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Continuing Stargate

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    (More of "Dark Tide," see next post for end and previous two posts for start.)

    Then a foursome of Der'kal females leap out of their gunship, two wielding the extendable, double-bladed swords they wield so well ("Divided We Fall") and two carrying medium-sized plasma carbines. Confused but not willing to waste any time, Mitchell and Eaton open fire immediately, denting the surrounding walls with bullets but not able to hit the amazingly-nimble enemies. Daniel and Vala soon follow suit, though they are similarly incapable of handing a hit, the the four aliens advance on them more and more each second, rolling and diving out of the way just in time to avoid the stream of metal. One of them notices the sole remaining Jaffa and breaks off toward him, twirling her staff around and dashing forward. The Jaffa warrior, to his credit, stands and fires off two shots, neither one landing, before his adversary is upon him, but without the melee advantage of a full-length staff weapon, he can only parry the Der'kal's sword once before it gashes into his shoulder, bringing him to the ground.

    Jackson stares, horrified, and shouts that they need to pull back; they're no match for these warriors, and there's no way they can come out of this alive if the alien females get into close-combat range. Mitchell starts to protest, but upon taking another look at the vicious swords coming nearer, he gives in and orders everyone to fall back. The four humans abandon their positions and make a mad dash for the bend in the corridor, sliding around it just as the flurry of emerald energy begins slamming into the wall beside them. Daniel turns and seals the access door leading into the corridor, then smashes the control crystal, hopefully keeping the aliens from coming this way anytime soon. Almost at once, though, the sound of plasma pelting the doorway is heard, and Vala guesses that they only have a minute or so before the blasts burn through enough for their limber foes to leap through. Grimacing, Mitchell says that they need to tell Kitel what's going on, but the find that their radios no longer work, doubtless an effect of Der'kal jamming onboard the cloaked gunship. They'll need to deliver the message in person, but with the straight path to the pel'tak now blocked, they'll need to find a new route. Hoping to do so quickly, the humans run off down the new hallway, the sounds of scorching metal ever-louder behind them.

    On the Der'kal command cruiser, the commander of the alien fleet is watching a video feed from the Hak'tyl; his elite squad of warriors, the Rit'na'kal, were successful in infiltrating the Free Jaffa flagship, and they engaged SG-1 immediately. Unfortunately, the humans were able to escape through an unexpected security barrier, preventing the females from giving chase. Nevertheless, they have hacked into the vessel's control grid and have disabled all inter-ship communications, which will leave their prey with no allies coming to their rescue. They have also locked down the entire level, sealing all access doors leading off of it and locking the ring platforms that the humans or Jaffa could use. Now the hunt will begin.

    Meanwhile, the Tau'ri heroes are discovering that escaping their pursuers will be more difficult than they previously though. Daniel's attempts to bypass the lock on a blast door have failed, and they can't reach the armory beyond for some added firepower. Vala suggests trying to pull up a schematic of their level on a security console, and they run back down the hall to where a computer terminal sits waiting. But this, too, has been disabled, and there doesn't seem to be any way to free up the system. Watching her companions try and figure out what to do next, Eaton shakes her head, realizing that this must all be a part of the plan. They thought that they were being clever, going to the nearest weapons storage room to grab heavier firearms, and this is what happens. Had they instead ran straight to the ring room, they probably could have transported up to the pel'tak's floor and escaped.

    Just then, Mitchell's head jerks up as he hears the sounds of approaching footfalls, and he orders everyone to move out. Ducking down a small hallway off to the left, he and the others vanish, putting as much distance between themselves and their old position as possible. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't the Der'kal approaching but a band of Jaffa warriors also trapped on this level. Arriving at the security terminal, the group's leader attempts to override the lockdown, but finds it impossible. He turns to his men and tells them to spread out and search for any evidence of tampering with the control systems; something isn't right here. And then he turns again, this time to peer down the adjacent hallway, and freezes at the sight of four Der'kal females staring down at him, murder clearly in their eyes. The Jaffa leader raises his staff to fire, but one of the aliens brings up her sword and catches it at just the right angle to slice it in half. Then she flips around and delivers a thrust kick that sends the man flying into a bulkhead, where he collapses. The other Jaffa fire their own weapons, but three are taken out immediately by green plasma. The two sword-wielding Der'kal dance forward, entering into a quick but brutal exchange of parries with the Jaffa, but ultimately felling them to the last man. Before the last one has hit the floor, the females are off again, tracking their quarry.

    Still racing down the hall, Daniel can't help but wince at the sounds of the screaming Jaffa as they are mercilessly cut down, but there's no time for sympathy now, and they all know it. Seeing the access door to the ring room sealed up ahead, Mitchell curses, then starts pulling C4 out of his vest's pouch. Glancing over, Eaton asks what in the world he thinks he's doing, considering how close to the outer hull they are. One bad crack and they could have another vent out into space, this time without a Der'kal gunship to block it up. But Cameron argues that they don't have time to debate this, and they need to keep moving; it's worth the risk. He slams two packs of explosive onto the door, sticks a remote detonator on top, then pulls Rebbecca around the corner as Daniel and Vala follow. With one final glance around, Mitchell flips the trigger, and an ear-splitting explosion rocks the area.

    On the pel'tak, an internal sensor suddenly blares, registering a detonation on the hanger deck. Stepping away from the viewscreen where he has been discussing tactics with another commander, Admiral Kitel glances at the display with a puzzled look on his face, unsure as to how a simple doorway suddenly exploded. He turns to the ship's head of security and orders a detachment of soldier sent down to the hanger deck's ring room to investigate what just happened, then steps back toward the window to finish this battle and rout the enemy fleet.

    Down a few levels, Vala is staring, dumbstruck, at the still-standing blast door to the ring room. Remembering too late that Earth had opened up its trinium refineries to the Jaffa before its fall ("Star By Star"), it seems that Admiral Kitel put those resources to good use reinforcing crucial interior barriers such as blast doors, and even C4 is having a difficult time breaking through. Mitchell remarks that he'd give an arm and a leg to have Sam here to figure out some sort of hack-through, to which Vala indignantly shoves him out of the way and begins prying apart at the control console. Suppressing a chuckle, Daniel looks on, but his humor is cut short when he hears a soft whisper behind him. He and Eaton turn simultaneously to see the four Der'kal females only a few meters away, advancing slowly and quietly with their weapons drawn. Pulling up his gun and shouting to move, Jackson shoves Rebbecca into Cameron, the three of them all trying to get into firing positions as quickly as possible.

    The lead female fires off a quick burst of plasma, one of the blasts catching Vala's leg and knocking her to the ground in the process. Separated from the other three, she can only wildly grab for her P90 as the alien approaches, clearly moving in for the kill. Daniel screams her name, desperately trying to do something to help, but Mitchell pulls him back, knowing that if they fall apart now, the tense cease-fire ensuing between the two groups will fail and they'll be forced into a shoot out. As long as the three of them keep their rifles trained on the three other Der'kal, they have a chance. Helpless, Jackson stares into Vala's eyes, silently pleading that this moment not be their last. The lead alien snarls coldly, then draws a sick-looking blade and draws back her arm to strike—

    —and suddenly a flurry of golden plasma blasts her into the wall , leaving deep gashes in her light armor. Everyone turns to see the blast door to the ring room open, a squad of heavily-armed-and-armored Jaffa warriors standing their with their staff weapons raised. They inform their Tau'ri guests that Admiral Kitel asked them to determine why there was an explosion in this corridor, and they believe they have just found their answer. Furious at this sudden turn of events, the three other Der'kal turn and sprint down the hallway, leaving their fallen comrade behind and quickly pulling around a bend in the hallway, preventing anyone from gunning them down while they escape.

    As soon as the remaining enemies are out of sight, Daniel rips out of Mitchell's grasp and runs over to Vala, pulling a field med kit out of his pocket and dressing her wound. To her credit, the smuggler tries to insist that she's fine, but she eventually relents and lets Jackson do as he pleases. Stepping out from the corner they were forced into, Major Eaton thanks the Jaffa squad for their timely intervention, glad for the assistance. The squad's leader says that they were only doing their job, then glances up and nods toward the plasma-ridden Der'kal lying against the opposite wall, saying that they should probably do something about her. Mitchell agrees, pulling out his zat and training it on the prone figure as he slowly approaches.

    At the United Nations complex, Talbot has barricaded herself inside the long-range communications room, establishing a direct subspace link to the Beta Site and asking Colonel Taylor for some advice. The outpost's commander has had a hectic past few days, dealing with a population of refugees who are all yearning to go home and the inability to grant their wishes until the remaining Der'kal have been cleared from Earth's surface. Nevertheless, he's finding that just knowing that the homeworld is free again seems to be having a real impact on the refugees; the sound of laughter echoes around the settlement, and the old and young alike seem genuinely happy for the first time in these two long years. But he guesses that this isn't about him and asks what he can do for Danielle, despite the long distance. She replies that the results for the new FPE election will be in within a few minutes, and if it turns out the way she thinks it will, she'll need him ready. For what, though, she doesn't say, and leaves Taylor somewhat lost as she cuts the connection.
    Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
    Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


      (End of "Dark Tide," see previous few posts for opening.)

      Light-years away on the Hak'tyl, the team has decided that it's time to end this. One of their Jaffa friends ringed back up to the pel'tak and informed Admiral Kitel of their intrusion, and after ensuring that their captured female was safely locked away, barely alive though she was, they're getting down to the business of driving out the other three. Kitel has very-visibly had platoons begin advancing down the corridors toward where the alien gunship has docked, and internal sensors—finally back online—indicate that the enemy strike team is retreating back to their vessel, hoping to make a quick and easy escape. Little do they know, of course, that the humans and Jaffa have ringed across the distance ahead of them, and have taken up concealed firing positions all around the breach.

      Shouldering her P90, Vala looks at Daniel and thanks him again for being there when she was injured. Jackson fidgets, saying it was nothing, and that he'd do it for any of them if they were in a similar spot. But the look she gives him while he tries to explain his actions away is a knowing one, and it's clear that the bond between them has not wavered at all over the past year and a half, even with millions of light-years separating them. The tender moment is broken a second later, though, as the sound of hurried footfalls reaches the entrenched ambushers, and Mitchell gives the signal for everyone to get ready.

      The three Der'kal come around the corner in a triangle formation, each one watching all possible approaches for enemies. The lead one holds her carbine ready, but it's obvious that she is far more concerned with getting off this cruiser than really paying attention to her surroundings, and despite she and her squadmates extreme skill, this will be her undoing. Just as they pass by the last column before their cloaked gunship, Mitchell shouts for everyone to move, and plasma and bullets arch out from a dozen hiding places at once, knocking down one of the females within seconds. The lead one tries to dash for cover to return fire, but she only makes it a few steps before Eaton's precise aim rips through her ankle and brings her to the ground, where two Jaffa put her out of her misery. The last Der'kal, holding her double-bladed sword high, attempts to make one last, desperate attack, and she closes the distance between herself and her attackers with frightening speed, preparing to slice them all apart. Just a few steps before she'd be within range, though, Vala slides out from behind her cover and bashes her in the snout with the butt of her P90, then fills her chest with bullets until she falls to the floor. It's over, and the Rit'na'kal are no more.

      A few hours later, the stargate in Earth's makeshift gate room activates, and a bloodied-but-victorious SG-1 stumbles through. The battle for Balyana was successful, though it came at a horrifying cost for the Jaffa; two-thirds of the Third Fleet was destroyed before the enemy fleet was routed, and they remain able to launch another attack into Alliance space inside of a week. But for now, they have a victory to celebrate, bitter though it may be, and they survived to fight another day... and oddly enough, there are no furious FPE officials waiting to arrest them at the foot of the gate-ramp, only Danielle Talbot, a few marines on guard duty, and, oddly enough, Colonel Taylor.

      Her face lighting up, Eaton rushes over to Taylor and asks what he's doing here, but he merely smiles and tells her to let Talbot explain. She goes on to say that the elections for a new People's Assembly were finished a few hours ago, and the new legislative body is very pro-Alliance. So much so, in fact, that they're appointing the one person they believe can really rally humanity back together to finish the fight as the first official leader. When Vala asks who it is, Taylor backs away and gestures with his arms to the newly-elected Chief of State Talbot. And Danielle's first official act as head of the Assembly is to reinstate the International Stargate Command, effective immediately... and as any ISGC needs an SG-1, she wants the foursome assembled before her to take up that mantle. Holding out four patches with the familiar insignia, she tells them to think it over, then turns and asks the new commander of the ISGC, David Taylor to see to it that their heroes are given a good rest. After what they just went through, they certainly deserve it.

      Hundreds of miles away, at a small lake besides a small cabin in Colorado, a middle-aged woman raises her head and stares out into the pond. After a moment, a lone fish flaps out of the water before sinking back under, and an odd look comes across the Colonel's eyes. She slowly pulls her wedding ring out of a pocket and looks it over, then gently slides it back onto her hand. Rising and straightening her outfit, she forces herself to turn away from the quiet sanctuary that was her husband's home, and finally begins walking toward her jeep; her sorrow can wait, and as the darkness returns stronger than ever, she plans to stand side-by-side with her friends to fight it.

      Samantha Carter is back.
      Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
      Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


        Sorry that took so long, guys. I had a much bigger story planned for "Dark Tide," but I got slightly carried away and it ended up as six posts... I've spent the last week shaving off as much as I can to get it down to (roughly) an episode-sized chunk, and the rest of the plotline will be recycled into later episodes.
        Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
        Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


          Great episode s09.
          Definetly worth the wait.


            Excellent episode.
            Worth the wait.


              Great episode!

              My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                excellent episode worth the wait


                  The team faces an "Infiltration"
                  A peaceful mission offworld to pick up diplomacy with a human settlement seems to be going quite well for the team, and it looks as though they've secured yet another vital trade agreement. However, they soon find that their attempts to leave the planet are being blocked, and it is clear that someone... or something... is watching them very closely. The inhabitants of this world aren't nearly advanced enough to bother them, but it's obvious that there's something else at play here. And when the settlement begins to change right before the team's eyes, they begin to grasp what trouble they might be in for.

                  "Infiltration" will not feature any notable guest stars.
                  Click the banner or episode links to visit the virtual continuations of Stargate!
                  Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                    Well worth the wait, but I thought there were no fish in Jack's pond.


                      Se "Mobeus pt 2".
                      Actully, in Mobeus, the timeline shifted, so this SG1 is not the SG1 the series started whit in Season 1.

                      My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                        Originally posted by Rasunda View Post
                        Se "Mobeus pt 2".
                        Actully, in Mobeus, the timeline shifted, so this SG1 is not the SG1 the series started whit in Season 1.

                        I thought they were fishing{the whole team} and then a fish jumped and carter asked:I thought there were no fish in your pond:


                          Yeah, I meant that.
                          I just made it complicated

                          My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                            original timeline no fish
                            new timeline some fish
                            sorted haha
                            great episode s09
                            Captain Simms


                              Yes, um, "sorted". haha

                              My fan-fic, swedish outpost


                                Another fantastic episode. You are a writing genius.

                                Dr. D
                                God is the original transporter.

                                Acts 8:39b-40a: The Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Phillip away and the official did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus (an old city in ancient Israel) and traveled about.

                                He is also the author of love and justice:

                                Romans 5:8: But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

                                John 14:6: Jesus (Christ) answered: I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

