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Wraith Queen Ingas Hive!

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    *The Chief Scientist goes to the human storage areas to feed. He will return in a few minutes.*
    God is the original transporter.

    Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

    He is also the author of love and justice:

    Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

    John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


      Originally posted by wraith queen inga View Post
      Is the Outpost you just landed on the Jungle one with ocean view, our primary outpost?
      No it's another one.
      It's close to a blackhole, we jous it to "grow" ships but not close for it to caus dandger but com systems operate at 50% due to the black hole.
      It's no time thing ore nothing else.
      Only officers close to the queen knows of this outpost.
      The other hives think that all of this is a black hole.
      And the other outpost was shared whit a nother hive but this is ONLY

      My fan-fic, swedish outpost


        By the way I want to let everyone know that I am fine. The tornado passed south of me. No one was hurt, praise God.

        Dr. Daedalus
        God is the original transporter.

        Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

        He is also the author of love and justice:

        Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

        John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


          Originally posted by Dr. Daedalus View Post
          By the way I want to let everyone know that I am fine. The tornado passed south of me. No one was hurt, praise God.

          Dr. Daedalus
          Halleluja to that!


            Yes, indeed like tea'lc would have said

            My fan-fic, swedish outpost


              Thanks everyone for your concern. I really appreciate it.

              Dr. Daedalus
              God is the original transporter.

              Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

              He is also the author of love and justice:

              Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

              John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                *Kal'shath is in another cell. Her head is pounding. They took more samples and injected her with more chemicals before dumping her in this cell. She can barely stand.*
                *The buzzing in her head won't go away. It's almost is! Wraith telepathy! Closing her eyes, she concentrates on the mind.*
                "I still worry what will happen if Todd discovers that we are holding a wraith Queen here. Will he not attempt to liberate her?"
                "Relax, Teyla. Keller's working on a way to counteract the immunity, so she'll be like the otehr one in no time."
                "I still worry that the treatment will not prove effective enough. Dr Keller has already reported that the treated female is beguining to show signs of recognision."
                "You think it's because of the other one?"
                "I cannot say for certian."

                *Kal'shath smiled. There was still hope for her Queen. All she had to do, was concentrate.*
                If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                  Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                  *Kal'shath is in another cell. Her head is pounding. They took more samples and injected her with more chemicals before dumping her in this cell. She can barely stand.*
                  *The buzzing in her head won't go away. It's almost is! Wraith telepathy! Closing her eyes, she concentrates on the mind.*
                  "I still worry what will happen if Todd discovers that we are holding a wraith Queen here. Will he not attempt to liberate her?"
                  "Relax, Teyla. Keller's working on a way to counteract the immunity, so she'll be like the otehr one in no time."
                  "I still worry that the treatment will not prove effective enough. Dr Keller has already reported that the treated female is beguining to show signs of recognision."
                  "You think it's because of the other one?"
                  "I cannot say for certian."

                  *Kal'shath smiled. There was still hope for her Queen. All she had to do, was concentrate.*
                  "Ok, bye, Chuck", Maggie said to her buddy Chuck (The Technician) before she left the controlroom and headed for her quarters.
                  My gosh, its 11 a clock already, she thought for herself as she looked on her watch, it was getting late. As Maggie wandered through the hallways, she suddenly heard a buzzing sound in her head, whispers and screams in a wild and disturbing combination. It got so loud that it hurt her head, she dropped what she held in her hands and grabbed her ears, somehow hoping to make the bizarre sounds go away. She immediately went through her pockets after her sleepingpills and took a few of them, and then she rushed away to her quarters before she fell asleep in the hallway.

                  Meanwhile, Kal shath just opened her eyes in her cell, she smiled as she sensed the wonderfull truth:
                  The queen had recieved her message in some form, it was only a matter of time before her memories would start to return...


                    Originally posted by wraith queen inga View Post
                    "Ok, bye, Chuck", Maggie said to her buddy Chuck (The Technician) before she left the controlroom and headed for her quarters.
                    My gosh, its 11 a clock already, she thought for herself as she looked on her watch, it was getting late. As Maggie wandered through the hallways, she suddenly heard a buzzing sound in her head, whispers and screams in a wild and disturbing combination. It got so loud that it hurt her head, she dropped what she held in her hands and grabbed her ears, somehow hoping to make the bizarre sounds go away. She immediately went through her pockets after her sleepingpills and took a few of them, and then she rushed away to her quarters before she fell asleep in the hallway.

                    Meanwhile, Kal shath just opened her eyes in her cell, she smiled as she sensed the wonderfull truth:
                    The queen had recieved her message in some form, it was only a matter of time before her memories would start to return...
                    *In sleep, Kal'shath senses that the barriers in her Queen's mind are weaker. She starts to prob them, hinting at her life before this falsehood. She is close to breaking the barriers.*

                    In her room, Telya senses the wraith's mind. Concentrating, she realises that the creature is in communication with another.... the other wraith! They cannot afford for the huminized wraith to regain her memories of what she was. Teyla runs from her room and heads straigt for Maggie's room.

                    *In her cell, Kal'shath is exashted and ravenus with hunger with the effort of breaching the mental barries in Inga's mind. But she doesn't care anymore. She can feel her queen's mind growing stronger as she collapses from exhastion*
                    If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                      This is a question;When would you like to be saved?
                      Caus it sounds like it's time

                      My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                        Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                        *In sleep, Kal'shath senses that the barriers in her Queen's mind are weaker. She starts to prob them, hinting at her life before this falsehood. She is close to breaking the barriers.*

                        In her room, Telya senses the wraith's mind. Concentrating, she realises that the creature is in communication with another.... the other wraith! They cannot afford for the huminized wraith to regain her memories of what she was. Teyla runs from her room and heads straigt for Maggie's room.

                        *In her cell, Kal'shath is exashted and ravenus with hunger with the effort of breaching the mental barries in Inga's mind. But she doesn't care anymore. She can feel her queen's mind growing stronger as she collapses from exhastion*
                        *Maggie suddenly awakens by the sound of Teyla entering her quarters*
                        *She is holding in a stunner and is pointing it at her*
                        "What the hell are you doing, Teyla?, Maggie says in shock*
                        "I am truly sorry for this, but it is for your own best", Teyla responds*
                        *And before Maggie is able to say anything at all... she is stunned and falls back in her bed, with her eyes fully open*


                          Originally posted by Rasunda View Post
                          This is a question;When would you like to be saved?
                          Caus it sounds like it's time
                          soon, but not quite yet, i would like for us to finish THIS particular thing first


                            Okay, just sounded like it was time

                            My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                              *The Chief Scientist continues to work on interfacing the ZPM. With the help of Astra, Deimos, and the outpost computer he is almost prepared to physically connect the ZPM to the hive. He is working as hard as he can. He will not lose the Queen and Kal'shath to the Atlantians. His face is covered in pure determination. Soon his plan to rescue them can commence.*

                              Note to Rasunda: Just a reminder. This is our plan to rescue them when wraith queen inga gives the word:

                              Once the modifications are complete we will use a transport to approach Atlantis. It will then drop out of hyperspace inside Atlantis' shield. Unfortunately the transport itself will be unable to slow down fast enough and it will fly outside the shield. Just as it exists hyperspace it will detach a single dart that was connected to it. As the transport re-enters hyperspace the dart will fly around Atlantis, detect Queen Inga and Kal'shath, and beam them into the buffer. At that point our hive will drop out of hyperspace in the atmosphere above Atlantis and the dart will retreat to the dart bay. Atlantis will be too busy with the hive to target the dart and with the ZPM the hull will hold for the time it takes to receive the dart and enter hyperspace.
                              Last edited by Dr. Daedalus; 28 February 2009, 02:38 PM.
                              God is the original transporter.

                              Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                              He is also the author of love and justice:

                              Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                              John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                                The Dart Commander angrily looks over the data from the Dart assault he slept through. Discovering the purpose of the assault, to regain an orange cylinder rumored to contain great power. The good pilots he had lost during that assault were a waste, and this device, to what end would it be used.

                                He knew where the device was being kept, he stormed there bumping shoulders with any Wraith who got in his way. Finding the Chief Scientist he snapped "And to what end does our great Commander intend to use this device?" He paused a moment, glaring at the Chief Scientist and allowing his eyes to glow "I trust this device was worth the Darts and pilots we lost?" he said moving closer to the scientist, intimidating him.
                                I believe among your people it is customary to shake hands....... Just a little Wraith humor

                                Sig thanks to geekywraith *big hugs*

