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Write your end to the series -- share ideas with others

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    Write your end to the series -- share ideas with others

    Write your end to the series
    This is my end (or maybe the start of the next part)
    Please report is this wrong place for this (sorry I am a newbie)

    This is my version:

    Eli has 2 weeks to get the final pod working.
    He works harder than he has ever done (scenes with pod in parts and Eli dirty with grease and sweat).

    Eli connects to Earth using the stones but they cannot help, in fact they seem to have a different agenda. Destiny and earth seem to be moving away from each other not just physically.

    Increasingly, Eli becomes frantic to find a solution, then becomes resigned to not being able to. As Destiny begins to cool and the air gets thinner, Eli decides to sit in the chair to see Ginn one last time.

    In the “virtual reality“, he meets Ginn. She has been awake since they last met but in total darkness. Gin realizes that their world is all artificial, a world where everything is pure fantasy with no connection to the real world. This new prison is as bad as the old one except that Ginn has Eli to talk to. Eli realizes that his body will soon be dead and Ginn will be trapped in a living hell. Eli quickly exits the chair and changes the program to forward a copy of what is happening outside in the real world into the closed world where Ginn consciousness must live. This way Ginn sees everything that is happening on Destiny - only 15 min later. Gin notices the different quickly. Finally she can ”breathe” (not feeling trapped).

    Gin and Eli spend what seems to be a great couple of days, talking, playing card games, looking out into space. Ginn is slowly beginning to think that something is wrong. She realizes that Eli is in the chair at this is very bad for his health. Only later, after analysing the data, does she realize that Eli is slowly dying from the cold, little air and no food.

    Eli and Ginn have a big couples fight where she tells him to keep the life support going until she can find a solution to Eli’s problem. Eli finally tries to extend the like support for longer, only to realize that Rush has set the systems to shut down automatically.
    Finally Grinn finds a solution. Because Destiny needs to be ready to re-jump after a reasonable time, the engines do not operate at 100% efficiency. Grin tells Eli how to set the minimum time between jumps to months instead of hours. This increases Destiny’s speed and energy efficiency enough to permit Eli to use the extra energy to maintain life support for the next 3 years. As Eli is sitting in the chair ready to wake-up, Grinn tells him he cannot use the chair to be with her it will eventually kill him. Eli asked how he can live to 3 years all alone. Grin answers “Email”. Eli looks puzzled. Grinn explains that because his IPhone is not part of Destiny’s systems he can use it to send and receive emails from her.

    Eli wakes up from the chair into a very cold Destiny. With only a few minutes to spare he makes the changes. Then Eli watches the efficiency and trip power projection slowly move from red to yellow to green.

    Eli settles down to living on Destiny alone. He uses parts of the ship to repair the hydroponic dome. He also starts collecting massive amounts of data on the Galaxy that Destiny is jumping over. In a way getting the information that Rush was so worried about.

    Bored, he starts looking at the data streams that Destiny is collecting to amuse himself, finally coming across Destiny I’s descendants on their sub-light ship traveling to their new world. Just as Eli is bored and needs outside stimulus, they too are trying to communicate (though sub-space) with anybody they can contact. Just as Destiny is leaving the Galaxy, Eli manages a massive 2 way exchange of all their data – a final gift from Destiny to the descendants.

    As the crew of Destiny begins to wake-up, Eli is there to meet them with abundant fresh food and a long list of improvements. Destiny is still a very old ship and now very short of energy but in much better shape than before the trip. Rush is still complaining about no energy and all the technical problems Destiny still has.
    Rush is very surprised to see Eli and even more surprised the trip has only taken 18 months. Eli confronts Rush about the automatic life support shut-down. Rush tells Eli that Young approved the plan.

    Eli finally has a meal surround by this friends from the crew (without Rush or Young). Lisa eyes are better. It seems the long stay in the pod has something to do with it. Many cannot believe that the life support systems were set to automatic shut-down. Others discuss if they would really have had the courage to “pull the plug”. None of them are sure what they would or could do under desperate circumstances.
    T.J is missing from the dinner. Lisa tells Eli that T.J is having a hard time because she knows her time is even less after the stay in the pod.

    Eli goes to sickbay, T.J is there. She seems very sad but does not show it to Eli. Eli in a somewhat Rush style tell T.J that they need to go through something. Eli brings T.J to a computer monitor, he starts talking “Rush like” about techno nothing. T.J. slowly starts looking at the screens, at first wondering, than almost hoping. T.J turns to Eli and asks if that is the cure for ALS. Eli (with a very Eli smile) -- says yes.

    T.J then looks at the list; it includes mostly plants from Novus but in great quantities. T.J is saddened realizing it will take a long time to make the drugs needed. Eli just smiles has say and all done there in the medical freezer -- did I tell you, you have a medical freezer now – plus a lot of stuff I really do not know how to use”

    T.J gives a little punch to Eli, then miles, and then hugs him.

    Destiny’s journey continues

    A SGU fan