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Favorite TV Show Tourney - (2005-2011)

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    Round 29



      Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post

      Haven't watched it, aintright. Gotten to where I just don't watch many shows on tv. Only new things I picked up this year were V and SGU. I did like her on ER though.
      well of course i am a "so you think you can dance" addict!!!

      some most excellent stuff there!!

      but the GoodWife and MadMen are great writing, acting, plots, storylines ... and all. so i do try and catch them!!

      i am trying to make myself watch SGU ... but, so far it is just that ... 'making' myself. *shruggs*

      i missed V ... it was on at a time i am never home!!

      she was good in ER ... but, she is wayyyyyy above that in this one!! imo!!

      The Babe's Fave Song Tourney ~ Super Sonic Sixties 66/67 ~ Clickie!!


        The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - 1990


          Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
          Only new things I picked up this year were V and SGU.
          How are you liking V and SGU? The jury is still out for both as far as I'm concerned. But I'll keep watching for a bit more when they return.

          Originally posted by aintright View Post
          well of course i am a "so you think you can dance" addict!!!

          some most excellent stuff there!!

          Oh yes!!! This is a great season. I almost didn't watch it because it was on during other shows, and I only have two recorders and there were three shows on at the same time. But my father records it for me and when I visit we watch it together. I just felt it was too soon after the summer season to have it on again when there were other things I usually watch those days in the Fall.


            Round 29

            "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


              Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
              How are you liking V and SGU? The jury is still out for both as far as I'm concerned. But I'll keep watching for a bit more when they return.
              Personally I'm loving SGU, but the cast of V is just making me miss better shows. Firefly, The 4400... It's alright, but nothing special so far.


                Originally posted by Naonak View Post
                Personally I'm loving SGU, but the cast of V is just making me miss better shows. Firefly, The 4400... It's alright, but nothing special so far.
                Did you see the original V from way back? While it has that lack of technology and sense of 'overacting' to it, I still remember loving the series and even have it on video still, somewhere packed away.

                Firefly and The 4400, are they repeats or airing new for you? I remember The 4400 but never saw Firefly. I probably will catch up with it in reruns at some point.


                  Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                  Did you see the original V from way back? While it has that lack of technology and sense of 'overacting' to it, I still remember loving the series and even have it on video still, somewhere packed away.
                  Heh, no, I'm a little young for that, and its not something that gets repeated much. Or... ever.

                  Firefly and The 4400, are they repeats or airing new for you? I remember The 4400 but never saw Firefly. I probably will catch up with it in reruns at some point.
                  No, sorry, I saw them back when they were first on (and Firefly many, many times since) - they're the shows I'm missing because of various cast members now being in V. Loved them both.

                  You must see Firefly at some point.


                    Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                    How are you liking V and SGU? The jury is still out for both as far as I'm concerned. But I'll keep watching for a bit more when they return.
                    Well I can't say I'm loving SGU. It's okay. I want to enjoy it, but the pacing of the story is so slow. It finally got going with this last episode before the big break. It's heavy on the character stuff, but some of it I could do without. Definitively has very little in common with its predecessors...which is what I was hoping for, but even so I still find some aspects disappointing.

                    As far as V goes, I find it entertaining. Pacing of the story is a lot faster as they wasted little time in the first 4 eps and jumped right into the story rather than do a lot of build up. It could be better, but I find it interesting even though I know the story from the original series, and it has several actors that I like.

                    I was like 6 when the original V came out, but I do remember watching it...and watching it again years later when I was a bit older. The lizard baby scared the hell out of me. Anyway, can't really compare the two as I can't recall the original that well. I think it's worth a look.

                    And yes you must watch Firefly! That is one of my top shows ever even though sadly it only lasted 14 episodes and then got a movie.
                    IMO always implied.


                      Originally posted by Naonak View Post
                      Heh, no, I'm a little young for that, and its not something that gets repeated much. Or... ever.

                      No, sorry, I saw them back when they were first on (and Firefly many, many times since) - they're the shows I'm missing because of various cast members now being in V. Loved them both.

                      You must see Firefly at some point.
                      Which actors in V were in Firefly? I know one was on LOST. Was the actor who plays the priest in The 4400? He looks so familiar to me but I keep trying to place him unsuccessfully. That may be why he's familiar since I did see The 4400.

                      I'll bet Firefly is on Netflix so I can rent it. Not sure if they're rerunning it at the moment here, and even if they are, unless it's on network, I'd have to record it over at my dad's since we dropped all our cable except for basic.

                      Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                      Well I can't say I'm loving SGU. It's okay. I want to enjoy it, but the pacing of the story is so slow. It finally got going with this last episode before the big break. It's heavy on the character stuff, but some of it I could do without. Definitively has very little in common with its predecessors...which is what I was hoping for, but even so I still find some aspects disappointing.

                      As far as V goes, I find it entertaining. Pacing of the story is a lot faster as they wasted little time in the first 4 eps and jumped right into the story rather than do a lot of build up. It could be better, but I find it interesting even though I know the story from the original series, and it has several actors that I like.

                      I was like 6 when the original V came out, but I do remember watching it...and watching it again years later when I was a bit older. The lizard baby scared the hell out of me. Anyway, can't really compare the two as I can't recall the original that well. I think it's worth a look.

                      And yes you must watch Firefly! That is one of my top shows ever even though sadly it only lasted 14 episodes and then got a movie.
                      SGU is quite different from what I thought it would be like after reading occasional speculative posts before it aired. But I'm still not sure it will keep my interest. I record it and watch it on Sunday nights since we don't have the SyFy channel anymore. I have to say that I tend to miss parts of it since I generally fall asleep before it ends. It's not just SGU though. It's pretty much everything. Watching tv an hour before I go to sleep is the best way to make me so tired that I won't have any trouble falling asleep when we climb into bed.

                      There are one or two characters I like, while most everyone else tends to feel overly generic and I sometimes have trouble remembering who they are... and that's not alzheimers either... it's something I find in too many shows where the main characters tend to remind me of people I've seen in other shows and don't stand out enough. In fact I remember it took me forever to realize which actors were Scully and Mulder in The X-Files, and I watched almost all the way through the series.

                      You can remember being six? Wow lol. I don't remember yesterday. Luckily some of the series over the years have been engraved well enough in my mind that I can remember at least the basic premise behind them. I have watched some things many times as well, on video/dvd.

                      I get so annoyed with the way the networks yank shows off before they air any final episodes once the decision to cancel has been made. If it wasn't for the viewers, they wouldn't be in business. I call it the 21st Century Disease.


                        Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                        Which actors in V were in Firefly?
                        Morena Baccarin (Anna) and Alan Tudyk (Erica's actually-a-lizardman former partner).

                        Was the actor who plays the priest in The 4400? He looks so familiar to me but I keep trying to place him unsuccessfully. That may be why he's familiar since I did see The 4400.
                        Yep, he was the lead.


                          Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                          Was the actor who plays the priest in The 4400? He looks so familiar to me but I keep trying to place him unsuccessfully. That may be why he's familiar since I did see The 4400.
                          If you've seen the mini series "Taken" (came out the early part of this decade and really good if you haven't seen it), Joel Gretsch was in that as well. That's were I always remember first seeing him.
                          I'll bet Firefly is on Netflix so I can rent it. Not sure if they're rerunning it at the moment here, and even if they are, unless it's on network, I'd have to record it over at my dad's since we dropped all our cable except for basic.
                          Sci-fi was the only that ever ran it and that was years ago, so yeah you'd have to rent it. Now occasionally they will run the follow up movie Serenity.

                          SGU is quite different from what I thought it would be like after reading occasional speculative posts before it aired. But I'm still not sure it will keep my interest
                          I plan on watching the rest of the first season.

                          There are one or two characters I like, while most everyone else tends to feel overly generic and I sometimes have trouble remembering who they are... and that's not alzheimers either... it's something I find in too many shows where the main characters tend to remind me of people I've seen in other shows and don't stand out enough. In fact I remember it took me forever to realize which actors were Scully and Mulder in The X-Files, and I watched almost all the way through the series.
                          The only characters that I like as in like them as a person are Eli and TJ. Maybe Greer. Rush is my favorite character though because he is the only one I find interesting.

                          You can remember being six? Wow lol. I don't remember yesterday. Luckily some of the series over the years have been engraved well enough in my mind that I can remember at least the basic premise behind them. I have watched some things many times as well, on video/dvd.
                          Well that lizard baby is engraved in mine. At the time, I was afraid that thing was under the bed, and that has got to be the only time I ever imagined something like that.

                          Heh. Same year as the lizard baby incident, I remember I was watching an episode of Airwolf the night we had to go to the hospital for the birth of my sister. Had to go to the friggin' hospital and miss Airwolf which I loved. I associate nothing else with that day other than watching that tv show.

                          I get so annoyed with the way the networks yank shows off before they air any final episodes once the decision to cancel has been made. If it wasn't for the viewers, they wouldn't be in business. I call it the 21st Century Disease.
                          Kind of the reason I don't bother with many new shows these days...especially sci-fi stuff on the major networks because they rarely make it. Like with Space: Above and Beyond from the last tourney. FOX axed it after one season. Like they did with Firefly. As well as the recent Terminator series which had just left on a cliffhanger that had great potential for the next season. I actually wish it had been picked back up rather than Dollhouse (which I also watched, but haven't bothered with this season. Course it got canceled like everyone knew it would but at least FOX is airing all the produced episodes). The X-Files was the only thing FOX has done right in the sci-fi department that I can think of. I can't believe you didn't know which one was Mulder and which one was Scully though.
                          IMO always implied.


                            i guess that is the problem ... unlike SG1 in which i had gobs of charries i adored! (especially ONE!) SGU hasn't a single one i am even vaguely interested in ... agreed Rush at least is a bit off beat and great at being annoying and self serving ... but i still haven't been exactly drawn to him. unlike maybe Ba'al or Kinsey which you absolutely loved to hate. I mean I adored Harry even in his early days when he was such a .... grrrrr ... he just brought out the great side of Jack.

                            i am only still watching SGU cause it is on when Sanctuary is ... now that i have been enjoying!!

                            NOT KNOW SCULLY vs MULDER???

                            Certainly FIREFLY is a great watch ... so short lived ... just when i discovered it and was getting into it!!!

                            The Babe's Fave Song Tourney ~ Super Sonic Sixties 66/67 ~ Clickie!!


                              Ainty - have been watching and enjoying The Good Wife. Flipping thru the channels caught the end of the 1st ep when it 1st aired and saw Josh Charles (the lead male lawyer/partner) so I continued to watch. have seen every ep since. It's been the very pleasant suprise of the season. It really needs more publicity.

                              V - boy, you people are young. I was in my 20's when that 1st aired. But even so that lizard baby was still frightening.

                              X-Files got lucky in that FOX was just starting as a network. I think XF and the Simpsons were it's 1st shows so they didn't have the resources to switch around like they do today.

                              Firefly is till a mystery to me. It seems like the type of show I should like. I like all the characters except Jane. I like the chemistry. The friend that finally talked me into Farscape moved onto Firefly so I figured it had to be good. But putting it all together, something is missing. I have tried to watch the episodes (and the movie) several times, but before an ep is half over, I find my mind wandering and then 5 or 10 min have gone by and I have no idea what happened and I have to rewind. I finally gave up.

                              To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                              From the wonderful XKCD site


                                Forgot to vote

                                Round ?

                                Babylon 5 (not sure why I keep voting like this since it's a lost vote )

                                To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                                From the wonderful XKCD site

