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Space Above and Beyond and S.G.C

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    Space Above and Beyond and S.G.C

    The Tech in the Tv show Space Above and Beyond is very close to the tech used in the SGC .

    The SA-43 HammerHead used in S.A .B would be great along side with F 302's .Now that would give gliders even the Wraith a run for the money.The tech used in that show was just some 50 years in the future so it could be used .

    Plus the Battle gear used by the marines would work too now combine those 2 shows would work .

    The ISSV Dropships I think would go through the gate which would be cool their better equipped than those Jumpers used on Atlantis they also would work on Daedalus also .
    Theres also the m-590 assault rifle used by the Marines would work too .

    Well what do you you guys think?

    we never really got to see space's FTLs work, though i remember in the pilot they talked about a fortunate wormhole opening that allowed the fleet to get back to earth faster. SG's hyperdrives were far superior though i would think. space above and beyond didn't really seem on the same scale of galactic travel as SG, plus they were limited to one galaxy. the hammerheads were about on par with 302s though, plus they were more heavily armed. 1 on 1, hammerheads probably have the advantage though due to superior firepower. nah ISSV are too big to fit through a gate. they do serve their purpose as dropships though. they're not very maneuverable but they have lots of firepwoer and are heavily armored. although the placement of their engines make them easy to disable or damage. SG doesn't really have that capacity. the closest they get is a puddle jumper. jumpers are better though i would think, due to their stealth capabilities, plus drones. as far as their weapons go, its kinda big and bulky compared to SG weaponry. in addition to bulkiness, their weapons were seen almost completely to fire in semi-auto. i'd prefer SG weapons. they're good at close quarters, as well as in ranged fights, plus their smaller, easier to weild, and have higher rates of fire as well. they're good for suppressing fire or aimed fire.
    That's the plan?!? That's the plan. That plan sucks!

