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Wraith Queen Ingas Hive!

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    Good, and tell the weapons specialist to upgrade the cruisers weapons!

    *the commander walks in a corridor*
    *Sudenly the ships shakes and he is thourn in to a wall*

    AAOO, status raport!

    Intercom:Commander we were atakted and we are wenting atmosphere!
    Who Is it?!
    Intercom:Cmdr it's an enemy fleet!

    *cmdr runs to the bridge*

    Whos fleet is it?!
    Leuitenat:It apers to be Travlers ships and they are atemting to board us!

    Activate the jaming and launch darts!
    Fier on their lead ship!Only on the lead ship!

    Commaner we are being haild!
    On screen

    *Larrin appers on the screen*
    How dare you attack my hive?!
    Larrin:Well it's 'caus i can destroy you.

    We shall se if you can!*hises*
    *ships rock violently*
    Cmdr, 3 of 6 ships has been destroyd!
    Our cruiser is near destruction!
    *the cruiser is destroyd and it takes whit 1 traveler ship*

    What is the status of our ship?!
    We are doing god.
    The last ship is falling back!
    Get me the captain!

    Well look at this, your fleeing and i'm still standing whit minimal damedg!
    Larrin:Atleast i'm not a wraith And WE WILL BE BACK!
    I would destroy you but someone has to spread the word:This hive shall not bow for anyone anymore!

    *travler ship goes to hyperspace*

    What is our status?!
    We sufferd minor demadg to our hull and hyperdrive, it will be repired whit in 4hours!

    Send the status report to astra and tell them we are moving to thees co-ordinats
    *gives him cordinats to the planet where Ronons peapol setelld*

    *hive goes to hyperspace*

    My fan-fic, swedish outpost


      Radio transmission: "Good, and tell the weapons specialist to upgrade the cruisers weapons!"
      "Understood. Astra out."

      Astra turns around and faces the weapons specialist.
      "You have heard the commander. See what you can do with our weapons systems."
      He nods and sets to work.

      "What information do we have of the planet we are heading for?" she asks the technician.

      "It is uninhabited. The climate is desert-like in all latitudes due to the double sun it is orbiting. The Atlantians could have an outpost lab there where they have taken the queen and the keeper. I'm getting two lifesign readings."

      "I really hope it is them this time." Astra thinks. Suddenly the ship rocks and Astra grabs hold of a seat for steadying herself.

      "We are under fire!" the technician exclaims. "A facility on the planet has opened fire on us. I detect the Wraith lifesigns there."

      Astra reaches out with her mind to make contact only to flinch back when she feels the aggression from the two strange Wraith.
      "It seems we have chanced upon an enemy laboratory. Pull the cruiser out of their weapons range. I will hail the commander (rasunda) for further orders."

      Transmission to the hive:
      "Commander, we have found a lab of an enemy hive. Should we try to investigate it or should we return to the hive?"


        *redives mesage*

        No, stay where you are we will come for you!
        Transfer all power to the hyperdrive!
        Lay in the co-ordinats and take us there!

        *hive enters hyperspace*

        *Hive drops out of hyperspace*

        Hailing freqensiz open
        Astra pleas give me an status report...

        My fan-fic, swedish outpost


          Originally posted by Rasunda View Post
          Good, and tell the weapons specialist to upgrade the cruisers weapons!

          *the commander walks in a corridor*
          *Sudenly the ships shakes and he is thourn in to a wall*

          AAOO, status raport!

          Intercom:Commander we were atakted and we are wenting atmosphere!
          Who Is it?!
          Intercom:Cmdr it's an enemy fleet!

          *cmdr runs to the bridge*

          Whos fleet is it?!
          Leuitenat:It apers to be Travlers ships and they are atemting to board us!

          Activate the jaming and launch darts!
          Fier on their lead ship!Only on the lead ship!

          Commaner we are being haild!
          On screen

          *Larrin appers on the screen*
          How dare you attack my hive?!
          Larrin:Well it's 'caus i can destroy you.

          We shall se if you can!*hises*
          *ships rock violently*
          Cmdr, 3 of 6 ships has been destroyd!
          Our cruiser is near destruction!
          *the cruiser is destroyd and it takes whit 1 traveler ship*

          What is the status of our ship?!
          We are doing god.
          The last ship is falling back!
          Get me the captain!

          Well look at this, your fleeing and i'm still standing whit minimal damedg!
          Larrin:Atleast i'm not a wraith And WE WILL BE BACK!
          I would destroy you but someone has to spread the word:This hive shall not bow for anyone anymore!

          *travler ship goes to hyperspace*

          What is our status?!
          We sufferd minor demadg to our hull and hyperdrive, it will be repired whit in 4hours!

          Send the status report to astra and tell them we are moving to thees co-ordinats
          *gives him cordinats to the planet where Ronons peapol setelld*

          *hive goes to hyperspace*
          Ronons people are dead ...


            Not intyerly, on a planet in seasong 2 of SGA there where 300 survivors and i meant that planet!

            My fan-fic, swedish outpost


              Status report to commander:
              We are still in orbit of the planet out of weapons range of the facility.
              We can only detect two lifesigns but that doesn't necessarily means that there are only two Wraith defending the facility. There could be more Wraith in hibernation.
              So we don't know against how many enemies we are up to.
              We have picked up a high energy reading. A power output comparable to that of a ZPM. We could try to attack the facility and get a hold on the -presumed- ZPM.
              Shall we do that?


                *recives message*

                Yes do so, we will be there in about 15 min.
                Oh, launch darts they will recover the Power sorce

                My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                  Astra orders her crew to attack the facility. The weapons specialist has increased the fire range of the cruiser's cannons but it's still a dangerous venture. Dodging the enemy fire Astra steers the cruiser through the planet's atmosphere while the weapons specialist tries to take out the enemy's cannons with well aimed shots.

                  When he finally succeeds the cruiser has taken minimal damage but landed safely. Astra, the weapons specialist and the drones leave the cruiser and make their way into the facility without hindrance.
                  "We can be sure there are only two Wraith here. If there had been hibernating Wraith as well they would have been wakened by now. Still we have to be careful. We will split up. I will take four drones and head to the right, you will lead the other three drones to the left." Astra tells the weapons specialist. He nods and they split up.

                  Rounding a corner Astra finds herself in a circular room with a power generator in the middle. She turns around startled to see the door close behind her with the drones still out in the corridor. She is trapped alone in the room.
                  Ducking and spinning around she dodges a stunner bolt. Hissing she faces her opponent. One of the enemies had jumped down behind her from the ceiling and snarls at her.
                  Astra thinks: "How could I not have noticed him? Am I so blind and deaf and mind-numb? Luckily it's only the one of them."
                  She tries to force him into submission with her mind but to no visible effect. Instead he begins to laugh at her. "Silly female. In here you can't dominate me. We have found a way to block out all telepathy. That was our aim and we succeeded. We will no longer be ruled by queens."

                  They circle each other cautiously, no one wanting to make the first move. Astra then tries to catch him by surprise and they engage in combat. Her opponent is a cunning fighter and manages to push her off balance. She hits the floor and can see his feeding hand speeding towards her chest. A stunner blast hits her opponent. He turns around to see the weapons specialist fire another stunner blast which finally paralyses him.
                  Astra gets up. "You have saved my life. Thank you."
                  The weapons specialist watches her and answers "You have saved my life. Now we are even."
                  Astra: "You will receive a promotion and you may call me Astra from now on."
                  He bows "My name is Deimos, Astra."
                  Astra thinks that will make things way easier to have a name for him instead of a job description. ()

                  They examine the power generator and find indeed a ZPM. The last enemy Wraith had surrendered and both will be held hostage. They leave the facility and return to the hive which has already arrived.


                    Originally posted by Draygon View Post
                    *Kal'shath doesn't know what to do. If she tries to defend Queen Inga openly, then they will use threats against her for their own ends. A sudden idea hits her.*
                    *She hisses at Inga and hopes she will forgive her actions, but is the only way to save her Queen.*
                    "Be silent," she hisses, "Do not shame your Queen in this manner."
                    *She stares stoiclly at the man Sheppard. He and the other humans seem shocked by the display of companionship from a wraith.*
                    "I beileve I am the one you require for your...experiments"
                    *sheppard, still shocked, nods to the marines. They led her out, but are forced to stun Queen Inga to prevent her from rescuing her friend and Keeper.*
                    "I'm sorry." Kal'shath tells her telepathicaly, before she too is stunned.
                    Twenty Four Hours Later:

                    *Maggie walked through the hallways of Atlantis, very fascinated by what she saw, it was indeed a big and great city*
                    *She had awokened from her coma just a few hours ago after having been injured on an offworld mission, once she awoke she hadnt remembered anything from her life before*
                    *At least, that was what Colonel Sheppard had told her*
                    *She continued towards the Infirmary... to get her daily injection*
                    *Doctor Keller had told her that she had an ilness and needed daily injections, but off course... Maggie didnt remember anything of this*
                    *And so she continued towards the Infirmary...*

                    Ten Hours Later... at night

                    "Huuuhh!", Maggie screamed as she awoke in her bed*
                    *She had had that horrible dream again*
                    *About her being the queen of a Wraith hive... and walking through long corridors...*
                    *And so she took the sleeping pills Doctor Keller had given her... and fell asleep again*


                    I think you can all guess that this is queen Inga!

                    And this NEW retrovirus is not the OLD one... Keller modified the old one (Becketts) so that it would also work for females.


                      *Kal'shath screamed in definece in her cell. Why haddn't it worked?! when she had awoken she found herself strapped to a table in a large room. The most of the white-coats standing around had fled, but one had stayed and injected hert with something.*
                      *Then she had woken up again, with puncture marks dotting her arms and no longer able to sense Queen Inga's mind*

                      "So why can't you do to this one what you did to the other female?"
                      *that voice, it was Sheppard and there is another with him*
                      "Because we had to use her body to catylase the retro-virus. That measn she's compleastly immune to the retro-virus."

                      *Kal'shath sank to the floor, the suddne realisation of what had happened sinking in. She had heard of the failed Lantian experimnt known as Micheal. She put her face in her hands.*
                      "Forgive me, my Queen" she said softly, "I will avange you."
                      If found, is probably lost on the way to Azaroth or the Pegasus Galaxy


                        *commander is informed of the ZPM*
                        What we have a Zero Point Module in our posesion?!
                        This is good, Astra you and Deimos will begin reachercing on how to incorpotare it to our hive!

                        Well done both of you will recive a promotion!

                        My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                          Originally posted by Rasunda View Post
                          *commander is informed of the ZPM*
                          What we have a Zero Point Module in our posesion?!
                          This is good, Astra you and Deimos will begin reachercing on how to incorpotare it to our hive!

                          Well done both of you will recive a promotion!
                          Astra and Deimos both have very smug expressions as they hear of their promotion and begin to work on the ZPM incorporation.


                            Intercom:Astra,Deimos we are returning to our outpost(black hole)There we will land to make it easier to install the ZPM.
                            We will stay there fore a while to try install it.

                            *hive jumps to hyperspace*

                            My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                              *The Chief Scientist returns from his journey and informs the Commander that he has discovered that Todd had nothing to do with the kidnaping. Todd informed him that the Atlantians have been working on a way to change all Wraith into humans. The Chief Scientist hacked into Todd's computer and discovered the location of Atlantis. When he is told about the ZPM he is elated. With a ZPM we will be able to stand up to Atlantis herself. Unfortunately it will take a while to interface the ZPM with the hive. Thinking on his feet he comes up with a plan. Since it will take a long time to interface the ZPM with the entire ship he and Astra (since Deimos is a weapons expert) will focus on interfacing the ZPM with the hull only. Once the modifications are complete we will use a transport to approach Atlantis. It will then drop out of hyperspace inside Atlantis' shield. Unfortunately the transport itself will be unable to slow down fast enough and it will fly outside the shield. Just as it exists hyperspace it will detach a single dart that was connected to it. As the transport re-enters hyperspace the dart will fly around Atlantis, detect Queen Inga and Kal'shath, and beam them into the buffer. At that point our hive will drop out of hyperspace in the atmosphere above Atlantis and the dart will retreat to the dart bay. Atlantis will be too busy with the hive to target the dart and with the ZPM the hull will hold for the time it takes to receive the dart and enter hyperspace. He then waits for the Commander to give his approval.*

                              Note to wraith queen inga: Astra or myself will declare the modifications complete when you want us to come rescue you.
                              God is the original transporter.

                              Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                              He is also the author of love and justice:

                              Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                              John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


                                *After hearing of Astra's superb work the Chief Scientist congratulates her. He tells her that her promotion is well deserved. He is proud to have her as his permanent second in command. He also welcomes Deimos to the hive.*
                                God is the original transporter.

                                Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                                He is also the author of love and justice:

                                Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                                John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

