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Big theory on RDMs mythos . Spoilers

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    Big theory on RDMs mythos . Spoilers

    I've started this new thread to put forth my ideas on the background mythos surrounding primarily RDMs Bs G (Battlestar Galactica) Universe: I have divided it into three sections:

    Firstly, it provides explanations for:
    1:The "Lords" of Kobol & the Cylons (Including the Final 5)
    2:Their relationship with each other and humans in the RDM

    Secondly, it attempts to explain both the resulting actions of the two main powerful forces in the Bs G universe (being the Lords of Kobol and Cylons). It also defines the meaning of both the "Cycle of time" paradigm which is so affluent throughout the whole show, as well as what the Cylon “plan” might be. Remember, this theory doesn’t necessarily have to be entirely correct in specific details, it just tries to explain our known perception of the Bs G mythos.

    Thirdly the theory presented here tries to apply this theory to the RDM plot and characters we know, and compares the RDM with TOS to correlate core ideas that both shows implemented in relation to various beliefs & behaviours of the Lords of Kobol, Cylons, and Humans (or at least characters we believe to be human). Obviously R. D. Moore has both adapted (re-imagined) and expanded on TOS, but he has drawn many basic concepts from TOS to maintain the shows plot-arc and basic mythos continuity.

    The specific differences between these two should be noted, but not concerned about too much in this theory, since technically the RDM and TOS are two different universes which I am attempting to describe and explain in one paradigm/theory. Also, I do not actually know what ran through the producers of both TOS and RDM, so this might not be totally correct; it merely tries to fit all the pieces together in a coherent singular paradigm.
    I hope this provides people with a reasonable explanation of the BS G mythos, and if there are any other like-minded people out there, I would be thrilled if they would be able to give feedback on this and criticise it, to improve it ultimately making it more complete. Tell me what you think!
    Here goes!:

    Section 1

    Part 1:
    I believe the Lords of Kobol are the once- great leaders of each tribe from the Tribes of Kobol’s originating settlers who became so advanced, used the technological means and ability to transcend the cycle of life and death, becoming immortal.

    During the time of Kobol, there emerged on the planet various tribes of humans who each shared common ideals and beliefs etc about life. Global sophistication levels grew in terms of social structure, technology, art, music, astronomy and religion eventually attaining the level of a unified civilisation of humankind ruled by a quorum of 12 leaders, each representing one tribe that existed there. Upon the advent of automated life supporting systems (food production, waste management etc, people began to forget how technology functioned & was created, since it became irrelevant to their lives.

    Some scientists still continued to develop technology, one man discovering the means for giving humans immortality through creation of synthetically built cybernetically humanoid bodies that could better sustain & support the mind of an individual than a human body could. Once that body fails their consciousness could be transferred to a new one, or could exist on another plane, possibly just as software, with corporeal forms only required if interaction with corporeal life is needed.

    This technology was presented to the 12 Leaders of Kobol, and they used it to allow them to shed their original bodies and transferring their consciousness into this new vessel to harbour their minds, becoming a Cybernetic Living Organism- CLO, or CyLOn for short. Note the Lords don’t call themselves Cylons but keep their image as transcended beings (omitting to the people their exact physical method of transcendence). Seeing the threat of having immortal beings with infinite power (effectively) but who could not control it (the human psyche still containing many primitive traits such as anger, aggression, jealousy etc), they decided to hide the true method of ascension to the public but laid out for them a plan of personal and spiritual development which would shed these primitive feelings (the Sacred Scrolls) which, if individuals/groups followed in life, upon death only then they would transcend their state of being to join the Lords in immortality.

    So this quorum of 12 beings (plus the 13th the scientist who remained hidden for a time to society) hid their true nature to protect the civilisation from destabilising and in doing so did not publicly acknowledge existence of it, but chose to claim they naturally rose to a higher state of being through practice of religion & self purification. They said to the people that to join them (calling themselves Lords) as “ascended” beings, they would need to be good and pure in spirit, and if they practiced the ideals the Lords set out, would also gain spiritual enlightenment and thus attain immortality (which they would grant by transcending those who follow the path of righteousness) and thus allow the people to follow the footsteps of the Lords themselves, ultimately continuing to lead their people into a new era of peace and prosperity for Kobol.

    The scientist who developed the technology was also granted immortality, yet was not elevated to the authoritive level of “Lord” but (at least in TOS) given the title “count”, and here sowed the first seeds of dissent for him, who believed he deserved equal power of authority, possibly even ultimate power (reigning supreme) since he was the one who created the ability to transcend mortality. Let us note that the other 12 powerful beings do not consider themselves beings of supreme power (“gods”) but “Lords”, rising to their level of power rather than having always having the power of immortality.


    So, at this point we have our 12 Lords, and one extra, called Count. Peace and harmony ensues for a time, (the opera house being the center of their civilisation on Kobol and the location where the Lords reside (in the eyes of the humans), or at least communicate with the humans. Yet the count, getting more and more rebellious believes he should have ultimate power and decides to act.
    He began a movement secretly making himself known to a few humans, eventually creating a cult of followers and eventually a secret tribe who devoutly served and followed him. His next act was to create another set of 12 Cylons as his own servants that rule by his command, and made plans to use them to overthrow the Lords so he can reign supreme over humanity, using his new tribe to gain support with the rest of humanity, and for those who renounced him, death.

    Ok, so now this gives us 25 “ascended” beings: 12 Lords, 1 Count, and 12 [2nd generation] Cylons. So what is the relevance of the 5 Priests who worship “The one whose name cannot be spoken”?

    I believe that when the 12 Cylon models emerged into consciousness, sentience and sapience, 7 of the Cylons believed, agreed and followed the ideals of their creator, and 5 of them believed, agreed and followed the ideals of the Lords of Kobol. The 5 models who believed humanity should choose their own beliefs decided to contact the Lords (who were a more technologically advanced form of CLO yet still the same form of life) and which gave the 5 permission to secretly extract the 13th tribes’ population to another location to protect them from the count’s possible plans for the annihilation of humankind and to tell them the truth of the origins of the Lords of Kobol.

    These 5 Cylons still acknowledged their origins by venerating their creator, even though he was flawed, which they illustrated by forbidding the Counts name to be mentioned. The 5 Priests still worshiped/revered him, yet chose to help humanity by aiding the Lords of Kobol & taking the small pocket of humans to a safe place, Earth, where they would be protected from evil Cylon oppression.

    Now, I can define the names and ideals of these different forms of CLO:
    • The 12 Lords are the original leaders, and first CLOs to emerge (in the Bs G mythos).
    They believe in humanity in that human life is worth saving, serving, and protecting.
    • The 1 Count is the scientist (and eventual fallen CLO) who allowed the leaders to transcend into Lordship.
    He believes all human life should either worship him as supreme authority (due to his role in creating and attaining immortality) and that if they don’t, they should not exist.
    • The 7 Cylons are the second generation CLOs (referred to as “Lower Demons” in the scripture) who worship their creator/god, the Count.
    They believe in the Count’s beliefs of the obsoleteness of human life, and strive to follow his ideals as their own.
    • The 5 Priests are also second-generation CLOs (referred to as “Priests” in the scripture) who also still worship their creator, the Count.
    These CLOs however do not follow the ideals of their creator/god but chose to serve humanity, and the original CLOs who emerged to protect the people of Kobol.

    Ok, so once the Count & 7 other Cylons discovered that the Lords & 5 Priests’ foiled their plans tries to overthrow the Lords, a “war of the gods” ensued. This is the calamity that scripture describes, the result being the Count is overcome by the combined forces of the 12 Lords and 5 Priests. The Lords and Priests either tried to totally destroy the evil CLOs, or just (possibly due to humanitarian reasons) stripped the Count of all technological knowledge except basic life support. Either way, the Count managed to survive, saving his 7 followers’ source code with his own somewhere, hidden from the other CLOs. The memories of the 7 did not survive (as far as we know), only the Count’s did as he fled into hiding, self- boxing/deactivating himself, and deciding to reactivate at a time where he (through his 7 followers) could both: (a) Once again try and contest rule over humanity, and if not, destroy humanity once and for all, and (b) find Earth, their promised land of descendants of once devout human followers and settle there.

    So after the war, the people of Kobol choose to leave their home planet and the tragedy that befell it behind, the Lords transporting in a great Galleon the tribes to each settle and colonise a different world. Remembering what happened on Kobol, they scorned advanced technology (being the cause of so much pain and suffering on their originating home world) to the extent of rebuking it and starting again civilisation wise, as simple farmers, even loosing contact the other 11 tribes that settled on different planets.

    The Sacred Scrolls (the scripture) basically describes not only a religious doctrine that the Lords of Kobol created & the Colonials adhered to, but also describes an extra, additional aspect of the Kobolian legacy transcribed after their habitation on Kobol. The people of Kobol, now called Colonials, never fully understand the whole truth of the war of their Lords, or even know the true nature of them, but write their knowledge and understandings down in scripture, as The Exodus. The book of Pythia gives a general account of both the calamity that befell Kobol, and what occurred afterwards to the tribes of Kobol. Pythia describes the fallout from when the higher demon (the Count) and the lower demons (his 7 loyal children) tried to overthrow the Lords of Kobol. The fallout being the exodus and rebirth of humankind. Pythia, being an Oracle of the Lords of Kobol, might have been in communication with the Lords (and their 5 supporting Priests) and could have been directed to transcribe events for reasons even she didn’t know or understand, such is the will of the gods to not have to explain their actions to mere mortals. These reasons apart from obviously recording history, could also have been a warning to mankind about greed for power, but mainly a prophecy of things to come (if evil [Cylons] returned).



      It would be logical to assume both good and evil CLOs were watching the Colonial civilisation rebuild over the millennia, the good CLOs watching and protecting the tribes (all 13), and the evil CLOs waiting for the right time to infiltrate and gain control over the tribes of Kobol again. The Lords, in collusion with the 5 Priests, set out clues as to the location of Earth but devised them so only humans could find the way to earth (though how, has not been fully revealed). Markers were left of various sorts, as well as myths and artefacts that would be needed to unlock the secrets, should the need & want ever arise to find Earth.

      In RDMs universe, it seems some people can attain communication with higher powers through various different methods:
      • The herb chamalla could really just be a psychoactive plant that brings on irrational hallucinations to people taking it, but it could also be used as a convenient way that CLO (both good and evil) could communicate with intended targets without arousing suspicions of others, or the receptor if they do not entirely believe in the scriptures.
      • A more unsubtle form of communication could be achieved with the use of direct projection of visions & voices (& music…) into the targets head through “head-apparitions” (e.g. Head-Baltar to Caprica Six, Head-Cylon to Starbuck, Head-Snakes to Roslin, and finally Head-Six to Baltar) that is only perceivable to a specific individual.
      • Another unsubtle form of communication is the use of dreams to convey a message. Need I give examples of this lol? Ok, fine: Baltar dreaming on Kobol, Roslin dreaming with Caprica and Boomer in Crossroads I & II, etc.

      Part 2:
      So far I’ve described Colonial pre-history and origination of religious scripture. Now I will describe modern Colonial history, from the initial settlement of each tribe on their own planet, to modern events including the first and second [modern] Cylon wars.

      Each colony of Kobol, upon settlement on each of the 12 planets, took an anti, almost phobic view of technological usage. All pre-exodus technology (electronic to space technology) was rejected and technologically, Colonial civilisation rebirthed. It took a further 3500 years before Colonial technology started to approach Kobolian levels of sophistication once again.

      Upon the advent of computers, eventually concepts of artificial life emerge. An individual calling himself Greystone appears on the scene, around 10-20 years before the 1st Cylon war to promote the use of cybernetic life organisms for the “benefit of mankind”. This man could either have been placed there by the Count, or started receiving visions from him. We do no know for the time being. All we do know is there was fierce opposition from many people, notably a certain Joseph Adama ( The results from this was the creation of a new form of CLO, the first cybernetic organisms publicly known to the general Colonial civilisation, and for a time all was well.

      Presumably, the evil Cylons and the Count helped to accelerate the NeoCylon (concurrently referred to as Cylon) technology over the next few years (just as Caprica 6 helped Baltar later on in Colonial events), and also probably slipped into the Cylon mainframes programming code that led them to rebel against their human creators.

      When the first Cylon war starts, the Lords of Kobol must have put the 5 Priests on the colonies to help counter the Cylon offensive, even possibly placing themselves too in the midst of humans once again, inferring here that along with the 5 good Cylons (who remained more technologically advanced than their evil Cylon brothers and sisters due to their positive relationship with the Lords), there could be an additional 12 other CLOs amongst humans, even a 13th, being a reincarnation of the Count. I’ll discuss further this aspect later in Section 3.

      The reason why the evil Cylons didn’t use skin-jobs was the Count did not have enough time upon reactivation (when he sensed colonial technology level reaching a suitable level of sophistication. He assumed he could just electronically infiltrate the Colonies, underestimating the extent the Lords & Priests would go to protect humankind.

      After the cease-fire, some good CLOs (referring to possibly both 12 Lords but mainly the 5 Priests) except Tigh (as far as we know) might have perished. Either way the result of the war was the Cylons fled once again, though now under public awareness, to regroup until they can once again attack the Colonies. This gave time for the Count, recreating his 7 devout Cylons, to concentrate on developing the necessary technology (including synthetic organism, projection & resurrection technology) to conquer humankind again, waiting again until:
      a)Public opinion of artificial intelligence would yet again allow them to infiltrate and conquer humanity.
      b)Human phobia of technology reduces to allow them to easily disable Colonial defence systems.

      Once these parameters were achieved, the [evil] Cylons would strike again, choosing to attack once all Galactica-type Class ships were no longer in service (since they are impervious to Cylon electronic infiltration). Realising and pre-empting this, the Lords (& Priests) laid plans to infiltrate the Colonies themselves in order to help them survive an attack by [evil] Cylons. Tigh still surviving did not need to be re-placed in the colonies, but other Priests then had to reinsert themselves back into Colonial society, as well as (possibly) other good CLOs (as in actual reincarnationed skin jobs of the Lords of Kobol themselves) reinserting themselves as well.

      The Priests would insert them selves in supporting roles in Colonial society, and the Lords reincarnate themselves as various potential people who would assume high-ranking roles in Colonial society, as to possibly, should the need arise, guide humanity through the crises that was inevitable.



        The 5 Priests, still venerating their creator, also decide to reincarnate their creator, the Count, in human society as a Gaius Baltar, hoping to change his personality and giving himself a chance to redeem himself by erasing this reincarnated model of the Count’s memory but leaving the personality intact. This is so that they can try to convince him to see the error of his ways and gain salvation for his crimes. They hope that if his newly redeemed soul gets reintegrated into the Count’s psyche, it will overwrite the Counts previous feelings and thus end the destructive cycle that he created all those millennia ago to allow Colonial civilisation focus solely on personal development and enlightenment once again, rather than just trying to survive any more.
        Further explanation of the RDM BS G mythos, up to the end of season 3 is explained at the end of Section 3

        Section 2

        The Cycle of time in the Sacred Scrolls refers indirectly to the never-ending struggle between the Lords of Kobol (allied with the 5 Priests) and the Cylons (the 7 “evil” CLOs and the Count). This struggle being the control over humanity by these transcended beings, and its effects on the human race. It refers to the everlasting attempts for the Count to both seek revenge for his fall from power and to finish his ultimate scheme of either ruling humanity or destroying it as revenge on both the Lords of Kobol and humanity for not acknowledging his role and function in creating the transcended form of being that is the cybernetic life organism that grants a person immortality.

        The Cylons, as stated by R. D. Moore really do have a plan, but it is not the destruction of mankind, but its salvation from the cycle of time. Cylons here refer mainly to the 7 evil Cylons and 5 good Priests, but also the 12 Lords of Kobol and fallen Count. Each party has a plan, to further their goal, but since the Lords (& final 5) are more powerful, they always win but the evil CLOs are never going to be fully destroyed since they are immortal (and also hard to completely destroy physically). Which ever plan prevails is up to R. D. Moore!!

        Section 3

        So far, we have seen 3 seasons of Bs G. and we are aware of many things:
        • The identity of 11 [Cylons (7/7 evil ones and 4/5 Priests)
        • The presence of higher beings who can interact through various “visions” of sorts with known humanoids (humans and CLOs).
        • The route to earth has been followed and the end is near.
        • Both Humans and Cylons believe Earth is the promised land and claim equal right to it
        • Cylons neither discuss nor associate with their 5 rebellious (in their eyes) brothers & sisters, who they refer to as the final 5. (Final in terms of who have yet to reveal themselves to the human population. Concurrently I will now refer to them as the Final 5 too)
        • Many supposed human characters have paths of destiny already laid out for them and are actively pursuing those roles, now they have identified with them.
        • The 7 [second generation] Cylons are not inherently evil, just have a misinformed perception of their role in relation to humans. The Count never revealed to them their true origins and initial purpose, as replica potential replacements of the original 12 Lords of Kobol rather than being with the sole purpose of destroying mankind. The original purpose was to serve humankind, but the Count changed their purpose once the Final 5 2betrayed” him (in the Counts eyes). The Final 5 kept their original memories of Kobol and so collectively, with the Lords of Kobol, know the truth.

        We also have questions about many things:
        • Is there truly anything extra special about the characters we believe to be human, who fulfil various important roles in Colonial society? (See my suspected “extra important character” list below)
        • Are the Lords of Kobol (including the Count) actively involved with Colonial events, as the 7 corrupt & 4 (5?) Cylons are?

        In answer to these, I believe both answers are yes and are related to each other. I believe many Colonial citizens are in fact (unbeknown even to themselves) reincarnated forms of the Lords of Kobol. They might never need to reveal themselves, yet they remain, Cybernetic Living Organisms.



          So, to conclude my explanation of events occurring up to the end of season 3, I believe that both the Cylons and Humans are in the final stages of their quests to find Earth, with the Cylons also actively pursuing the remnants of the human race and the humans fleeing them. They have uncovered much of their civilisations history (mainly the directions to earth), and are on the verge of discovering the true origins of the Lords of Kobol & Cylons, as well as more specifically the origins or the music the final 4 (known Cylons) can perceive, cause of the blackouts, true nature of the 5 Priests of Kobol, the true meaning of the scriptures, and the mystical meanings of the various characters’ visions.
          I believe these reveal the precise role of the characters concerned:
          • Roslin along with Athena chasing Hera through the Opera House symbolises them wishing to ultimately preserve both the human race and Cylon race (represented by Hera), possibly even interbreeding the two.
          • Baltar & Six (Baltar himself being their true god creator and god) ultimately end up carrying the baby, symbolising their wish to continue the Cylon-Human race anew in a reborn civilisation of his doing.
          • The 5 beings of light atop the Opera house balcony watch over Baltar & Caprica signifying the 5 final five’s now active involvement in keeping an eye on Gaius and Caprica Six, reflected in the real world with the musically-activating triggering of the 4 known last Cylons to be revealed. Note music was used in TOS to signify the presence of the Ships & beings of Light inhabited by the ascended beings protecting the Tribes of Kobol.
          • Kara Thrace returns as a either a Lord or the final Priest Cylon to help the fleet somehow find Earth.


          Here is my List of suspected and identified CYbernetic Living OrgaNismS and their true identity as either Lord of Kobol, or 2nd Gen Cylon. Note, the physical appearance of two groups of CLO don’t necessarily resemble each other (The Lord reincarnations probably resemble their patron, as possibly do the 7 conventional Cylons, yet the final 5 possibly change appearance to have no problems walking frequently amongst humans through time, as to not arouse suspicion

          Cavil - Cylon,
          Leoben - Cylon,
          Simon - Cylon,
          “No. Six” - Cylon,
          “No. Three” - Cylon,
          “No. Eight” - Cylon,
          “No. Five” - Cylon,
          Tigh - Priest,
          Tori - Priest
          Chief - Priest
          Anders - Priest
          Kara Thrace - Lord, (and/or poss 5th Final Cylon Priest. Two CLOs could have integrated)
          Bill Adama - Lord,
          Lee Adama - Lord,
          Dualla - Lord,
          Laura Roslin - Lord,
          Billy K - Lord,
          Lt Gaeta - Lord,
          Lt Agathon - Lord,
          Baltar - Fallen Lord/Count

          And there it is!! Tell me what you think, cheers!


            I'm 30 year old and in those 30 years I can guarantee you that for better or worse I have NEVER read or been tempted to read as much as you have written there.

            In those pages of type you could have the secrets to world peace, everlasting life and how to get Jessica Beil into bed with me and I STILL wouldn't read all that.
            Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


              Interesting theory...
              The Alliance is born!!!!


                Very nice read.



                  Wow, That's a pretty in depth look at things. All seems very plausible. I do feel though you have some of it right perhaps if not all in some form or fashion, depending on how the writters of this new incarnation of Battlestar Galactica would like to play out the rest of the series from the end of Crossroads II. Which by the way was one hell of a season ending show.

                  I want to thank you for your concerted effort and the time you put into displaying your thoughts, ideas and plausibilites towards the BS G series here we are watching. Great stuff. It has been a fantastic read and thanks for sharing.



                    I agree with you Titans, in that its ridiculously long- over 4000 words. Its almost sad!... some might say "geekish". You wouldnt call your self a "fellow geek" now would you... . It is drawn out, even has "sections" and a fracking Appendix- only people who have hours to waste would even attempt to try write a mini dissertation on a fictional subject, or spend hours on a website writing their own opinions, which they are fully entitled to.

                    Id like to point out, wouldnt you call yourself a geek? (and a 30yr old one at that?) If I compared the number of posts you wrote compared to the number I wrote, I dont think I could be bothered to read all your literature either.

                    I guess im lucky there are others unlike you who have the mental cability to read a longer-than-average post (no offence) . I appreciate your opinion, i'll keep in mind your input. May be it would be easier for you if i put some pictures in there for you- would that help? May be im a minority here, someone who puts a lot of effort into a post. Il try cut back on the lengths for you- keep my posts short for those with short attention spans so they can keep up. Or you could put a bit of effort in to it and read it before criticising it- but that would be fair wouldnt it?

                    Ps: I took the liberty of looking at some of your threads, "Top 10 Random Bill Adama facts" is awesome lol. Nice one!


                      Nice post / interesting ideas.

                      p.s titans - the ignorant being fashionable is something best left to mainstream/idiotic society.



                        The theory is well thought out and interesting. However I feel I am at a disadvantage because I never saw the entire original Battlestar Galactica series. However my question is what do you think they are going to find on Earth? Pre 2007 Humans? Circa 2007 Humans? Future Humans? No Humans?

                        Also why would Tigh and the other 3 of the 5 priests know All Along the Watchtower? Or do you think that was nothing related to the story?


                          Great theories, certainly plausable. Of course I don't know what the truth is but that was the best shot at explaining the most of the story that I've yet seen. Nice job!


                            Hey Splintercell56,

                            Short answers don’t explain anything, so sorry if this is longer than what you wanted. Whether or not they actually find earth is one of the ultimate questions. Others you raised being: What is Moores' Earth human technological state, and their time era in relation to both ours and Colonials?
                            And then there is the "Watchtower" song, and why Tigh etc know it, which has been one of the most controversial devices used by RDM in BS G .

                            R. D. Moore has stated that the show will end on a satisfactory note, suggesting the quest of the Tribes of Kobol will end in one way or another. Firstly, I think they will find Earth, or at least evidence of civilisation from Earth (radio coms etc). In the final scenes from TOS, unbeknown to them they receive transmissions of our lunar landing to some disused, obscure observatory on the Galactica. This suggests that if R. D. Moore keeps to TOS mythos, they will come in contact with Earth.

                            I hope that they both find Earth, and make two-way contact with the 13th Tribe (unlike in TOS where the com link was one way, and Colonials didn't know what they had found). However lol, these are almost imposable to conclusively answer, unless you are R. D. Moore. The Lords of Kobol might even intervene with Colonial contact with Earth, if Earth isn't ready for Colonial presence (for various reasons such as war/xenophobia).

                            I hope they find civilisation relative to our level of sophistication. So they still can’t thrash the Cylons technologically, but find some truths as to the origin to the Cylons and resolve it diplomatically, ending grudges from both sides etc. Clearly (I believe) Cylons are older than 40 years, and I hope this is resolved at the end of the story. Bs G is about the struggle for a civilisation to get back on their feet after a holocaust, finding their root and ending the Cylon war so the end of the show should satisfy this notion. The war wasn’t concluded in TOS (1978), so hopefully it will in RDM.

                            I think RDM Earth is at a similar level of civilisation to that of the Colonials (circa 2007), or slightly lower/higher. If they were as advanced as the Lords of Kobol, then they would have joined with them to vanquish the evil Cylons once and for all, found the other 12 Tribes & and prevented the attacks on the Colonies. An the end of the show, R. D. Moore might even keep the ambiguity of their sophistication running by just before we do make contact, the Lords intervene saying Earth isn’t ready to meet their brother & sister tribes openly, and all Galactica can do is protect Earth from Cylons until The 13 tribes can reunite once again.

                            Or some secret group of Earthlings (either some organisation/military power) might have discovered the true nature of the Lords of Kobol and cooperate to greet the Colonials. May be it was these people Starbuck met. I doubt it though. I think it was more likely that Starbuck (a lord) was resurrected on a Ship of Light, observed a pre intragalactic race on Earth (oblivious as Colonials are to their Lord protectors), and was sent back by the Lords to help Galactica find Earth. That’s Kara’s role.

                            So for the time era of the 13th tribe, it is plausible that it is exactly the same as ours (the viewers). Moore could have possibly taken the view that Galactica’s universe is the same as our own, and the Lords and 5 priests are obviously aware of and protect both civilisations. This fits in with my believed suggested technological level of the 13th tribe, and gives an explanation for the Watchtower song being used:

                            The priests (Tigh and the other 3 of the 5 priests) would know the history and culture of [our] Earth and implanted the song into the priests’ memory banks because of the relevance of its lyrics and song meaning. Note the view I’ve assumed for the role of the 5 priests (/final 5) is to fight their 7 counterpart Cylons to protect humanity.

                            The idea of the song coming from their “childhood” could be a metaphor for “before they were adults in the Colonies” or before the transcended beings were reinserted within the Colonies, to [ambiguously] satisfy their (and our) questions for the origin of the song. We have to note that Tigh and the others are different ages, and in their real lives had their childhoods at different times, unless their current lives are not their first and they originally grew up the same age.

                            Either this is the case, or Moore used the song (calling upon producers’ rights) merely as a short-cut, bypassing inventing a similar song which had the same lyrical content and meaning. The fact that the specific song was used could have no deeper meaning at all, being used merely for its content and nothing more. Mind you, someone in the BS G Gateworld forums previously has noted that the song has been out for 40 years too, so could fit in with what I said in the previous paragraph about it really coming from our Earth, which is what I’d like to believe rather than it being luck the same song was used. What ever the case, Moore has not given a satisfactory reason yet. This might be because it would reveal some fundamental plan of his, so he has kept it vague for the moment.

                            Ps: Cheers GrenadeTestSubject for the complements!


                              Originally posted by mrtvr4 View Post

                              p.s titans - the ignorant being fashionable is something best left to mainstream/idiotic society.
                              Glad to have you aboard the Titans bandwagon!
                              Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.

