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RDA - TV Guide Online - Ask Matt - Feb. 28, 2005

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    RDA - TV Guide Online - Ask Matt - Feb. 28, 2005

    From TV Guide Online:


    In questions about the continuation of JAG without David James Elliott, you indicated that the series should end. Do you feel the same way about Stargate SG-1 with the reported departure of Richard Dean Anderson next season? I've just started watching the new and old episodes and really enjoy it. This season is good, but the limited role that Anderson is playing now certainly takes some of the enjoyment out of the SG-1 team. The "Citizen Joe" episode attempted to address the issue in its own way, and I was amused to see the writers acknowledge the concern of fans. — Leslie U.


    It's a good question, and I can't really explain why JAG continuing without Harmon Rabb seems more problematic than Stargate going on without Jack O'Neill. If I watched either or both shows more regularly, I might be able to come up with a better analysis. But it seems to me that Stargate's producers have been proactive, with the announcement of Ben Browder joining the cast next season, giving us something to anticipate, and we already know the show will continue regardless. JAG seems to be painting itself into a much less fan-friendly corner, and still has the opportunity to call it quits with a modicum of grace. I'll stop here, because I don't want to encourage fans of either show to flood me with more arguments either way.




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