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new posts interview with Joe Flanigan

    has a Q&A with Joe Flanigan from Stargate Atlantis.


    ME: Yes, McKay. I wanted to ask about working with David Hewlett.

    JF: He’s a lot of fun to work with. Great actor.

    He’s a classic example of when the urgency of the situation is paramount. The
    truth of the story is paramount. Any humorous traits are secondary. He’s got
    that rare talent of taking a couple of pages of exposition and making them

    ME: A hazard of sci-fi acting.

    JF: He’s a great counterpart to my character. We were having some fun working
    together. I said to the producers, and I was just joking around, “Why don’t
    we do some of the Bob Hope/Bing Crosby episodes in space?” And you’ll see
    that in this season, he and I getting ourselves into trouble and then trying to
    get out. He has the brain, and I have the gun.
    * *
    Click on the link for the full text!

    Awww, Sheppard has the brains, too. Which is something I love about Atlantis; the characters are not one-note stereotypes. They're interesting. I'm so glad to know they'll be giving us more of the fantastic chemistry that exists between Sheppard and McKay. Funny, snarky banter is a good thing... They do remind me of Hope and Crosby now and then. Hmm, I guess that would be Sheppard as Crosby and McKay as Hope? Since Hope was usually the one doing all the complaining.

