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MediasharX - Review of "Storm"

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    MediasharX - Review of "Storm"

    From MediasharX:

    (This episode earned 3.5 shark fins out of 5. Please follow the link for the COMPLETE review.)


    Stargate: Atlantis (1.10) - "The Storm"
    (original airdate 09.17.04)


    Flying back to Atlantis from the mainland in a Puddlejumper, Sheppard
    and Teyla discover a huge storm front that's covering at least 20
    percent of the planet. It's path of destruction will take it toward
    the Athosians' settlement — and then straight to the city itself.

    Doctor McKay and his colleague, Doctor Zelenka, determine that the
    storm is actually two hurricanes that have merged and thus combined
    their strength. According to the Ancient databases, the Atlantian
    ocean gets unseasonably warm every 20 or 30 years, and this creates
    weather conditions conducive to such "perfect storms." In the past,
    however, Atlantis was either underwater or protected by its force
    field. Without that shielding, the only answer is to seek shelter on
    another planet until this monster hurricane blows over.

    **Major snippity doo-dah**

    So, how has ATLANTIS fared in its first 10 hours of existence? Quite
    well, actually! The characters are well-rounded and developed, the
    enemies are many, nasty and interesting, and the show has been firmly
    grounded in the STARGATE universe. They haven't engaged in any
    plotting that has been repeated often enough to become a cliché, and
    that's excellent. I've said it before, but it bears repeating—this
    show acts more like one that has reached its second season, and
    that's very good for a freshman. It's off to a good start, and it
    makes one anxiously await the next new offering.

    In order to avoid competing with the "bigger" networks' newer
    programming, STARGATE ATLANTIS, like SG-1, won't be back until
    sometime in January. Until then, be sure to check out the reviews of
    other shows as they debut here on Mediasharx. See you in early 2005!

    Quotes of the Week:

    McKay: "According to the Ancient database, every 20 or 30 years, the
    sea gets unseasonably warm. Now that, for reasons too boring to get
    into, means that hurricanes are much more likely to occur."
    Zelenka: "Well, like El Nino, the ocean ..."
    McKay: "Like I said, too boring to get into!"
    Weir: "Focus!"

    Ford: "How could something as big as Atlantis just sink?"
    Sheppard: "I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking
    themselves the same question."
    McKay: "Yes, well, let's not."
    Sheppard: "So, what you're saying is if Teyla and I hadn't discovered
    this, we ..."
    Weir: "We would be in even bigger trouble."

    Beckett (helping the Athosians carry their belongings): "I don't
    really have the right boots for this. I just meant to come out here
    and inoculate some wee babies."

    Smeadon: "We are happy to trade with you for a share of our crops,
    but this ..."
    Sheppard: "I know it's a lot to ask, but ... I'm asking."
    Smeadon: "What do you offer in return?"
    Sheppard: "I guess we'd owe you one."
    Smeadon: "One what?"
    Sheppard: "A favor. Look, we're in trouble. If you're a friend,
    you'll help. If not, tell me now so I can ask somebody else."
    Smeadon: "But who else would take in so many? I want something of
    value in return."
    Sheppard: "Oh, you do, do you? You know, we can go find any
    uninhabited planet."
    Smeadon: "They're usually uninhabited for a good reason, Major, and
    you know that as well as I do or you would not be here. Still, I'm
    sure you could find another world to take you in. You're just so
    short on time."
    Sheppard: "One day, you're going to run across a problem, and you're
    going to need our help. Isn't that right, Lieutenant?"
    Ford: "Yes, sir. We've got lots of ships and weapons we can ... help
    Smeadon: "You're telling me we can either be your friends or ..."
    Sheppard: "I much prefer friends. That is of value to me. One night,
    two tops. We bring our own blankets."
    Smeadon: "Very well, you may send your people."
    Sheppard: "This won't be forgotten. I'll go back, tell everybody the
    good news."

    McKay: "You're right, if only we had a magical tool that could slow
    down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth. Did you bring yours?
    Zelenka: "You know, you're not pleasant when you're like this, McKay."
    McKay: "I'm always like this."
    Zelenka: "My point exactly."

    Sheppard: "McKay will come up with something."
    McKay: "I will try, but despite what you all may think, I'm not
    Sheppard: "Was anyone seriously thinking that?"
    Ford: "No, sir, never."

    Zelenka: "You know, Czech Republic, we don't have to deal with
    McKay: "We don't get that many in Canada either, unless they were
    called `Hazel.'"
    Zelenka: "'Hazel?'"
    McKay: "Forty years ago."
    Zelenka: "That's interesting."
    McKay: "Not really."
    Zelenka: "No, not really."

    Zelenka: "It's an ingenious plan, really."
    McKay: "I'm compelled to agree."
    Weir: "So, the city would survive."
    McKay: "I'd give us a better than ninety percent ..."
    Zelenka: "Seventy."
    McKay: "Eighty percent chance."
    Weir: "Okay, so we should still evacuate."
    McKay: "Yes, but not just because of Zelemka's pessimism."
    Zelenka: "ZELENKA!"

    Doran: "I'm finally at the point where I don't mind the taste of it."
    Smeadon: "I was raised on this brew. It burned away whatever taste
    sense I had."

    McKay: "There are lightning rods, a lot of them, placed all over the
    city. Now, as it stands right now, all the energy they capture is
    routed into four main grounding stations. In turn, the stations
    ground all that energy into the ocean below us."
    Sheppard: "So instead of sending electricity to ground ..."
    McKay: "We use it to power the shield."
    Weir: "How?"
    McKay: "By directing it right down the corridors of Atlantis into the
    shield generator."
    Weir: "The city can handle that?"
    McKay: "Yes. Theoretically."
    Sheppard: "Like dinosaurs turning into birds, theoretically, or
    theory of relativity, theoretically?"
    McKay: "What? Uh, somewhere between. Elizabeth, you take Grounding
    Station 2, I'll take Grounding Station 1. Major, you take stations 3
    and 4."
    Sheppard: "Whoa, whoa, wait a second, where are stations 3 and 4?"
    McKay: "Here and here."
    Sheppard: "And we are?"
    McKay: "Here, yes. I need to get done quickly so I can start working
    on the subroutines and Elizabeth was complaining about her knee the
    other day ..."
    Sheppard: "Wait, wait a second, are these things even close to a
    McKay: "Yes, Elizabeth's is."
    Sheppard: "And mine?"
    McKay: "It's a brisk walk away."
    Sheppard: "And by `brisk,' you mean `far?'"
    McKay: "Well, by `walk,' I mean `run.'"
    Sheppard: "Okay."

    Guard 1: "Bacon."
    Guard 2: "The one thing you wish you'd brought with you is bacon?"
    Guard 1: "It's the food that makes other food worth eating."
    Guard 2: "You wish you brought bacon to another galaxy?"
    Guard 1: "Hey, you asked."

    Weir: "How were you able to bypass the shield?"
    Kolya: "With the time-tested combination of strong drink and weak

    Kolya: "What are you doing here?"
    McKay: "My understanding, I'm being held hostage."
    Kolya: "I mean, here in Atlantis. Why did some of you stay behind?"
    McKay: "Oh, tie up some loose ends?"
    Kolya: "Like what?"
    McKay: "You know, make sure everyone got out okay."
    Kolya: "Isn't that the work of someone less important?"
    McKay: "You'd think so, wouldn't you?"
    Kolya: "You have a plan, don't you?"
    McKay: "I've got lots of plans about lots of things."
    Kolya: "I'm interested in the plan you have to save this city."
    McKay: "I never said anything about saving anything."
    Kolya: "Not yet."

    Kolya (holding up a radio): "What's the meaning of this?"
    Weir: "I honestly have no idea."
    McKay: "It's a radio. The arrow points to the `talk' button."
    Kolya: "This is Commander Kolya."
    Sheppard: "Koyla. That's a hard name to pronounce. Is that a first
    name? My name is Major John Sheppard, and I have hidden the C-4 where
    you will never, I repeat NEVER, find it. When I get confirmation that
    the prisoners have been safely released and allowed to gate off
    Atlantis, I will held you find it."
    Kolya: "He's good."
    Weir: "Yes, he is. I'd do what he says."
    Kolya: "You're offer is very generous, Major."
    Sheppard: "Yes, it is."
    Kolya: "However, Doctor McKay recently shared with me there's a plan
    in action to save the city."
    Sheppard: "He did?"
    Kolya: "He did. My understanding is there is one final grounding
    station that needs to be deactivated. Uncouple the grounding rod to
    Station 3, assist with the reactivation of the shield and you and
    your friends can leave here unharmed."
    Sheppard: "Wait a minute. I thought all you wanted was C-4 and a
    Koyla: "Why raid a city when you can seize it, Major? Atlantis will
    be ours or the ocean's. Your choice."

    Weir: "The Wraith are slowly waking. Soon, this entire galaxy will be
    embroiled in a war the likes of which our generations have never
    Koyla: "A war that you expedited."
    Weir: "Disagreements like ours will no longer matter. The only thing
    of any consequence will be how prepared we are and what defense we
    are able to mount. Now, this city holds many secrets which can help
    us win that war, but only if my team are here to discover them. So
    fine, take whatever you need for your people, but if you don't leave
    us this city, you're only hurting yourselves in the long run."
    Kolya: "You believe your people, who are not even of this galaxy, are
    closer to the Ancients than we are? Your arrogance is astounding. We
    will take this city, we will mount a defense and we will win without
    or without your help."

    Sheppard: "Let me tell you what you did wrong here, Koyla. A, you
    lost two of your men; B, you damaged the switch before I could
    separate the ground rods, which I'm sure you're going to get an
    earful from McKay for; and C, you lost all of what little credibility
    you had with me."
    McKay: "Do you have any idea how big a setback that is? I may not be
    able to activate the shield. I can't possibly ... Get off of me."
    Kolya: "You killed two of my men."
    Sheppard: "I guess we're even."
    Koyla: "I don't like `even.'"
    Sheppard: "I'm not finished yet!"
    Koyla: "Neither am I. Say `goodbye' to Doctor Weir."

    Next Time:

    "The Eye," When the show returns with new episodes in January of
    2005, the conclusion of this two-parter features Sheppard attempting
    to outwit the Genii and their plans for Weir, McKay and the city of

    Reviewed by: waynehall
    Added on: Sun, 19 September 2004 21:34:50
    Reads: 48

    Miss a column or review? Head to the stargate atlantis Archives!




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    Good reviews. Yey!

    Oh how I hate this gap <sigh>


      GOod review, and the quotes were awesome.

      Thanks Morjana.

      I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
      [Revelations 22:13]

