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SGA story, a paragraph per post...

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    SGA story, a paragraph per post...

    I'm enjoying the sentence thread, but keep wanting to write just a little bit more!

    At least one sentence, no more than...oh...a dozen. Just to have a little more space.
    Um...basic rules/premise.

    1) We seem to be aiming for an 'adventure' so, please try to move the plot in that kind of direction.

    2) Oh, and don't leave sentences dangling. Finish your thought. Pretty please.

    3) Also, try and read what's gone before. So if the characters are on the Daedalus, don't suddenly have them in Atlantis. Or if they're on a desert planet - don't make it snow. Unless there's some excellent plot-point coming...

    4) And there's a crazy/funny/let your imagination go wild version if you like that kind of thing. But this one is a more...'could be an actual extended episode' thread, hopefully, so try and keep with the spirit of the other posters. Danke.


    It looked like it was going to be an extraordinary day on Atlantis.

    Absolutely nothing...was going wrong. Yes, there'd been an unscheduled off-world activation earlier, but that was just a team returning a little early when someone had fallen into a hole, and broken their ankle. And the fire alarm had gone off a couple of hours before, but that was only one of McKay's experiments giving off a bit more smoke than he'd anticipated. All in all, it looked as though they were going to have one of those rare, precious things. A quiet day.
    Last edited by Alder; 05 June 2009, 03:46 PM.

    As mckay looked around at the gate, he noticed a small flash of light as one of the shevrons lit up. It seemed that the gate was about to be activated, but the alarm did not go off. He sat there wondering what was happening when john walked over and said:

    (devil number post! 666 for me)
    Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


      "You're looking pretty glum, McKay. Come and play golf."
      McKay rolled his eyes.
      "I've got better things to do, like...wait did you see that?" he pointed to the gate. "There it is again..."
      Sheppard glanced over and just caught sight of the same chevron shining briefly.
      "It's...not supposed to do that, is it?" he said. "What's causing it?"


        The familiar blue woosh appeared as a wormhole was established.
        "Chuck, raise the shield" Sheppard called as he jogged across to the communications console. Rodney radioed for Zelenka and pulled his tablet out, plugging into the system to run a diagnostic. How had a wormhole established with only one chevron? and according to his readings it was *outgoing* too.
        sig by me


          "Rodney?" said Sheppard urgently. "What's going on?"
          McKay gestured to Sheppard to be quiet.
          "I don't know...yet..." he said, tapping the computer quickly. "These readings are unlike anything I've seen before..."
          "What's going on here," said Weir, exiting her office quickly. "Who dialed us?"
          McKay shook his head.
          "We dialed out, don't ask me how."


            Zelenka came in flapping his hands and speaking in Czech.
            "Slow down Radek, and English please" said Weir, looking worried.
            "It is Atlantis dialling" Radek said, still waving his left hand in an aggitated manner "She has dialled a pre-programmed address and there is incription, is why we cannot see the full address she dialed" Radek handed his tablet to Rodney for him to check the data.
            Weir called an emergency meeting, requesting the presence of Sheppard, Teyla, Ronan, McKay, Carson, Zelenka and Major Lorne.
            sig by me


              Weir folded her hands neatly on the table and looked around.
              "Ideas, people?"
              McKay shifted in his chair and then spoke up:
              "Zelenka seems to be right. It's some kind of automated dial-up sequence, from Atlantis to an unknown address. We haven't been able to break the, we don't know any more than that, yet..."
              "Colonel Sheppard, what's your opinion?" said Weir quietly.
              Sheppard shrugged.
              "Send a MALP. It's an outgoing wormhole, we're not in any danger, as far as we know."


                Major Lorne coughed slightly and rested his elbows on the table.
                "Maybe we should have a UAV handy too?" He suggested "We don't know if this connection can be remade and if we only have 38... umn... 23 minutes before the wormhole closes I think we should get as much info as we can" And he looked across to Sheppard to assess his CO's reaction.
                "Yes" Said Weir, "We should try find out as much as we can... Rodney, Radek, please work on the encryption as fast as you can, John... if you, Teyla, Ronan and Evan can get kitted up ready to go if needed please" She then looked across at Carson and thought for a while, "If you can be ready to go too, then if you are needed we are fully prepared"
                Everyone got up and headed to their appointed tasks with a quiet (or not so quiet in McKays case) and efficient manner.
                sig by me


                  The lab was humming with the anticipation that only came when the scientists had an unsolved problem, and a testy McKay making sure that they didn't forget it.
                  "This can't be right," McKay said, gesturing to his computer screen, and Zelenka paused in his own work and came over to look. "According to this, the gate is drawing a fraction of the power necessary to create a stable wormhole. It's barely registering!"
                  "Check the output from the ZPM," suggested Zelenka. "Perhaps there's something wrong with the equipment?"
                  "I don't think so," said McKay doubtfully, then looked up as another computer beeped. "Wait, has that encryption algorithm come up with something already?"
                  Zelenka checked.
                  "No, not this time," and he sat at the computer, and typed in another scenario for the computer to run.


                    The MALP was sent through and they were soon looking at the video feed in amazement. It showed another gateroom, very similar to Atlantis, though covered with plantlife and vines creeping across the floor. There was no sign of Ancient or Human activity for some time, though it did appear to be structurally intact. The only difference between the rooms (other than the foliage) was this other room was in red and orange tones, rather than the blue/green of Atlantis.
                    sig by me


                      Everyone stood, looking at the screen thoughtfully.
                      "Looks just like home," said Sheppard. "Well, except for all the greenery."
                      "Does anyone else find the...colour scheme...a little unsettling?" said McKay, uneasily.
                      "Nah. So they decorated differently...doesn't mean anything," said Sheppard.
                      McKay consulted the readings from the MALP.
                      "Oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. No significant radiation, or bacterical/viral agents. It seems fine..." he said.
                      Weir still looked concerned.
                      "I'd be more interested if the city hadn't apparently dialed out by itself," she said slowly.


                        "I wish we could see the dialing controls, just to check we can get home again" Sheppard said, rubbing his jaw.
                        "I've found it!" McKay yelled, snapping his fingers in excitement, "It appears to be Atlantis' sister city and is on the far edge of Pegasus, from what I can see on the Database it was also sunken during the evacuation... obviously *something* has changed...." He tailed off as his hands danced across the keyboard with the grace of a concert pianist.
                        sig by me


                          "Hmmm...the city was...newer than Atlantis," said McKay, scrolling past pages of Ancient text. "But never completely finished...ah!" he stabbed a the screen with a finger, "this is some kind of automatic callback. Don't know why it was left for so long, we must have activated something in the system that let the city dial."
                          "Another Atlantis," said Weir thoughtfully.
                          "And with newer tech," added Zelenka.
                          There was a long pause.
                          "Colonel Sheppard is right, though. We need to be sure that we have a way back," Weird said abruptly.
                          McKay and Zelenka looked up in unison.
                          "What about the...?" "But it's not ready yet..." "It's nearly there..." "If we started work immediately..." they said together.
                          "Doctors!" said Wier.
                          "We were working on a smaller UVA, for use in confined spaces. A glorified radio-controlled plane, really," said McKay.


                            A small blinking light on his console dragged Chuck's attention away from the conversation that was going on between the head staff. Confused, he pressed a few buttons to figure out why it was blinking. Going wide eyed with what he had found, he spun his chair in time to catch McKay from continuing on with his explanation.

                            "Dr. McKay! We're getting a signal. It's coming through the wormhole." Snapping his head towards the gate tech, McKay's face held a look of amazement.

                            "What do you mean, a signal?"

                            "Just that. A signal." Confused, McKay walked up to the console to confirm the signal for himself.

                            "Look, you don't know me. This is when I'm at my best. This is when I shine: impossible deadlines."
                            Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay
                            "That doesn’t matter! You’re hostages! We’re your…we’re your captors! We’re heavily armed! There’s rules! There’s a whole school of etiquette to this!"
                            Dr. Daniel Jackson
                            "My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women."
                            Dean Winchester


                              "What does it say?" asked Weir, looking worried.
                              "It appears to be an SOS, automated system only" Said McKay as he hunched over the screen.
                              "Have you found an address to go with the other information?" Sheppard asked as he arrived back with the team, fully kitted up.
                              "Umn, no... no address" Said McKay as Radek ran off to retrieve the MUVA, "But I at least have the planets location, so worst case scenario is we are stuck there for 2 weeks waiting for the Daedelus..." He said, looking at Elizabeth with a pleading expression. He *really* wanted to get his hands on the new tech.
                              sig by me

