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The Wraith Gene (spiolery)

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    The Wraith Gene (spiolery)

    Since The Gift, they have yet to elaborate or use Teyla's ability to acitivate Wraith Technology (atleast on screen), I find the portion to be worthless if they do not utilize this.

    It is true she does the Gene or something, given she was the "only one" able to activate the hidden door, when no one else could.

    Teyla's ability to use Wraith Tech could help us alot in figuring out Wraith Technology.


    It is an interesting idea. One I hope they expand upon.
    Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


      Problem is that so far, the door is the only thing we've seen be exclusive to Wraith and people with the Wraith gene.

      We have yet to see people try to operate Wraith ships, but so far, they've only encountered stuff anyone can use.


        Although in Duet, Zelenka managered to get the Dart parts working...

        Shep flew a Dart in The Lost Boys...

        But how else could one explain how the shield is exclusive to Teyla, and not to Shep, Ford, and McKay in The Gift?

        The only explaination I know if is that is she has a Wraith Gene which allows her to operate certain Wraith Tech... which either way you look at it, has thus far been used.



          In my opinion Teyla should have flown the dart. It makes sense to me, only those with the anceint gene can fly the jumpers, only those with the wraith gene should be able to fly the darts. Think about it, why would they want any random human to be able to steal a ship and leave? (is hoping for at least a gene only telepathic interface on the darts)


            The "wraith" gene was only explored in that episode as far as activating technology goes. Maybe it was a thing exclusive to the scientist who did that to the humans and the humans themselves. Who knows.

            That's about as cannon as a Wraith gene right by what the show's given us.


              Had to post...I agree with you Mathias and of course gatelover12. I think Teyla could operate the dart, under discussion right now at the Teyla appreciation thread.

              The thing both incidents of 'Duet' and 'Lost boys'...
              they were able to hijack into the main frame of the computer within the cruiser to get it working. If you noticed when John was in the plain he also had McKay's computer there as well....because that was setting it up adn translating some of the functions for him.

              In Duet we had a slew of scientist examining parts and trying to understand the break down of the energy particles in the body that enter into the what of the cruiser? again the computer mainframe....

              In both instances they forgot to omitt Teyla's gene connection, but we understand that it is extremely important because we see it in of coures 'The Gift'....but don't forget there are two other instances we have to pay attention too..

              the Wraith know Teyla and can also sense she is sort of one of them....
              Instance 1 is in 'The Hive' when their captured and the way the Wraith reacted around just made me wonder a great deal. In some ways I felt the Wraith was trying to prove his superiority, but she didn't even flinch...and then it made me wonder if they were sharingn something at that moment mentally. I hope some of you guys see it and let me know what you got from it.

              Second was in Instinct....Teyla has been purposely exercising her abilities a great deal. As she speaks to Elia she tells, Elia she'd been trying to track and watch the Wraith...but he's too powerful and is blocking her..but he won't block Elia. So the Wraith can sense Teyla and this one seems to be able to block her..which made me wonder about the ability of some of the Wraith.

              In 'The Gift' we know she can tap into the mind of Wraith through opening a link. And we were also informed that the Wraith know she can read their minds, but they can't read was how the Wraith in 'Instinct' able to block Teyla....continuity mistake? or something else.

              For a while I've been suspicious that the older the Wraith the more mentally powerful the Wraith seein 'The Siege'...

              We also see her massive connection again in Allies, when Michael remembers her out of everyone. He then would have to hav sensed her.

              I think TPTB is waiting on really developing this whole situation, I think for the next two years we can hope to see snippets and snippets, if not longer of the extent of her powers.

              One of my biggest concerns is not even the technology she can operate but it goes straight back to 'Suspicion' and that necklace.
              We know that the ancient activates it, but how in *insert Deities* name did Teyla have that and it was a necklace given to her by her dad..?!

              I've pretty much decided that a Rogue Atlantean was creating a super human team that can take out the Wraith..and I'm suspecting there were two dominating species..Human, and Wraith...the Ancients were a small sect of people. An ancient started his own tests..and then created these super human people to combat against the wraith.

              Gave the necklace as a warning code to test if his projects worked..remember the battle of those who were like Teyla and they won the battle but afterward would turn sort of crazy?!

              I think that Wriath hive was actually taken by an ancient or someone like an ancient...and the panel was set up to only allow those with the gene therapy teyla has to get past and enter into.

              It doesn't make sense, and it never did, that the Wraith scientist would run their tests and let the people go, thinking that the Wraith gene would dilute..because later on they come back to wipe them out. They would have just ate them, if they wanted a good food source....I think Weir interpreted that informatin wrong...and I think it's a different code than she had previously assumed.

              I'm thinking that it could only be a rogue scientist would let them go and HOPE they would multiply knowing that the gene would be around..and existance so the humans can have a fighting chance against the Wraith!!!

              This opens a great deal of avenue for TPTB to mess around..and I think Season 3 is really going to open those doors! Or give us a peek inside!

              Click statement above to read article.

