line, we may have to check you for alcohol consumption."
            He flashed her a smile, listening to her question with a thoughtful look.

            Not being so up to date with Ancient technology himself, he trusted Sandra´s words that this device could do that and gave the Czech a nod of encouragement before looking to his right at Joe and grinning.
            "Is that your way of admitting that California´s beaches are nothing compared to Atlantis`?"
            He whispered the question, not wanting to disrupt the others' discussion.

            When the hologram came to life, he found himself stepping forward and sweeping his hand through Janus in awe. He'd never actually seen one of the holograms working, the one on Atlantis always off limits due to the power drain and techs running tests all day, so he felt he was excused from any eye rolls and remarks about his childish behaviour.

            After Zelenka had passed on Janus' words to McKay, Lyall moved over to Radek, still looking at the hologram "Think he can tell us what this place was built for?"

            {Sergeant Sandra O'Reilly} {Sergeant Joe Kazuki} NPC's

            Sandy leaned closer to Lyall so only he would hear. In a purring voice she said. "Yes like the time on Dafur you and I got a skinful and...." She left it unsaid, suffice to say the private rooms in the Inn were superbly appointed. She listened to his questions, much the same as were wieghing on her mind. "Yes Doctor can you ask him why he built this facility and was it hidden from the rest of his people?"

            Joe folded his arms, and thought pensively. "Maybe he doesn't wanna say." He was always straight to the point and sometimes he was often right. "Do you think, maybe?"




              Zelenka looked at Joe and pushed his glasses along his nose and sighed.

              "We can ask, but if he doesnt say, then it may need some sort of a password......."He turned to look at the shimmering figure of Janus.
              "What was this facility built for?" The hologram spoke
              "The facility was built so we could carry on with our scientific advancements without being under the prying eyes of the rest of our people, they did not believe in our goals which was to help humankind and not leave them entirely to their own fate"
              Zelenka smiled
              "Well i guess that answers that question"


                [QUOTE=puddlejumperOZ;12060361]{Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                "Copy that Doc." John replied and looked around for the panel, he saw it nearby at about chest height on a nearby wall, covered in dust but distinguishable. "Found the panel. One last thing, ask Janus if this place has sensors and did they detect anything unusual prior to the Bakun people disappearing?"
                Zelenka heard the Colonel and clicked his comlink
                "Yes Colonel" It was silent for a while, obviously he was asking and waiting for an answer to his question. The comlink sprang to life
                "He says yes it does, and it did detect something unusual, but as of yet it is unidentifiable, however the beams that took the inhabitants away were definatly of Asgard design"


                  [QUOTE=puddlejumperOZ;12060361]{Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                  "Whoa, guys. One problem at a time. Teyla, we are safe here for the moment and Lorne has at least brought a jumper. If the Apollo doesn't show soon, we could at the very least ferry eight at a time back to Atlantis, in fact I'm very much in favour of that option now." He scratched his head for a moment, one of these days he promised he might well get his hair cut short. "As for the Genii, we'll deal with them when we know we can secure everyone and have an advantage over them. With armour at their disposal we can't risk anything right now, so we need either the Apollo to arrive or we start with option one. Now for exploration, it's what we're all about isn't it? So as senior officer.." He grinned at them, knowing Rodney would take the bait. "..I'm gonna go with four, it's an even number."

                  "Oh fine, four it is"Rodney waved his arms about
                  "Lets jump into an untested piece of ancient equipment cause we all know how reliable they are" His voice was dripping with sarcasm
                  "Lets play 'How long can you hold your breath for underwater' shall we" He said as he stepped into the centre of the rings
                  He looked at Lorne
                  " are you sure you know how to operate these, and if you hear gurgling noises reminiscent of drowning bring us back" He gave a resigned look and waited


                    Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                    {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                    Zelenka heard the Colonel and clicked his comlink
                    "Yes Colonel" It was silent for a while, obviously he was asking and waiting for an answer to his question. The comlink sprang to life
                    "He says yes it does, and it did detect something unusual, but as of yet it is unidentifiable, however the beams that took the inhabitants away were definatly of Asgard design"
                    Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                    {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}


                    "Oh fine, four it is"Rodney waved his arms about
                    "Lets jump into an untested piece of ancient equipment cause we all know how reliable they are" His voice was dripping with sarcasm
                    "Lets play 'How long can you hold your breath for underwater' shall we" He said as he stepped into the centre of the rings
                    He looked at Lorne
                    " are you sure you know how to operate these, and if you hear gurgling noises reminiscent of drowning bring us back" He gave a resigned look and waited
                    {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                    "Think of it this way Rodney, you won't have to take one of your long showers when we get back. Lorne just hit four and and we'll all go ok." He hitched up his P90 onto it's clip, stepped back to the ring platform and waited for the other's to join him. "Doctor Zelenka, copy that. See if you can locate Jennifer and Doctor MacGregor and inform them we're going for a little sightseeing, they can join us if they're not busy. I can't reach them somehow."

                    "Teyla, Chewie, you ready for this?"
                    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                      Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                      {Colonel Ted Hasluck USMC}
                      His head bobbing up and down as he sprinted across a now barren meadow, the sounds of men screaming some way behind them Ted scanned the area ahead for hot spots. Infra red stood out like a beacon to him even at a fair distance. Somewhere more north and east he could detect a faint residue of a Jumper, probably cloaked and he assumed it could only be from Atlantis. Yet another few images showed him that sooner or later someone would stumble into it. "You know I'm tired of calling you 'my friend' I've heard Sheppard refer to you as 'Todd', is that ok with you?" His feet pounded, clogs of dirt kicked up as made fast ground. "And I'm don't know how good your senses are, if they are better than mine, but we have company in the direction we're going. Four tango's two hundred and fifty metres northeast."


                      Todd grunted as he considered Hasluck’s request. He’d had very mixed feelings when he first realised that Sheppard had given him a human name. On one level it went against everything he had ever believed in to be on such familiar terms with creatures he instinctively saw as a resource to be managed and used. On the other hand, by the time he first heard the name he’d come to understand how important such customs were to human society and besides, it was only his need to use these humans that kept him engaged with their plans so he had come to accept, if not necessarily like, the name he’d been given.

                      But he didn’t answer immediately. Instead he took several deep breaths as he kept pace with the large human, picking up the array of scents that infiltrated the air around including the pack of Genii Hasluck had also identified. “You may indeed call me Todd and I appreciate you showing me the courtesy of asking," sensing Hasluck’s eyes on him, he turned to cast a brief but wry smile in the human’s direction, "it was not something John Sheppard considered necessary.”

                      A slight laugh from Hasluck confirmed he had made his point and as they reached a small wall behind which they both took cover, Todd turned his attention back to their more immediate problem. “I agree with your assessment about the ‘tangos’, as you call them, ahead. The question is should we avoid them or, as I have heard Sheppard say, ‘take them out’?”
                      Last edited by Trillian52; 13 November 2010, 02:51 AM.


                        Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                        {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                        "Copy that Doc." John replied and looked around for the panel, he saw it nearby at about chest height on a nearby wall, covered in dust but distinguishable. "Found the panel. One last thing, ask Janus if this place has sensors and did they detect anything unusual prior to the Bakun people disappearing?"

                        "Whoa, guys. One problem at a time. Teyla, we are safe here for the moment and Lorne has at least brought a jumper. If the Apollo doesn't show soon, we could at the very least ferry eight at a time back to Atlantis, in fact I'm very much in favour of that option now." He scratched his head for a moment, one of these days he promised he might well get his hair cut short. "As for the Genii, we'll deal with them when we know we can secure everyone and have an advantage over them. With armour at their disposal we can't risk anything right now, so we need either the Apollo to arrive or we start with option one. Now for exploration, it's what we're all about isn't it? So as senior officer.." He grinned at them, knowing Rodney would take the bait. "..I'm gonna go with four, it's an even number."

                        Originally posted by pookey View Post

                        "Oh fine, four it is"Rodney waved his arms about
                        "Lets jump into an untested piece of ancient equipment cause we all know how reliable they are" His voice was dripping with sarcasm
                        "Lets play 'How long can you hold your breath for underwater' shall we" He said as he stepped into the centre of the rings
                        He looked at Lorne
                        " are you sure you know how to operate these, and if you hear gurgling noises reminiscent of drowning bring us back" He gave a resigned look and waited

                        Originally posted by pookey View Post

                        {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                        "Think of it this way Rodney, you won't have to take one of your long showers when we get back. Lorne just hit four and and we'll all go ok." He hitched up his P90 onto it's clip, stepped back to the ring platform and waited for the other's to join him. "Doctor Zelenka, copy that. See if you can locate Jennifer and Doctor MacGregor and inform them we're going for a little sightseeing, they can join us if they're not busy. I can't reach them somehow."

                        "Teyla, Chewie, you ready for this?"

                        <Ring room>
                        {Major Evan Lorne}

                        Evan listened and nodded as Sheppard dished out their battle plan, well if one could call it that.
                        But for now, it was good enough.
                        "Sir, I could get one of the Marines to ship the injured back to Atlantis. I'm sure the doctors'll appreciate the change of scenery." He was pretty sure one of the men that had accompanied him here had a pretty decent ATA gene.

                        Biting back the grin as his CO pulled rank, Evan gave a sharp nod "Four it is, sir. And don't worry McKay, I'm sure you guys can hold your breath long enough for me to figure out how to bring you back." Giving the scientist an innocent smile, he waited till everyone was on the platform before pressing the button indicating the fourth level.

                        Originally posted by RogueRanger View Post
                        {Sergeant Sandra O'Reilly} {Sergeant Joe Kazuki} NPC's

                        Sandy leaned closer to Lyall so only he would hear. In a purring voice she said. "Yes like the time on Dafur you and I got a skinful and...." She left it unsaid, suffice to say the private rooms in the Inn were superbly appointed. She listened to his questions, much the same as were wieghing on her mind. "Yes Doctor can you ask him why he built this facility and was it hidden from the rest of his people?"

                        Joe folded his arms, and thought pensively. "Maybe he doesn't wanna say." He was always straight to the point and sometimes he was often right. "Do you think, maybe?"

                        Originally posted by pookey View Post


                        Zelenka looked at Joe and pushed his glasses along his nose and sighed.

                        "We can ask, but if he doesnt say, then it may need some sort of a password......."He turned to look at the shimmering figure of Janus.
                        "What was this facility built for?" The hologram spoke
                        "The facility was built so we could carry on with our scientific advancements without being under the prying eyes of the rest of our people, they did not believe in our goals which was to help humankind and not leave them entirely to their own fate"
                        Zelenka smiled
                        "Well i guess that answers that question"

                        <Holo room>
                        {Lt. Lyall Benedict}

                        Lyall flushed slightly, coughing the grin away. He hadn't expected Sandra to bring that up, especially not with so many people around.
                        "Though technically, seeing as I was injured, I was off-duty." He covertly winked at her, reminding her of the minor head injury he'd sustained. Sure, drinking wasn't really the smartest thing to do in such a situation, but the barkeep, also moonlighting as doctor said the alcohol was mild and thus not likely to cause complications.

                        Lyall raised an eyebrow as Holo Janus explained the goal of the facility, the answer seemed rather vague, if anyone was to ask him.
                        Walking closer to the hologram, he looked up at Janus "And what kind of 'scientific advancements' were you doing here?"
                        │▌║█▌││║█ █║│██│║║
                        Aftermath Lyall 'Bean' Benedict New Seasons


                          Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
                          {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                          "Think of it this way Rodney, you won't have to take one of your long showers when we get back. Lorne just hit four and and we'll all go ok." He hitched up his P90 onto it's clip, stepped back to the ring platform and waited for the other's to join him. "Doctor Zelenka, copy that. See if you can locate Jennifer and Doctor MacGregor and inform them we're going for a little sightseeing, they can join us if they're not busy. I can't reach them somehow."

                          "Teyla, Chewie, you ready for this?"

                          By now they were all on the platform. 'Chewie' nodded, as did Teyla.

                          "Yes, John." If only to stop you from acting foolish.

                          "Always." I got your back, too.
                          Last edited by Ryn; 14 November 2010, 11:34 PM.


                            <Baku> - <Underground Tunnels>

                            Originally posted by marilynrose View Post
                            {Captain Anne MacGregor}

                            "Being probably the most suitable here for such an expedition Carson, I think the two of can find something without having to resort to divining." Anne joked. "Besides which you could use a break, in fact I'm ordering it. You've been at it since we arrived and placed our people in an excellent position for recovery, including me. Jennifer can take over now." Anne picked up a coms unit from a work-bench, it had a little blood on it, but she ignored that as she clipped it over her ear. "Colonel Sheppard if you can hear me this is Anne MacGregor, Doctor Beckett and I are going to search for a water supply. We promise we won't get lost over." She returned her attention back to Carson and Jennifer. "Jen, we shouldn't be long take care dear. Come along Carson, you can be my escort for this dance." She smiled at him as if he had in fact asked her to dance.
                            {Dr. Carson Beckett} - {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

                            The Scot flashed MacGregor a small appreciative grin, and ran a hand through his hair; it left it sticking up. Giving her a gentlemanly little bow, Carson proffered his arm. "Well, then, love, if ye care to take to the floor, we'll trip along just nicely, I think."

                            The sound of feet heading in their direction made him glance further down the tunnel, to see a bobbing light and hear the sound of a Czech accent drawing closer.

                            "Maybe," Beckett observed, tones mild, "we'd best take a rain-check on that plan, Anne."

                            Behind him, he heard someone move to come and stand at his side. A look sideways confirmed Jennifer was also interested in the proceedings.

                            "Looks like we're about to be rescued," she remarked, and peeled off a pair of gloves, stashing them into the voluminous plastic bag she tied to her belt. "Not before time, I might add."


                              Originally posted by Trillian52 View Post


                              Todd grunted as he considered Hasluck’s request. He’d had very mixed feelings when he first realised that Sheppard had given him a human name. On one level it went against everything he had ever believed in to be on such familiar terms with creatures he instinctively saw as a resource to be managed and used. On the other hand, by the time he first heard the name he’d come to understand how important such customs were to human society and besides, it was only his need to use these humans that kept him engaged with their plans so he had come to accept, if not necessarily like, the name he’d been given.

                              But he didn’t answer immediately. Instead he took several deep breaths as he kept pace with the large human, picking up the array of scents that infiltrated the air around including the pack of Genii Hasluck had also identified. “You may indeed call me Todd and I appreciate you showing me the courtesy of asking," sensing Hasluck’s eyes on him, he turned to cast a brief but wry smile in the human’s direction, "it was not something John Sheppard considered necessary.”

                              A slight laugh from Hasluck confirmed he had made his point and as they reached a small wall behind which they both took cover, Todd turned his attention back to their more immediate problem. “I agree with your assessment about the ‘tangos’, as you call them, ahead. The question is should we avoid them or, as I have heard Sheppard say, ‘take them out’?”
                              {Colonel Ted Hasluck USMC}

                              The cover wasn't necessary in Ted's case, probably not for the Wraith as well. He looked at his watch, not that he needed to it was simply a cognetive action his 'human' side always did. Twenty three forty, with a clouded full moon. He had read something of the Wraith's abilities and knew that semi-darkness was a perfect time for them, that and their ability to 'shift'. He grunted at Todd's acceptance and spoke quietly. "On my homeworld, we have a country called Italy, they make nice booze and machinery but not much else, but they have a saying for this kind of subdued moonlight, La Luna di caccitori, the Hunters Moon." He rolled over the wall. "I think we should make sure they don't leave Todd." He made a slashing motion with his hand across his throat, knowing full well his friend would see and know the meaning.

                              Originally posted by RubixCube View Post
                              <Ring room>
                              {Major Evan Lorne}

                              Evan listened and nodded as Sheppard dished out their battle plan, well if one could call it that.
                              But for now, it was good enough.
                              "Sir, I could get one of the Marines to ship the injured back to Atlantis. I'm sure the doctors'll appreciate the change of scenery." He was pretty sure one of the men that had accompanied him here had a pretty decent ATA gene.

                              Biting back the grin as his CO pulled rank, Evan gave a sharp nod "Four it is, sir. And don't worry McKay, I'm sure you guys can hold your breath long enough for me to figure out how to bring you back." Giving the scientist an innocent smile, he waited till everyone was on the platform before pressing the button indicating the fourth level.
                              {Lt. Colonel John Sheppard}

                              "Wait!" John held his hand up. "Lorne wait a minute." He tapped his coms. "Doctor Beckett, Doctor MacGregor, if you're hearing this, Major Lorne is with me, he has a Marine that can fly the jumper, I suggest that you start making preparations to move your wounded to the exit North, Lieutenant Cadman and her team can show you the way. Get every able body you can to help." Now was a good as time as any, only just to be sure. "Lorne send one of your guys to the Doc's and relay that message...ok hit it."
                              <Holo room>
                              {Lt. Lyall Benedict}

                              Lyall flushed slightly, coughing the grin away. He hadn't expected Sandra to bring that up, especially not with so many people around.
                              "Though technically, seeing as I was injured, I was off-duty." He covertly winked at her, reminding her of the minor head injury he'd sustained. Sure, drinking wasn't really the smartest thing to do in such a situation, but the barkeep, also moonlighting as doctor said the alcohol was mild and thus not likely to cause complications.

                              Lyall raised an eyebrow as Holo Janus explained the goal of the facility, the answer seemed rather vague, if anyone was to ask him.
                              Walking closer to the hologram, he looked up at Janus "And what kind of 'scientific advancements' were you doing here?"
                              The hologram looked at those in the room each in turn, whether it was intuitive or not it was unsettling, it was an unreal feeling. Joe shuddered, it was downright creepy, but at least this Janus, did not blink, did not move it's eyes. "Oookaay." He thought, Sandra and Lyall's inconvenience still in the back of his mind. "Wounded, yeah right." He muttered under his breath. Then Janus spoke again.

                              "I developed another modification for our shuttle craft, one that I could use to observe the progress of our 'children' over time. This was highly frowned upon and forbidden, but to me it was a must. It was a success, I was able to travel through time, until of course I was caught." The halogram seemed to have a rather smug look on his face, as if there was more to it. Everyone knew of the 'Time' Jumper, but was there more than one?
                              Originally posted by Ryn View Post
                              By now they were all on the platform. 'Chewie' nodded, as did Teyla.

                              "Yes, John." If only to stop you from acting foolish.

                              "Always." I got your back, too.
                              "Great then, as soon as we hit something cool down there, I'll be sure to spilt it evenly." John quipped light heartedly. He was feeling good and not hearing Mckay make some whiny snip bouyed his confidence. "When we get back you guys will thank me for this."
                              My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                              sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                                Originally posted by Isolde View Post
                                <Baku> - <Underground Tunnels>

                                {Dr. Carson Beckett} - {Dr. Jennifer Keller}

                                The Scot flashed MacGregor a small appreciative grin, and ran a hand through his hair; it left it sticking up. Giving her a gentlemanly little bow, Carson proffered his arm. "Well, then, love, if ye care to take to the floor, we'll trip along just nicely, I think."

                                The sound of feet heading in their direction made him glance further down the tunnel, to see a bobbing light and hear the sound of a Czech accent drawing closer.

                                "Maybe," Beckett observed, tones mild, "we'd best take a rain-check on that plan, Anne."

                                Behind him, he heard someone move to come and stand at his side. A look sideways confirmed Jennifer was also interested in the proceedings.

                                "Looks like we're about to be rescued," she remarked, and peeled off a pair of gloves, stashing them into the voluminous plastic bag she tied to her belt. "Not before time, I might add."
                                ((OOC posting for Mum))

                                {Doctor Anne MacGregor}

                                "We shall indeed Carson." Anne replied, somewhat a little disappointed, she had hoped to discover more of this facility. But she conceded that they could always come back under better circumstances. "With Major Lorne here and others I suspect they must have found a way in, which would present us a way out safely to at least move these poor boys and girls away from harms way. Jennifer this is your command so I'll follow your lead, whatever you decide will be fine with me." She took on last glance at the Ancient console and then shrugged her shoulders. "Work to do I suspect." She laughed softly.

